
Chapter 1817: Reunion After Many Years (Subscribe Please)_1

Translator: 549690339


Hearing this dead-serious answer, Gu Yue shuddered with displeasure, "Saying such cheesy words, aren't you sick of it, Pagoda Master?"

Leng Yaozhu shrugged her shoulders, "Of course not, after all, it's the truth."

Gu Yue was somewhat speechless and chose not to respond any further...

Seeing her reaction, Leng Yaozhu stopped kidding around and waved her hand, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I just wanted to tell you, Gu Yue, that you've been in the Spirit Pagoda for several years, working tirelessly day and night! It's time for you to relax."

Gu Yue's contributions had reached a jaw-dropping level, let alone the council members, even any disciple of the Spirit Pagoda wouldn't dare to be discontent with her status as the heir to the Pagoda Master!

Gu Yue slightly furrowed her brow, "Pagoda Master, I'm not tired!"

Right now she only had two thoughts!

One was to raise her soul power rank as much as possible!

And the other was to make more contributions to the Spirit Pagoda so she could become the Pagoda Master as soon as possible!

Leng Yaozhu said with evident concern, "Not tired? Gu Yue, you don't need to put on a brave face in front of me..."

Gu Yue retorted, "Pagoda Master, but I really..."

Leng Yaozhu interrupted her, "Even if you're not tired, shouldn't you be missing your companions by now? They have only just escaped from a team of evil Soul Masters led by the Dark Bell!"

Gu Yue's complexion changed drastically, "What??"

Dark Bell, one of the Four Great Kings of the Holy Spirit Cult, a level 98 Hyper Douluo, was only one step away from reaching the pinnacle of Soul Masters!

It was very unlikely that Tang Wulin and the others could have come out unscathed after an encounter with him!

At this moment, she felt somewhat shaken about her previous decision...

After taking a deep breath, she said earnestly, "Pagoda Master, it seems that I do need to return to Shrek Academy to understand the situation. After that, I will come back as soon as possible!"

Leng Yaozhu then nodded in satisfaction, "Go ahead, take as long as you need to come back. I trust you to handle it appropriately!"


The moment they stepped into Shrek Academy, Xie Xie exclaimed, "Sigh... It really feels reassuring to be back at the academy!"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "Indeed, within the Icefire Polarized Eyes, we were constantly afraid of encountering other evil Soul Masters from the Holy Spirit Cult."

Yue Zhengyu raised an eyebrow, "There's no helping it, who knew whether Dark Bell would suddenly change his mind and come back to attack us!"

Remembering the terrifying pressure of the Ultimate Douluo, his back couldn't help but break out in cold sweat...

Tang Wulin smiled slightly, "That's in the past now, everyone. There's no need to keep thinking about it. It wouldn't be good to develop a psychological shadow!"

Meanwhile, sensing their presence, Cai Yue'er hurried to the outer courtyard and scrutinized the people in front of her with an emotional expression, "Longkong, children, you're finally back! Are you all uninjured?"

Wu Changkong greeted her with a respectful fist and palm salute, "We're all fine, Elder Cai, thank you for your concern!"

Just as Cai Yue'er was about to exclaim, she cried out in surprise, "Hm? Longkong, you've made a breakthrough to Titled Douluo??"

If she remembered correctly, his soul power rank was around level 87 when he had left Shrek Academy!

Wu Changkong replied humbly, "Yes! I had the fortune of ingesting a mystic heaven chrysanthemum, an Immortal Herb, which with its powerful efficacy allowed me to easily break through my bottleneck!"

Cai Yue'er expressed her satisfaction, "Good, very good, our Shrek Academy now has another young Titled Douluo!"

Xu Xiaoyan muttered, "Dean Cai, it's not just Teacher Wu. We've also made a significant breakthrough!"

This comment successfully caught the Dean's attention, and she asked with curiosity, "Oh? What soul power rank have you little ones reached now?"

Yue Zhengyu stepped forward, with a hint of pride in his voice, "Dean Cai, I've reached Level 67 now!"


Cai Yue'er gave a slight nod, "Mm... Level 67, not... Level 67? Are you sure you didn't get that wrong?"

Yue Zhengyu chuckled, "How could I dare to deceive you, Elder Cai? Apart from myself, almost everyone has reached around Level 65, especially Ye Hui, who has even broken through to Level 68!"

Cai Yue'er's gaze shifted to Yuanen Yehui, seemingly waiting for the latter's response.

Seeing this, Yuanen Yehui also nodded seriously.

After receiving confirmation, Cai Yue'er couldn't help but smack her lips and say, "Such a bunch of little monsters, with talent like this, scarier than us Elders of the Sea God Pavilion when we were young!"

"However, this also makes me see that the future of Shrek Academy will continue in your hands!"

After pausing, Cai Yue'er seemed to think of something and then said to someone behind her, "Gu Yue, you can come out now!"

No sooner had her words fallen, a woman clad in exquisite attire stepped out, every movement of hers ineffably graceful.

It turned out to be Gu Yue, who they hadn't seen in years!

The moment they saw her, the Shrek Seven Monsters exclaimed in unison, "Gu Yue!!"

Especially Tang Wulin, the longing hidden within him burst forth in an instant...

Xie Xie first circled around Gu Yue, then praised, "Gu Yue, it's been a long time since we've seen you, and you seem to have gotten a lot prettier?"

Yue Zhengyu covered his mouth to cough lightly, "Indeed, not only has Gu Yue become more mature, but certain... areas have also developed quite... hiss..."

Before he could finish, Xu Xiaoyan reached out and gave Yue Zhengyu's arm a sharp twist...

Clearly, she was a little jealous of Yue Zhengyu's recent actions!

Yue Zhengyu's heart leaped with joy, and he blinked his eyes, saying, "What's the matter? Xiaoyan, you couldn't be jealous, could you?"

Xu Xiaoyan turned her back, her face flushing, "How... how could that be? I was just... just trying to remind you that Gu Yue belongs to Wulin!"

Yue Zhengyu placed a hand over his heart, stared into her beautiful eyes, and said word by word, "Don't worry, Xiaoyan, I've said I would only love you, no matter what anyone else turns into, they can't steal my heart!"

Xu Xiaoyan, feeling somewhat embarrassed, clutched his arm tighter and said hastily, "Stop... stop it, let's go!"

After saying that, she dragged him away from there...

Ye Xinglan, sensing the atmosphere was a bit off, pursed her lips and said, "Well, Lizhi and I are going to take a break too, so we'll be leaving first!"

Xie Xie paused for a moment, then quietly asked, "Ye Hui, shall we go too?"

Yuanen Yehui rolled his eyes at him and replied, "Yes! Otherwise, what are we doing here, acting as third wheels?"

Soon, with everyone else playing matchmaker, only Cai Yue'er and Tang Wulin were left behind...

Tang Wulin looked up at Gu Yue, who was also looking at him, and said softly, "Gu Yue... have you been well?"

Two years apart, and the emotions he had suppressed in his heart were far from as calm as his words!

Gu Yue revealed a gentle smile, "I'm fine, how about you?"

These two sentences made Cai Yue'er's skin crawl, she shook her head and said, "You youngsters, after not seeing each other for so long, shouldn't you be more excited? Why are your greetings so formulaic!"

"Forget it, forget it, perhaps I'm just getting old!"


