
Chapter 1816: Terrifying Advancement! (Please Subscribe)_1

Translator: 549690339

Yue Zhengyu pursed his lips and said, "Level seven... I thought I had made a big breakthrough by advancing three or four levels, but Wulin, you are the real monster!"

Xie Xie, with a suspicious face, said, "Tell me, Wulin, you couldn't have secretly eaten some Immortal Herbs to speed up your cultivation? How else could you have improved so much?"

Xu Lizhi hesitated and said, "Although I believe Wulin wouldn't do that, advancing seven levels is a bit too incredible to believe!"

Ye Xinglan, puzzled, asked, "Wulin, you've advanced seven levels in this past year, so what level are you at now?"

Throughout the year, everyone was mostly focused on diligent cultivation and carefully tending to the Immortal Herbs, without much inquiry into each other's progress!

Now, as the year was almost over, it was time for a simple summary!

Xu Xiaoyan and Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes were also fixed on Tang Wulin, waiting for his response!

Tang Wulin smiled slightly and said, "64th Level!"

Xu Xiaoyan exclaimed in admiration, "So powerful, almost surpassing Yue Zhengyu."

Then she continued, "I think we are all a bit unfamiliar with each other now, so let's reintroduce our soul power levels, I'll start!"

"Control-class Battle Soul Emperor, 64th Level, Xu Xiaoyan!"

The others also announced their soul power levels!

"Direct-attack class Battle Soul Emperor, Level 67, Yue Zhengyu!"

"Food class Battle Soul Emperor, Level 63, Xu Lizhi"

"Agile-attack class Battle Soul Emperor, Level 64, Xie Xie!"

"Direct-attack class Battle Soul Emperor, Level 65, Ye Xinglan"

"Direct-attack class Battle Soul Emperor, Level 68, Yuanen Yehui!"

"Control-class Battle Soul Master, 66th Level, Tang Wulin!"

Next to them, Wu Changkong, who had just woken up, suddenly spoke out, "Level 91, direct-attack class Titled Douluo!"

Hearing this statement, everyone's faces brightened, and they eagerly gathered around Wu Changkong...

Anxious, Tang Wulin said, "Teacher Wu... you've broken through to Titled Douluo?"

Wu Changkong nodded slightly, confirming it was indeed so...

Xie Xie exclaimed in astonishment, "Wulin's breakthrough is already unbelievable, but to think that Teacher Wu has also advanced to Titled Douluo, especially at such a young age!"

Yuanen Yehui shook her head, "Aside from Teacher Xu, there's probably no Titled Douluo who looks younger than Teacher Wu!"

Yue Zhengyu said excitedly, "Hehe, from now on, Shrek Academy has another Titled Douluo to back us up, and with Teacher Wu's strong talent, Hyper Douluo is definitely within reach!"

Xu Xiaoyan cheered, "Teacher Wu is truly worthy of being my once idol, so amazing!!"

Ye Xinglan was rather straightforward, "Congratulations on breaking through to Titled Douluo, Teacher Wu!"

Wu Changkong glanced at Tang Wulin and explained, "The reason I was able to make such a fast breakthrough is also thanks to that mystic heaven chrysanthemum. After fully absorbing its medicinal power, I naturally broke through the bottleneck!"

Perhaps coming to the Icefire Polarized Eyes was a very correct decision I made!

At this moment, the man in purple who had witnessed everything that had occurred, spoke calmly, "One year's time has already passed, you can leave this place whenever you wish!"

Wu Changkong cupped his hands and said, "Senior, concerning that matter, have you forgiven us?"

The man in purple coldly said, "Of course, I'm not someone who gets hung up on trivial matters!"

The most crucial point, however, was seeing how meticulously the Shrek Seven Monsters had taken care of the Immortal Herbs; if not for that, he would not have let the matter rest so easily!

Wu Changkong glanced at the people behind him and tried to ask, "If possible, I wonder if the senior might allow us to continue staying within the Icefire Polarized Eyes to cultivate?"

Upon hearing this, the man in purple robes coldly shouted, "Don't overstep your bounds! Do you think this is a place you can stay whenever you like?"

The red-haired woman beside him, however, reached out to stop him and explained, "It's not us, but staying here any longer will only be detrimental to you without any benefits!"

Feeling puzzled, Xie Xie immediately asked, "Why? We've only trained here for a year, and our strength has greatly increased. How can there be any disadvantages?"

Seeming to have anticipated someone's objection, the red-haired woman lightly laughed and said, "I don't know if you've noticed, but while cultivating within the Icefire Polarized Eyes does speed up the process, at the same time, your bodies are also affected by the extreme cold and extreme heat of the springs!"

"If done in moderation, it serves to temper the body, but if excessive, it becomes impurities that poison your bodies!"

Xie Xie suddenly froze, scratching his head and muttering, "Ah, this..."

He hadn't felt anything amiss!

Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes turned toward Tang Wulin, "Wulin, since you know about Immortal Herbs, you should know whether what this senior says is true or false, right?"

Next to her, Xu Xiaoyan also followed up, "Yeah, Wulin, if we stay here too long, it won't really erode our bodies, right?"

Tang Wulin sighed, "What this senior says is indeed true. I had planned to tell everyone about the disadvantages of the Icefire Polarized Eyes in the next few days!"

If possible, he would also wish to continue cultivating here forever!

But if truly poisoned by the Icefire Polarized Eyes, it was no joking matter!

The man in purple robes looked deeply at Tang Wulin, "You seem to know quite a bit. Well, enough talk. You have half an hour to consolidate your Soul Power, then leave the Icefire Polarized Eyes immediately!"

"If anyone is still here after half an hour, they may as well stay here forever!"

With that, he called out, and the silhouettes of those ferocious beasts transformed into illusions that vanished into nothingness...

Wu Changkong stood up and instructed, "Everyone, pack up your belongings and prepare to return to the academy!"

He did not doubt the truthfulness of the words of those ferocious beasts!


Inside the Spirit Pagoda, Gu Yue was seen meditating with her legs crossed, her body emanating ripples...

Then she opened her beautiful eyes, joyfully exclaiming, "I... finally broke through to Level 65!"

Even though she did not consume any Immortal Herbs, as the heir to the Spirit Pagoda, she naturally wouldn't be treated unfairly!

She too had consumed a fair amount of heavenly treasures, which allowed her strength to reach the terrifying rank of Level 65!

Not long after, Leng Yaozhu pushed open the grand doors and stepped inside. With just one glance, she saw through Gu Yue's current state...

Smiling, she applauded, "Not bad, already at Level 65. Not only do you have a unique talent in management, but your power is also exceptional!"

"Gu Yue, choosing you as the heir to the Spirit Pagoda was indeed the right decision!"

Back then, Qiangu Qingfeng disagreed with Gu Yue becoming the heir to the Spirit Pagoda, and now he would probably fall out with himself if asked to give her up!

Upon hearing this, Gu Yue responded somewhat helplessly, "Pagoda Master, don't you truly have any important matters to attend to that you run to me every day?"

Leng Yaozhu's lips curled slightly, "Of course, there is. Keeping a constant eye on your situation is the most important thing to me!"

She thought to herself, "Who made me see you as my own daughter already?"

