
Chapter 3252

Translator: 549690339

The attendees looked at the Tang Sect Tokens in their hands, all somewhat astonished…

They hadn't expected the Tang Sect's admission test to be so simple; all of them had actually passed!

This was truly an unexpected joy, something no one had foreseen!!

Xie Xie said, perplexed, "Just like that, we've become disciples of the Tang Sect, isn't that a bit too easy?"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded in agreement, "I also feel that we barely had to show our talents, and yet we've already passed. Does this mean we're that impressive, or is the test too simple?!"

"But no matter what, it's a good thing we all passed!"

Hearing these words, Tang Wulin chuckled, "Don't act clever after gaining an advantage. The Tang Sect's assessment is comprehensive, even stricter than Shrek Academy's standards, it just seems simple because you're all used to it!"

For other soul masters, the chances of passing would likely be extremely low!

Gu Yue spoke in a serious tone, "That's right, Wulin is telling the truth. By the standards of soul masters on the Continent, Tang Sect's assessment is not simple at all, it could even be considered difficult."

In fact, compared to joining the Tang Sect, she was more eager to join the Spirit Pagoda because that was where she would get what she wanted!

It seemed that after returning this time, she would need to find an opportunity to leave the Tang Sect!

Wu Siduo's beautiful eyes turned to the Elder in front of her and inquired, "Elder, now that we've become disciples of the Tang Sect, we can visit the inside of the Tang Sect, right?"

The Elder revealed a kind smile, "Of course, if you go straight from here, you'll arrive at the interior of the Tang Sect. However, most of you are just at the White and Yellow levels, and there are some areas that are still off-limits."

Xu Xiaoyan was taken aback, confused, "White Level, Yellow Level? What does that mean?"

Tang Wulin explained, "The Tang Sect is different from other sects, it classifies disciples' strengths into six levels: White, Yellow, Purple, Black, Red, and Gold. Except for Wu Siduo, who is at the Yellow Level, all of us are at the White Level!"

Xie Xie's eyes widened in shock, "What? Doesn't that mean we're at the bottom in the Tang Sect?"

Ye Xinglan pursed her thin lips, "After finally joining the Tang Sect, to think we are at the bottom… that's… indeed a bit demoralizing!"

Tang Wulin scratched his head and gave an embarrassed smile, "Well… that's one way to put it, but remember, even just to be at the Yellow Level, one must possess the strength of a One-Word Battle Armor Master! So don't lose heart, our promotion is just a matter of time."

Wu Siduo said calmly, "Then let's go, let's see for ourselves what the Tang Sect is really like!"

Raising her thumb, Xu Xiaoyan praised enthusiastically, "Not bad, very spirited. A duel between two holders of the Hell Civet Martial Soul will surely attract a lot of attention!!"

With a glance, Gu Yue added, "Even so, we must not be careless; after all, the Monster Academy of the Xingluo Empire was built based on our Shrek Academy, and their criteria for selecting students is very similar!"

Moreover, this Dai Yun'er has inherited the spirit eyes of her ancestor Huo Yuhao, a Martial Soul that is very tricky to handle!

Tang Wulin nodded, "Yeah! But… I would like to see that spirit eyes if I ever get the chance!"

In the end, it was Xie Xie who broke off the topic, "Alright, enough talking. Let's just enjoy the banquet. After all, it's prepared by the royal household especially for us!"

Xu Lizhi was devouring his food, echoing, "Right, right. Everyone should eat more. These dishes would be insanely expensive outside! Today, we must eat to our heart's content!"

After a pause, he turned to Ye Xinglan with a feeble tone, "Sister Xinglan, just this once, can I?"

Ye Xinglan stared at him intently for a few seconds...

Then she revealed a smile, "Just this once, no exceptions! Otherwise..."

Xu Lizhi exclaimed with joy, "Yes! Thanks, Sister Xinglan!"

Watching their close relationship, everyone else seemed to understand something but they all tacitly chose not to delve into it...

Tang Wulin picked up a dessert from in front of him and handed it to Gu Yue beside him, "Gu Yue, try this, you can eat as much as you want without gaining weight!"

Hearing this, Gu Yue's face flushed slightly as she said softly, "Mmm... thank you, but, did you just mean that you would mind if I got fat?"

Tang Wulin waved his hands frantically, "No... no, I didn't mean that, it's just that everyone wants to be beautiful, and I'm sure you don't want to get fat either."

If something went awry, the relationship that had been so hard to mend could be in trouble again!

As he felt like he was being force-fed this display of affection, Xie Xie theatrically picked up the same dessert, looked towards Xu Xiaoyan with a tender expression and said, "Come on, Xiao Yan, open wide, let me feed you!"

Xu Xiaoyan, aware that he was joking, played along and opened her mouth slightly, whispering, "Ah..."

Xie Xie wiped the smear off her mouth with a handkerchief, "Is it tasty, Xiao Yan?"

Xu Xiaoyan pretentiously acted bashful, "Mmm, it's delicious."

Wu Siduo watched the three affectionate couples in front of her and couldn't help but fall silent...

Was there really nothing wrong with this team?


Watching Tang Wulin and the others continuously dodge without any intention to counterattack, the male student's face grew ugly, "Damn it, these guys are as agile as monkeys, but I wonder how long you all can keep this up!"

While speaking, his face was already covered in beads of sweat, indicating that just maintaining the protective barrier was consuming a significant amount of Soul Power every second...

He wouldn't be able to hold on for long!

Tang Wulin rolled away to avoid an approaching poison cloud, his expression grave, "Everyone, hold on a little longer, that guy's Soul Power should be almost depleted!"

Except for waiting for the protective barrier to dissipate, he couldn't think of any other way!

Xie Xie's first soul ring lit up under his feet, instantly severing the tentacles in front, nodding, "Yeah, once the barrier goes down, it's our turn to attack! Let them be arrogant for a bit."

Only Ye Xinglan frowned, feeling that something was amiss, "But... I still feel something is wrong. Although they're constantly attacking us, they seem to be undisturbed by the consumption of their Soul Power!"

"As a team with good understanding, they wouldn't make such a mistake!"

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes fixated, "Hmm, indeed it's strange. We've been dragging out the time, yet they are not feeling the slightest bit of panic! They must have a backup plan."

Wu Siduo remained silent, thinking to herself, "Hmph... If we were not trying to hide our full strength to deal with later teams, we would have used all our power to break the barrier long ago, why would we allow them to be so arrogant!"

As they communicated, watching the dangerous attacks looming ahead, Tang Wulin exclaimed, "Everyone, quick dodge! The attacks are coming again!"
