

Translator: 549690339

Feeling the Divine Power surging within and the heat in his heart, the Cloud Devouring Beast panted heavily and said, "This grandpa feels it, this surging strength!"

It could transform into any Monster Beast, so as long as it transformed into a Monster Beast with frighteningly strong defenses, it could easily block the Demon Cultivators in front of it...

Just as it closed its Beautiful Eyes and constantly pictured the Monster Beast it was about to transform into in its mind, the Demon Cultivators started to shout, "Hmph! You're at death's door and still talking big! Deplete your Spiritual Power now, and come with us to the Tian Yin Sect, and maybe you can still save your life!"

"That's right! If so many of us Demon Cultivators start to act, the outcome won't be so simple!"

"Those two women look really enticing; I really want to see just how delicious they are!"

"We're warning you, don't try to run, because besides us, there are more Demon Cultivators hunting you down! If they catch you, heh heh heh!"

The Demon Cultivators did not rush to attack but attempted to coerce Xu Sheng and the others into depleting their Spiritual Power with words; after all, their Cultivation Levels were mixed, and those in the Saint Realm didn't even number more than a handful!

If they started fighting, some of the weaker Demon Cultivators could get caught in the crossfire! Moreover, a battle at the Saint Realm level!

Zhou Qingruo scornfully shouted, "Disgusting, you Demon Cultivators will be eradicated sooner or later!"

Duanmu Lian sneered even more dismissively, "With the likes of you, we need to run? Why don't..."

But before she could finish, Xu Sheng pulled at her arm, smiling and soothingly said, "Let's go, Lian, there's no need to fight with them here. These Demon Cultivators are endless."

With so many Demon Cultivators in Central State, if they came at them wave after wave, it would be enough to deplete Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo's Spiritual Power by attrition alone!

The most important thing was, even if they killed all of these people, there would be no benefit!

Duanmu Lian's gaze swept over the Demon Cultivators deathly, "Consider yourselves lucky! If we meet again, I will make sure you are cut into pieces."

If it weren't for Xu Sheng persuading her, she definitely would not have been able to refrain from killing them all!

Zhou Qingruo did not speak but simply sheathed her Personal Sword that was emitting a chilling light...

The next moment, Xu Sheng and the two others decisively erupted with Spiritual Power and began to flee towards the back...

Seeing this scene, how could the Demon Cultivators stand it, they furiously shouted, "Damn it! They're trying to escape! Chase them quickly!"

"We can't let them get away, otherwise we'll miss our chance to join the Tian Yin Sect!"

"If you don't drink a toast, you'll have to drink a forfeit; not only will we slaughter that guy today, but we'll also have our way with those two women!!!"

After these words, everyone turned their attention toward Xu Sheng and the two women, who were rapidly moving away, with the intention of pursuing them...

After all, what value could this Monster Beast, looking like a monkey, possibly have? They didn't even bother to kill it!

But could it really be that easy?

Of course not!

The Cloud Devouring Beast's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a burst of blood-red color, and with a bloodthirsty tone, it said, "Your opponent is this grandpa right here!!"


Amid the colossal roar, the Divine Power that had been accumulating inside erupted out, and its skinny body started to swell rapidly within a few seconds...

Distinguishably appearing was an enormous black Monster Beast the size of a Rhinoceros, with its terrifying presence continuously exuding from it...

The Cloud Devouring Beast glanced with the corner of its eye at the Demon Cultivators below, and fiercely lifted its limbs, which were over a dozen meters thick, and stomped down violently...

In an instant, the ground around them disintegrated under this strike, forming irregular pits that swallowed many of the weaker Demon Cultivators!

At the same time, they also completely sealed off the path that Xu Sheng and others might take to catch up!!


The entire torture process was exceedingly cruel, even Zhou Qingruo, who had already lost all strength and collapsed on the ground, averted her head after witnessing the scene...

She thought to herself, "Could Xu Sheng actually have such a ruthless side? Or is it because of me?"

At this thought, an unbidden sense of pleasure rose within her...

But in the next moment, as if she remembered something, the amber color in her beautiful eyes dimmed...

What would it matter if all these guys were killed, when the only good friend she ever had, Duanmu Lian, had fallen in order to protect her...

On the other side, Xu Sheng, with those cold, ink-colored eyes, looked at the soul of the Yun Clan Patriarch, who was on the verge of collapse, and said coldly, "Hmm? You actually managed to hold on!"

The Yun Clan Patriarch, terrified, looked at Xu Sheng and pleaded desperately, "Kill me! Please, kill me!!! I don't want... don't want to try anymore..."

This man is a devil!!

The recent torture, so painful he wished he were dead, plunged him into deep despair; had it not been for being in a soul state, which prevented him from taking his own life, he would have done so already!

Xu Sheng glanced at him, not wanting to waste any more thought on this trash...

Then he said indifferently, "You're of no use to me alive, die!"

It was faintly visible that the soul of the Yun Clan Patriarch, instead of showing a sliver of fear, felt intense relief...

He would rather die than suffer the torture of this devil any longer!! Such things are not what humans are capable of doing!

Xu Sheng stretched out his hand and, with a fierce squeeze, forcibly destroyed the former's soul, turning it into particles that shimmered with a crystalline color...

And those Yun Clan disciples who had been choked by the throat, upon seeing their patriarch being killed so mercilessly, finally saw the last sliver of hope in their eyes shatter...

"The Patriarch has actually... been killed by this man! How is that possible!!"

"It can't be! It must be an illusion! An illusion! The Patriarch is so strong, how could he possibly be killed by this guy!"

"It's over! It's all over! The strength of this man is beyond our imagination, the Patriarch was nothing more than an ant in his presence, let alone us!"

"Damn it! He actually killed the Patriarch! We must take revenge!"

"Revenge?? Whether we can even survive is the question now."

Xu Sheng, upon hearing their voices, slowly turned around, his expression icy as he looked at these Yun Clan disciples...

In an instant, these Yun Clan disciples' eyes were once again filled with the desire to live as they began to plead, "Esteemed one... all those things done before, they were all planned by the Patriarch, they have nothing to do with us!"

"That's right, that's right, it was all the Patriarch's fault, if it weren't for his orders, how could we possibly make a move against you?"

"That damned guy even dared to force us to make a move against you, he truly deserves death, but we are innocent!!"

Every Yun Clan disciple was desperately denigrating the already fallen Yun Clan Patriarch, hoping to save their own lives...


