
Entering the Forest of Death!

Others will drop attributes as long as they fight, and he can become stronger by picking up attributes!

What other place Konoha is more suitable for his development than in the Forest of Death?

At the thought of this, Zhou Xuan was actually a bit impatient to enter the Forest of Death! At this very moment, the examiner, Anko, had already read out the rules of the exam and handed out the consent forms for everyone to sign.

Zhou Xuan's two companions, Asakusa Kenjin and Yanagi Kimura, both saw Zhou Xuan's fear just now, and thought that he would only sign after persuading him. Who would have thought Zhou Xuan actually sign it without looking at it, they were very stunned!

However, they did not think much about it and thought that Zhou Xuan was in too much of a hurry and wanted to hurry and sign it so that he could go find a place to settle it because Anko gave everyone time to read it carefully.

But after Zhou Xuan signed it, he didn't leave to go to the bathroom.

Yanagi Kimura couldn't help but ask: "Zhou Xuan, don't you need to go to the bathroom?"

Zhou Xuan shook his head and said, "No need, the toilet is too far away, I guess it will be quicker to go into the forest of death and solve it later!"

Kenjin Asakusa and Yanagi Kimura also did not suspect much.

Soon, all the candidates had their signatures signed and submitted.

Anko introduced the situation in the No. 44 training ground to everyone and then said again: "Once again, in these five days, you will all stay in this training ground to survive in the wild, and you can only take the scrolls from other groups. If you are missing a scroll, then within the specified time, the whole group of three rushes to the central tower together, and then you can advance to the next round of the exam. If you open the scroll without permission during the exam, it will be regarded as a failure! Understand? "

"Understood!" The candidates responded in unison.

"So, each group will now begin to receive their scrolls, and the second exam will begin in fifteen minutes!"

The candidates went to a sheltered tent to receive the scrolls for each group.

After Zhou Xuan and his group received the scroll, they followed the instructions and came to an entrance of the training ground.

Standing at the entrance, Kenjin Asakusa was very excited and said, "I will definitely pass the Chunin exam this time!"

Yanagi Kimura snorted coldly and said nonchalantly, "Hmph, you two should be more neat and tidy, don't let me go back and grab the scroll!"

Zhou Xuan glanced at the two teammates, feeling a little pain in the ass.

He really could not have imagined that these two guys, like him, are both graduates from the past. They have tried to graduate for three years, and even took the last Chunin exam. Why are they still looking like rookies?

Moreover, he suddenly thought that in this exam, it seems that three people must arrive at the central tower together to be able to advance.

Looking at his two arrogant cannon fodder teammates, he really didn't think there was any possibility that the two of them could survive in the Forest of Death.

In other words, if he wanted to advance to the next round of exams, wouldn't he have to come and protect them?

After thinking for a while, Zhou Xuan simply stopped thinking about this matter, after all, he doesn't have the ability to protect people now!

Moreover, this time, when he entered the forest of death, the most important thing for him is to pick up attributes everywhere and try to improve his strength.

As for the promotion of Chunin, it's naturally the best to be able to advance, and he doesn't want to force it if he can't.

If it really doesn't work, go back and find a place to knock out these two people, then wait for him to grab the scrolls, and when the exam is almost over, then take them to the next exam!

In the early stage, it is still important to develop wretchedness, and when you become stronger later, there are opportunities to pretend to be forceful!

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and the forty-four gates of the training ground were opened at the same time!

The candidates all rushed into the training ground like lightning.

Outside the training ground, Anko showed a smile of great anticipation and said, "How many people will be killed this time?"

Inside the training ground.

Zhou Xuan's two teammates all dodged, came to a big tree that only four or five people could hug, and then quickly moved towards the depths of the jungle.

Zhou Xuan jumped abruptly when he saw this, and easily followed them.

Obviously, that's exactly where his 13-point agility comes in right now.

However, soon he deliberately slowed down and even stopped.

He covered his stomach and shouted, "I can't bear it anymore, I have to deal with it first!"

After speaking, he jumped directly into a weed and squatted down.

When both Kenjin Asakusa and Kimura Yanagi saw this, they couldn't help but frown and both stopped.

Kenjin Asakusa said impatiently, "Hurry up!"

Zhou Xuan hid in the grass and shouted, "I'll do it as soon as possible!"

However, after a while, he still did not come out.

Yanagi Kimura was also impatient and suddenly said, "This is the edge, it should be safer, Zhou Xuan, you stay here for now, Kenjin and I will go grab the Heaven and Earth Scroll first and then come back for you!"

Zhou Xuan wanted them to leave quickly, so he hurriedly shouted: "Okay!"