
Chapter 3071: Return_1

Translator: 549690339


At these words, Tang Wulin's expression became exceedingly awkward...

"Well, to be honest, Gu Yue and I have searched here for quite a while and haven't found any of the power left behind by Teacher Xu!"

Xie Xie's eyes widened in disbelief, "Huh? Does that mean there's not a single clue??"

Yue Zhengyu couldn't help but cover his forehead, "Wulin, if there's none of Teacher Xu's power left here, why did you ask us to come?"

It seemed that they had been happy for nothing!

Ye Xinglan also couldn't help but remind him, "Yeah, if even you and Gu Yue can't find it, the likelihood of us being of any help is very low!"

Xu Xiaoyan agreed, "Yes, just as Xinglan said, among us, only you and Gu Yue have the strongest spiritual power!"

"If even you can't find it, our hopes are even slimmer!"

Tang Wulin swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Well, don't talk like that, everyone. Searching for the power left by Teacher Xu doesn't necessarily rely on spiritual power!"

Gu Yuena then interjected, "That's right. According to mine and Wulin's speculation, just using spiritual power is probably not enough to discover the power left by Teacher Xu!"

"We must resort to other methods!!"

Xu Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment, but still offered her opinion, "Gu Yue, putting other methods aside, if Teacher Xu didn't leave any power behind, wouldn't we all be just wasting our time here?"

Although they were willing to rush over to help, they didn't want to bury their heads in work under such uncertain circumstances!

Gu Yuena understood this and responded again, "Hmm, Xiao Yan, what you're saying makes sense. Indeed, there's no way to confirm that Teacher Xu has left his power here!"

"However, at present, there are only two methods to defeat the Ghost Emperor!"

"One is for another God Rank powerhouse to emerge in Soul Land who is willing to fight the Ghost Emperor!"

"The second is to find the Life Force or destructive power left by Teacher Xu and strike the Ghost Emperor with a fatal blow at the right moment!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions turned solemn...

Clearly, they also understood that indeed, there were only these two choices!

After all, even God-killing soul-guided missiles were unable to completely eradicate the God Rank breakthrough of the Ghost Emperor!

Yuanen Yehui took a deep breath and immediately declared, "Compared to the first possibility, the second seems much more likely!"

Yue Zhengyu sighed, "Yeah, the ones in Soul Land most likely to make a breakthrough to God Rank right now are probably only Gu Yue and Wulin. As for us, there is barely any chance!"

Xu Lizhi muttered, "Breaking through to God Rank is not so easy. The reason why the Ghost Emperor could break through was also that he devoured the souls of hundreds of thousands of evil Soul Masters in that great battle!!"

"I think, searching for the power Teacher Xu left behind here is more realistic!"

Ye Xinglan waved her hand, "I have no objections. Since we're here, we should at least gain something!!"

Gu Yue nodded slightly, "It seems that everyone agrees. So, without further delay, let's get started!!"


Martial Soul City!

Rag-clad Yueguan and Gui Mei arrived at the entrance of Pope Hall...

However, they unexpectedly encountered resistance...

"Who are you? Why have you trespassed into Pope Hall!"

A shadow crossed Yueguan's forehead as he reprimanded, "You fool, can't you even recognize us?"


In an instant, the guards felt the voice sounded familiar...

The man in the lead swallowed, and asked carefully, "You... could it be Elder Ju and Elder Gui??"

But Elder Ju and Elder Gui were Hyper Douluo level experts, why had they turned into this sorry state!!

Yueguan shoved him aside impatiently and said, "Now that you've recognized us, get out of the way quickly. If you delay us, watch your head!!"

Gui Mei had been silent all along, but from his ominous expression, it was clear his mood wasn't good either!

The Spirit Hall Soldier who had been pushed away not only didn't get angry but instead offered a smile, "Elder Ju, Elder Gui, we were blind just now, please come in!!"

Yueguan snorted coldly before he and Gui Mei entered the Pope Hall...

Only after they were out of sight...

Did the Spirit Hall Soldiers begin to discuss among themselves...

"Phew, lucky for us Elder Gui and Elder Ju were magnanimous and didn't blame us, otherwise, the consequences would have been severe!"

"True, but why did Elder Ju and Elder Gui end up looking like that, their clothes torn like beggars!!"

"I guess they must have undergone a fierce battle, otherwise, they wouldn't have ended up in such a disheveled state!!"

"Shush, don't talk nonsense. Pretend we know nothing about this and be careful not to provoke Elder Ju in the future!!"


The man who came facing them bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Holiness, Elder Ju and Elder Gui have returned, and they wish to see you!"

After these words, Bi Bidong, who had just been pale, suddenly had a light flicker in her beautiful eyes...

She said urgently, "Oh? Let them in quickly!"

She had thought Yueguan and Gui Mei had encountered trouble, but it seemed that was not the case!

However, when Yueguan and Gui Mei entered, her expression turned to one of disbelief...

She couldn't help but ask, "Yueguan, Gui Mei, what happened to you? What caused you to end up like this!"

Yueguan took a deep breath and replied, "To be honest, we ended up like this because of the battle with those two abyssal creatures!!"

Gui Mei added, "Yes, not only that, we nearly perished at their hands!"

Hearing this, Bi Bidong's complexion changed, "What?? Perished at the hands of abyssal creatures? Are you saying that even you were not a match for them?"

These two were Hyper Douluo level masters and yet they talked about almost perishing. One could only imagine how terrifying the abyssal creatures were!

Yueguan felt somewhat embarrassed but still explained, "Your Holiness, the defensive and recovery abilities of these abyssal creatures are simply too strong. If not for Lao Gui figuring out the weakness of the abyssal creatures, we indeed would not have been their match!"

Bi Bidong's expression grew more serious, "Weakness?? Does that mean you slew those two abyssal creatures?"

Gui Mei shook his head, negating her words, "No, we only managed to kill one of the abyssal creatures. As for the other one, we couldn't kill it as its weakness was unclear!"

Bi Bidong seemed to grasp the meaning behind the words and guessed, "What you're saying is… only by understanding the weakness of an abyssal creature can you kill it?"

Gui Mei affirmed this, "Exactly, just as Your Holiness has said, each abyssal creature has a different weakness, and only by finding it can we kill them!"

"Otherwise, we can't even breach their defenses!!"

"The abyssal creatures that appeared inside Martial Soul City were instantly killed probably because their weaknesses had been exposed!"