
Chapter 2278: The Other Side of Lan Muzi (Please Subscribe)_1

Translator: 549690339

This decidedly firm response, even Shen Yi couldn't help but show a trace of astonishment...

She had thought that Gu Yue would carefully consider before cautiously giving an answer, but she didn't expect such a casual dismissal!

Her expression inevitably grew heavier, "Gu Yuena, can you give me a reason? You must know that if the Abyssal Seal is broken, all of humanity will be affected, including you!!"

"Currently, four Elders of the Sea God Pavilion have already sustained heavy injuries!!"

She wanted to use this to convey the severe consequences of the Abyssal Seal being broken!

But how could Gu Yue possibly be unaware of all this!

After looking deeply at Shen Yi, she replied, "I will refuse to support the Blood God Army for reasons within the Spirit Pagoda, but I do sympathize with the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion who have been seriously injured!"

"Just pertaining to the earlier question, no matter how Dean Shen asks, my answer remains the same!"

This statement, there was no doubt, showed no intention of making any changes in consideration of the face of Shrek Academy...

Shen Yi's face also revealed strands of anger as she rebuked, "Gu Yuena, do you really understand that once the Abyssal Seal fails, the resulting vast casualties will make you a criminal on the Continent! And the Spirit Pagoda will be implicated too!"

Only now did she realize how much a stranger Gu Yuena in front of her seemed!

She was so different from the obedient and well-behaved Gu Yue at the Academy!

Was it because she became the master of the Spirit Pagoda that such a great change occurred?

However, Gu Yue showed no interest in listening to her continue, speaking in an indifferent tone, "The future will be addressed in the future. Now, Dean Shen, if there is nothing else, please leave, as I have important matters to attend to!"

The two Spirit Pagoda members who had been standing guard in the conference hall immediately walked to Shen Yi's sides and respectfully said, "Dean Shen, please..."

Seeing that she had been given the order to leave, Shen Yi coldly shouted, "Gu Yuena, I really didn't expect this to be your true face!!"

With that, she turned furiously and vanished from view...

At this moment, Di Tian, who had maintained silence, suddenly said, "Your Majesty, isn't it improper to offend Shrek Academy like this?"

Bi Ji also nodded slightly, "Yes, Your Majesty, even if Shrek Academy isn't what it used to be, its overall strength is still formidable. Provoking them rashly, the consequences...!"

Gu Yue glanced at them, her face expressionless, "No matter! This way, it's easier to make a clean break in the future!"

She didn't want her intricate ties with Shrek Academy to cause deviations in her plans!

Upon hearing this, Di Tian and Bi Ji exchanged glances and once again fell silent...

Their Majesty in this matter was surely more thoughtful than they were, so since it was said, there was no need for concern!


Upon returning to Shrek Academy, Shen Yi immediately went to the Sea God's Pavilion and detailed her experience at the Spirit Pagoda...

After listening, all the Elders had complicated expressions on their faces...

Because, this was completely different from the personality Gu Yue had shown at Shrek Academy, it was even like two different people!

After a long moment, Long Yeyue took a deep breath and stared intently at Shen Yi, "Shen Yi, are you sure Gu Yue said this?"

Shen Yi nodded with a touch of anger in her voice, "Yes, I met Gu Yue personally, and she said this herself. Honestly, I didn't expect such an outcome either!"

If she had known that Gu Yue was such an ingrate, she would never have allowed her to enroll at Shrek Academy in the first place!

After receiving confirmation, Long Yeyue's entire body burst out with an intimidating aura...

Forcing everyone present to release their Soul Power to alleviate the pressure...

Wu Changkong clenched his fist and immediately spoke, "Elder Long, please calm your anger. I think Gu Yue must have her own difficulties! She is not such a heartless person!"

Seeing the former still trying to protect Gu Yue, Shen Yi shook her head in disappointment and said, "Brother, people change, and the Gu Yue now feels so strange and alien! She shows no regard for the academy at all!"

She didn't want to smear Gu Yue's name, but the latter's actions today were truly disheartening.

Cai Yue'er furrowed her brows, clearly also unsure of how to deal with the situation.

Unexpectedly, Lan Muzi spoke with unwavering conviction, "Since Gu Yue has no clarity of loyalty to the academy, I suggest, we strip her of her identity as a Shrek student!"

Lan Muzi was known for his soft heart towards his own people, but when it came to the academy, he could be as uncompromising as Yun Ming!

This was also one of the reasons why he had been listed as a successor for the Sea God Pavilion before Tang Wulin appeared.

Tang Yinmeng, standing beside him, was shocked by his statement and reminded, "Mu Zi, are you serious? Excluding Gu Yue just for these issues seems a bit too narrow-minded!"

Lan Muzi said earnestly, "I'm not joking! If there is any fallout, I'll take responsibility!"

Cai Yue'er had not expected the situation to escalate, she covered her mouth and coughed, "Mu Zi, don't be hasty. In my view, expelling Gu Yue abruptly is not appropriate!"

"How about we seek the Pavilion Master's opinion first?"

Tang Wulin was the Sea God Pavilion Master, and if there was to be any sanction against Gu Yue, it would logically require his consent.

Lan Muzi countered, "But Elder Cai, you should also be aware that given the close relationship between the Pavilion Master and Gu Yue, he is most likely to be emotionally biased."

Cai Yue'er paused for a moment, knowing what was said was indeed true.

In the end, it was Long Yeyue who closed her eyes and said, "Let's do as Mu Zi says. The dignity of Shrek Academy allows no violation by anyone!"

After finishing her statement, her presence seemed to withdraw, and she appeared to age by decades, exuding an unspoken sense of vicissitude…

Cai Yue'er opened her mouth to speak, "Elder Long…"

She clearly understood, abandoning a student who could have potentially become one of the Shrek Seven Monsters was filled with so much helplessness...

After leaving, Tang Yinmeng looked at Lan Muzi with disapproval, "Mu Zi, you went too far this time! To actually instigate the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion to expel Gu Yue!"

Even she had only criticized Gu Yue briefly!

Lan Muzi looked into her eyes and said softly, "Yin Meng, you should understand me. There are two kinds of people I cannot forgive!"

"First, anyone who threatens Shrek Academy!"

"Second, traitors!"

Tang Yinmeng replied again, "But Gu Yue has not betrayed Shrek Academy, nor has she done anything harmful!"

"All this is merely your conjecture!"

Turning away, Lan Muzi calmly said, "Not betraying Shrek Academy now doesn't mean she won't in the future!"

"Even if the Pavilion Master comes back and revokes my position in the Sea God Pavilion, I will not waver in the slightest in my belief that today's sanctions against Gu Yue are justified!"

Tang Yinmeng took a deep breath, and all her thoughts condensed into one phrase...

"Mu Zi, you truly are, unreasonably stubborn!"