
Attributes dropped by Orochimaru!


Isn't this the golden finger that often appears in novels!

He was so excited all of a sudden that he could barely resist shouting: Great! I knew I didn't come here to be a cannon fodder!

Zhou Xuan immediately asked in his mind, "System, what abilities do you have?"

The system replied: "This system has the function of absorbing the attributes dropped by others and enhancing the attributes of the host!"

Absorb the attributes dropped by others to enhance the host attributes?

Zhou Xuan frowned.

This introduction feels vague, a little confusing to him!

However, just when he was about to question the system, he suddenly discovered that a few strange light globs appeared at the feet of Naruto, Anko, and Orochimaru who were standing not far ahead.

It was also at this moment that a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Found a pickup attribute, do you want to pick it up?"

Zhou Xuan's heart couldn't help but move: Could that be an attribute?

Then, without hesitation, he replied in his heart: "Pick up!"

"Congratulations to the host, gain 2 points of strength attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, gain 2 points of agility attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, gain 10 points of agility attribute!"

When three consecutive beeps sounded, several warm currents also circulated through Zhou Xuan's body, causing his eyes to light up!

He seems to understand how this system works!

His heart moved and he called out, "System, open the personal attribute panel!"

An illusory light screen appeared in front of him, which only Zhou Xuan could see.

Above the light screen, a series of information about him is listed.

Host: Zhou Xuan

Strength: 1 [+2]

Agility: 1 [+12]

Spirit: 15

Chakra: 1

Attributes: none

Skills: none

After carefully looking at the attribute panel, Zhou Xuan understood now.

This is similar to the character attributes in the game. Among them, strength and agility, his base is 1 point, but he picked up three attributes just now, so there are two more [+2] and [+12] for later!

Zhou Xuan asked in his heart: "System, these +2 and +12 are the attributes I just picked up? Did they fall from Anko and Orochimaru?"

System: "Yes!"

Zhou Xuan's mood instantly got a little excited and asked again, "In that case, wouldn't these two attributes of mine have suddenly grown twice as much and twelve times as much respectively just now?"

System: "Yes!"

After getting the affirmative answer, Zhou Xuan was so excited that his body trembled slightly.

Let's not talk about the growth of strength for the time being, what is the concept of sudden sensitivity increase of tenfold? It is the concept of suddenly growing from an ordinary person to a genin!

In other words, he was just an ordinary person, and now he finally has the power to protect himself.

At least when he enters the Forest of Death, he will be able to escape in case of danger.

Zhou Xuan also knew that the 10-point agility attribute just now was probably dropped by Orochimaru, and he secretly praised in his heart: As expected of Uncle Snake! It's a pity, why doesn't he drop a few more? Otherwise, maybe I can directly upgrade to the Chunin level!

Trying to control his excitement, Zhou Xuan's eyes fell on the column of spirit.

15 points of spirit, this is too conspicuous compared to his other attribute points.

He couldn't help but ask, "System, why is my spirit level as high as 15?"

System: "This is because the host devoured the soul of the native in this world after crossing over, so the soul level has improved!"

"15 points of spirit, according to the level of the Shinobi World, what level does it belong to?"


Zhou Xuan understood and said, "So it seems that I am not completely defenseless, at least most of the genjutsu techniques of the genin should be ineffective against me!"

Immediately, he thought of another question and asked, "By the way, why are my other attributes so low? Since my soul has devoured the soul of the native and can be strengthened, why is the body still the same as that of an ordinary person?"

The system replied: "Back to the host, the system believes that it is easier to paint on white paper than to modify the graffiti into artworks. The comparison found that the original body of the host is more suitable for development, so the body of the native was completely destroyed when the host crossed through. As for the soul, it is also because it is helpful for the improvement of the host's spiritual attributes, and some of the memory information is needed by the host, so I chose to let the host devour and merge!"

After a slight pause, the system continued: "Please rest assured, host, although your physical body is very weak now, with the existence of the attribute explosive system, the speed of your growth is definitely beyond your imagination!"

Zhou Xuan understood it, and for the first time discovered that the body of a weak chicken actually has such benefits!

He held a moment of silence in his heart for the native who was destroyed by the system, and then asked the system: "By the way, what is the principle of the attribute explosive system?"

The system replied: "Living beings will randomly drop its own attributes during a battle. The attributes dropped are related to the fighting method used. After being picked up by the system, it can be integrated into the host's body and strengthen the host!"

Zhou Xuan immediately understood it completely, and at the same time he became excited again!

This system couldn't have come at a better time!

Just now he was worried that entering the Forest of Death was to send him to his death, but, now with the system, the Forest of Death has become his paradise!