
Chapter 3072: Qualifications to Inherit the Papacy_1

Bi Bidong realized that Yueguan and Gui Mei simply happened to know one of the abyssal creatures' weaknesses, and by joining forces, were able to slay it!

On the contrary, when facing abyssal creatures head-on in battle, they couldn't even inflict serious damage!

She took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I am already aware of the specific situation. You have worked hard in this mission to exterminate the abyssal creature!"

Yueguan and Gui Mei were stunned; they had been mentally prepared for punishment, so they didn't expect her to say such words of appreciation...

Emotions of gratitude surged in their hearts...

After snapping back to reality, both of them placed their hands over their chests and replied with utmost respect, "Your Holiness, your praise is unfounded. Serving you is an honor for me and Lao Gui; it's just unfortunate we didn't eradicate both abyssal creatures!"

Bi Bidong waved her hand dismissively and said without concern, "It's fine. As long as we know that weaknesses can significantly impact abyssal creatures, that's enough!"

The fact that they were able to kill one abyssal creature and bring back the news while still alive was already the best outcome!

There was no point in demanding more!

Yueguan, without further ado, got up and said, "In that case, Your Holiness, we won't disturb you any longer, and will take our leave!"

Yet, Gui Mei suddenly interjected, "Wait, Yueguan."

Hearing this, Yueguan showed a puzzled look and was about to ask him...

However, Gui Mei turned his gaze to Bi Bidong before he could, and said, "Actually, there is another matter I wish to inquire about from Your Holiness!"

Bi Bidong looked him straight in the eye, not declining the request, "Gui Mei, what else do you have to ask? Go ahead!"

After all, indulging Yueguan and Gui Mei, her own right and left hands, was only natural!

Gui Mei narrowed his eyes slightly and voiced his concern, "Your Holiness, it has been many days, I wonder if Xu Sheng has returned to the Pope Hall?"

This was his greatest concern at the moment!

Now that the trouble with abyssal creatures was known, there was no way they could allow Xu Sheng to leave!

Bi Bidong suddenly realized and explained softly, "Xu Sheng returned a few days ago, and he is currently in the academy!"

Gui Mei's expression froze for a moment, then, nodding his head he said, "I see, that eases my mind!"

Having said that, he pulled Yueguan with him and left the hall...

Watching their retreating figures, Bi Bidong murmured, "It seems that Gui Mei has realized the abyssal creature race is quite troublesome, and to defeat them, we must harness Xu Sheng's power."

"I wonder if the members of Worship Hall are aware of the existence of abyssal creatures!"

"If they knew, they probably wouldn't sit idly by!!"

Even though she is the Pope, her most capable subordinates are only Yueguan and Gui Mei!

Beyond them, the rest of the Martial Soul Hall's powerhouses, mainly because of the Worship Hall, hardly ever follow her own orders!

The situation is not optimistic!!

Just then, Hulena walked in...

"Teacher! I'm here!"

Bi Bidong quickly woke from her reverie, and upon seeing her, let out a sigh, "Oh, it's Nana..."

Seeing the weariness on her teacher's face, Hulena carefully asked, "Teacher, have I disturbed your thoughts? If so, I can come back later!"

Bi Bidong chuckled lightly, "No, you've come at just the right time, I have something to discuss with you!"

Hulena pursed her lips, "Please, speak, Teacher!"

Had the teacher summoned her alone, perhaps it was to give her some personal instruction?

No, that shouldn't be the case, my teacher is not that kind of person!

Bi Bidong didn't beat around the bush and directly asked, "You should have met Xu Sheng by now, right?"

Hulena truthfully answered, "Yes, teacher, we have already met with Xu Sheng!"

Bi Bidong continued to press, "Good, then, did he mention where he went this time? What did he do?"

She did not fully trust what Xu Sheng had said, so she wanted to probe for some truth from his words!

Hulena put her index finger to her chin in thought and said, "This... Xu Sheng said that he had gone to the Aquipeia Forest and even encountered the Peerless Dragon-Snake Couple!"

"That seems to be all!"

Bi Bidong frowned, "Nana, is that all?"

Hulena shook her head, "I'm sorry, teacher, Xu Sheng only shared that much."

Why is the teacher asking these questions? Could it be that he still suspects Xu Sheng?

Seeming to read her confusion, Bi Bidong explained, "Nana, don't overthink it, I just wanted to know what Xu Sheng has been up to, after all, he is still my disciple!"

Hulena patted her chest, "I see, I thought for a moment that you suspected Xu Sheng of betraying the Martial Soul Hall!"

Bi Bidong was somewhat taken aback but then casually replied, "How could that be? If I didn't trust Xu Sheng, why would I appoint him as the Saint Heir?"

Hulena nodded slightly, "That's true. You've appointed Xu Sheng as the Saint Heir, you must trust him very much."

It seems I was overthinking it!

How could the teacher possibly suspect Xu Sheng? He must be just concerned!

Bi Bidong did not wish to continue on this topic and said, "Alright, Nana, don't mention this to Xu Sheng, I don't want him to feel pressured!"

If Xu Sheng found out, he might start being cautious towards Hulena and others, and that wouldn't be good!

Hulena assured with absolute certainty, "Don't worry, teacher, I will keep it to myself!"

The teacher is really strange, if he cares about Xu Sheng, why can't he let him know?

But regardless, I will keep the promise!

Bi Bidong breathed a sigh of relief and changed the subject, "Very well, aside from that, I want to see how much you have improved during this time!"

Hulena asked in confusion, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

Bi Bidong offered no explanation and said again, "Nana, release your Martial Soul now."

Hulena instantly perked up, releasing her Martial Soul without any hesitation...

A phantom image of a fox appeared behind her, and of course, her eyes also started shimmering, filled with allure...

Seeing this scene, Bi Bidong praised, "Mm, not bad, with your talent, you are destined to join the ranks of the Hyper Douluos and succeed my position as Pope!"

Hulena immediately became flustered, her face turning bright red as she said, "Teacher, this... this is not right; you are the only one who can be the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall!"

Bi Bidong stepped forward to her, tenderly ruffled her hair, "Nana, I will get old one day, and then, it will be your turn to lead the Martial Soul Hall, understand?"

Hulena hesitated for a moment before answering, "But, the position of Pope, isn't Xu Sheng..."

Bi Bidong immediately interrupted, "Nana, although I have made Xu Sheng the Saint Heir, you are the one who will truly inherit the position of Pope!"


