
I Open A Tavern In Pirate World

The youngest brewing master in history, traveling to the world of One Piece, Luo Bo opened a small tavern on the island of Sabaody. It's just that some of his guests are amazing—— Pluton Rayleigh: Boss, your wine reminds me of Roger, that is really a magnificent youth. ... Red-haired: Boss, do me a favor, can I pay on credit? ... Sengoku: Who is this boss Luo? The Four Emperors all haunt his tavern. ... Sometimes in the tavern, there are some mysterious guests—— The ninja dance king who loves to dance. Drinking in memory of the bald cloaked man with beautiful hair. Occasionally come to kill the gods. ...

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 I Have Wine, You Have Stories (2)

"You can treat this place like your own home."

These words have been echoing in Robin's mind.

Looking at Luo Bo who was eating, Robin showed a gentle smile on his face——


This term has not been mentioned to her for a long time.

But today Robin heard it!

This made the corners of her mouth involuntarily have a sweet smile, as if years of haze had been swept away.

"Robin, it's almost time!"

After eating the breakfast prepared by Robin, Luo Bo said:

"Get ready to open the shop!"

Hearing Luo Bo's words, Robin, who was ready, stood up:

"Yes, boss!"

While speaking, Robin had already walked towards the door, opened the door of the tavern, sat at the door, and waited for the guests to come.

When he came to the bar counter, Luo Bo glanced at the meticulous Robin:

"You don't need to stay there. In our tavern, only a few customers can see it. Now there are only two guests in the tavern. You can go and do your own thing."

Hearing Luo Bo's words, Robin was stunned:

"Is this tavern so magical?"

Nodding for granted, Luo Bo smiled and said:

"Of course! The Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern, the guests are not only the guests of this world, but also the guests of other worlds. Those who are not qualified cannot enter the tavern. You will understand this later."

Robin knocked on the forehead, she seemed to understand:

"In other words, only special guests can see the existence of the tavern, right? Then last night, Ke Locke and I..."

Luo Bo directly nodded and admitted:

"Yes, if you hadn't entered the Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern yesterday, maybe Ke Locke Dahl was really hidden by you."

His face froze, Robin didn't think it was really like this——

No wonder she subconsciously wanted to come in here after seeing the tavern.

Thinking of this, Robin turned his head and glanced at Luo Bo, who was reading a book boredly at the bar counter, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

As far as the results go, this is the best thing ever!

Since Luo Bo said that he could find something to do on his own, Robin stopped guarding the door. Instead, he took a book, went behind the bar, sat down next to Luo Bo, and read the book.

The tavern was very quiet, except for the sound of flipping books.

Question: What will happen when a boring|saucy|man and an intellectual Yujie who likes to read books get together?


They will read books together.

At first glance, this scene looks very harmonious.

But how do you say it?

There are always some weird feelings!

where is this place?


In the tavern, two people read a book by Pippi Shrimp!

Just at this time--


The bell at the door rang, and Tsunade, who was in good shape, was wearing a mourning dress, and strode into the tavern.

"Boss, I'm here for a drink."

Tsunade went straight to the bar counter and said carelessly:

"I'm still worried that you don't open the shop during the day!"

While speaking, Tsunade had already placed a stack of banknotes on the bar counter.

After receiving the money, Luo Bo looked at Robin beside him:

"Robin, pour Tsunade a beauty drink."

The so-called Beauty Drunk is Luo Bo's wine specially brewed for women. It is suitable for all groups of people, and of course it is especially suitable for women.

Robin, who was reading a book, heard the words, put down the book in his hand, walked to the side of the wine barrel, and got drunk with a glass of beauty.

Sending it to Tsunade, Robin smiled sweetly:

"Guest, your beauty is drunk!"

After receiving it, Tsunade looked at Robin with puzzled eyes——

The two are about the same age, and they are both beautiful women, so there are naturally some small comparisons.

It's not just Tsunade comparing to Robin, Robin is comparing too.

It goes without saying that Robin has an absolute advantage in height, but Tsunade's unreasonably large boobs really make Robin's eyelids tremble crazily.

With such a short height, how did he have such a fierce figure?

Noticing the eye contact between Robin and Tsunade, Luo Bo didn't care, and introduced directly:

"Let me introduce you, Robin...how is my sister? She's beautiful!"

Patting Robin on the shoulder, Luo Bo introduced to Tsunade.

Nodding in approval, Tsunade smiled and said:

"Well, your sister is beautiful!"

While talking, Tsunade has already taken a mouthful of the beauty drunk.

Although Robin was very happy about Tsunade's compliment, what she was even happier about was what Luo Bo said about her identity when he introduced her.

Seeing that Tsunade seemed to have something on his mind, Robin didn't interrupt and understood the atmosphere. He read his books quietly and didn't disturb the communication between Luo Bo and Tsunade. The smile on the corner of his mouth showed that the little girl was The mood is still very good.

Tsunade drank the wine with relief and nostalgia on his expression.

But the sadness of the whole person is not so strong after finishing.

Soon, Tsunade drank a glass of beauty drunk.

Luo Bo poured a glass of wine for Tsunade himself.

Holding the wine glass, Tsunade looked at Luo Bo with a smile, and asked:

"Boss, would you like to hear my story?"

With a gentle smile, Luo Bo looked at Tsunade:

"As long as you want to say, I'm here anytime!"

I have the wine, you have the story, that's fine.

Hearing this, Tsunade's face showed a bright red color, and then showed a look of reminiscence.

"That was when I was a child. At that time, my grandfather and second grandfather, Grandma Mito and the others were still alive..."

Bit by bit, from Tsunade's mouth, the story about her slowly echoed throughout the tavern.

When Luo Bo said he wanted to listen, he listened very carefully.

Gradually, even Robin, who was reading a book, put down the books in his hands and listened to Tsunade's story seriously.

Senju Hashirama's death.

The death of Senju Tobirama.

Uzumaki Mito's death.

Nawaki's death.

The decline of the Senju clan.

Up to now, she is the only one left, and the fact of existence has come out bit by bit from Tsunade's mouth.

Seemingly aware of the particularity of this tavern, Tsunade was not afraid of any disadvantages, so he just poured it out.

At the end, Robin looked at Tsunade with sympathy in his eyes—

This is also a poor woman!

There is a feeling of sympathy!

"Now, I am the only blood relative who is related to me."

After taking a sip of wine, Tsunade looked at the pendant on his neck and said in an inexplicable tone.

Looking at Tsunade, Luo Bo said in a gentle tone:

"There are too many tragedies in this world. Faced with these tragedies, the difference is that everyone makes different choices! Your brother Nawaki probably wants you to be strong."

After a pause, Luo Bo continued:

"Doesn't he have a wish for Hokage? As a sister, I think you can take Nawaki's wish and experience the scenery of Hokage for him!"

Luo Bo's words made Tsunade's eyes shine:

"is that so?"