
Chapter 2279: The Result of Dealing with Gu Yue (Subscription Request)_1

Translator: 549690339

Soon, Shrek Academy dealt with Gu Yue by erasing all her records and achievements within the academy and stripping her of her status as an inner court student!

Even though this matter was handled very secretly, it still leaked out overnight!

In the inner court, many inner court students gathered together, discussing the matter with various expressions...

"Have you heard? Senior Gu Yue was actually expelled from the Shrek Academy Inner Court, and all her records and experiences in the academy were erased!"

"Of course, I've heard about such a big thing, but I always thought it was just a rumor. Now it seems mostly true!"

"I don't think that's possible. Senior Gu Yue was originally the most likely candidate to become one of the Shrek Seven Monsters, but because of the Spirit Pagoda, the spot was given to someone else!"

"Indeed, I can't think of a reason why the academy would expel such an outstanding student like Senior Gu Yue!"

"Wait... do you think it's possible that after Senior Gu Yue joined the Spirit Pagoda, she betrayed the academy? Otherwise, she wouldn't have received such severe punishment!"

"Shush... Don't talk nonsense about that. If the elders and teachers hear you, you're going to be in big trouble!"

Just when they wanted to continue their discussion, Wu Changkong appeared beside them without warning, his face expressionless as he spoke, "What are you all discussing? Don't think just because you've made it to the inner court that you can slack off in your cultivation. If you don't meet the graduation criteria in a few years, you will be expelled just the same!"

However, the inner court students exchanged glances, each seeing the other's thoughts in their eyes...

This caused Wu Changkong to frown slightly, "Why are you still standing here?"

One of the inner court students summoned the courage to ask in a soft voice, "Teacher Wu, we just wanted to ask about Senior Gu Yue. What exactly did she do to get expelled from the academy?"

Another inner court student echoed, "Yes, Senior Gu Yue was so talented. She reached the Title Douluo level at such a young age, and even became the master of the Spirit Pagoda. Why did the academy..."

Before he could finish, Wu Changkong swept a cold gaze over everyone, "This matter was the result of careful deliberation by the Sea God's Pavilion. As for the specifics, it is none of your concern!"

"Instead of worrying about these useless things, you should think about how to improve your own strength to avoid dying at the hands of an evil Soul Master in the future!"

After saying a few words, Wu Changkong left without further ado, disappearing from the spot...

As they watched him leave, the inner court students swallowed hard...

"Teacher Wu is so scary. Standing next to him, I feel a chill in my body!"

"Yes, but I think Teacher Wu used to be Senior Gu Yue's teacher, so he must be more worried than we are!"

"All right, let's stop this topic here. Teacher Wu is right, worrying about it is useless. We'd better focus on our cultivation instead!"

"Let's go. It's all because of that damned Holy Spirit Cult. Ever since they made a comeback, our days at the academy have been getting tougher!"


Xingluo Empire!

Holy Spirit Cult!

One guest elder level evil Soul Master bowed his head and said with an awe-filled tone, "Reporting to the Demon Emperor, the Darkness Phoenix and the Vice Sect Hierarch have returned!"

The Demon Emperor rubbed his delicate cheek and then slowly opened his Beautiful Eyes, saying indifferently, "Good, let them in!"

Much faster than he had planned, those two were still somewhat useful!

After the evil Soul Master guest elder left, it wasn't long before Darkness Phoenix and Halosa walked in...

They bowed in unison, "Demon Emperor!"

The Demon Emperor nodded slightly, his sharp gaze fixed on the two, "Hmm, it seems that you have done well with the task I entrusted to you, returning to Xingluo Empire so soon!"

At these words, both Darkness Phoenix and Halosa said nothing...

Because not only had they failed in their mission to arrest Tang Wulin, they had even sustained serious injuries because of it!

At this, the Demon Emperor seemed to sense something, his tone growing colder by several degrees, "Hmm? You two seem a bit off..."

Darkness Phoenix took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to reply, "Demon... Demon Emperor, the truth is... there was an accident with the mission, and we didn't manage to arrest Tang Wulin!"

The moment those words were spoken, the Demon Emperor's body exuded a terrifying oppressive force, sending Darkness Phoenix stumbling back several steps...

Seeing this, Halosa hurriedly tried to appease, "Demon Emperor, please calm your anger, the mission failed indeed because of some irresistible factors!"

The Demon Emperor, already furious to the extreme, suddenly let out a cold laugh, "Irresistible factors? Good, I'd like to hear this reason from your own mouth. If it doesn't satisfy me, each of you can leave an arm behind!"

The words she uttered would certainly not be taken back!

Halosa pursed his lips and began to recount what had happened...

"When we launched an attack on the Blood God Army, we had an absolute advantage and capturing Tang Wulin seemed like an easy feat!"

"But... the Saint Soul Douluo burnt her own vitality in a desperate move to forcefully breakthrough to the God Rank, turning the tide of battle!"

"Not only that, Sea God Pavilion Master Yun Ming's soul had not completely perished. His soul still resided within the Sky-Piercing Spear and the power released by the Saint Soul Douluo was comparable to that of a Divine Artifact!"

He didn't mention that the Ghost Emperor was seriously injured because otherwise, the Demon Emperor would surely use all means at her disposal to either annihilate or control the Ghost Emperor!

Having heard all of this, the Demon Emperor's expression softened slightly, but she still said with dissatisfaction, "So... a support class Ultimate Douluo's breakthrough to the God Rank scared you all away?"

Halosa explained, "Demon Emperor, it was also to avoid unnecessary casualties. You should be aware that Holy Spirit Cult does not have many strong individuals left..."

The Demon Emperor cut him off without hesitation, "Enough, failure is failure. All this talk merely highlights your incompetence!"

Hearing this, a few strands of cold intention also appeared in Halosa's eyes...

After all, nobody had dared speak to him like this before!

For those who had, the grass on their graves was already several meters tall!

Darkness Phoenix, although she didn't retort, also felt discontent...

Her purpose for joining the Holy Spirit Cult was very simple, solely to take revenge on her sister Leng Yaozhu!

She wasn't there to be humiliated by anyone!

The Demon Emperor closed her eyes again, "You are dismissed!"

The two nodded without saying more and chose to leave...

"What useless trash, failing to even take down an ant-like Title Douluo!"

"However, I didn't expect that Saint Soul Douluo could actually use a secret technique to burn her vitality, raising her strength to the God Rank, which indeed resolves a hidden danger!"


