
Yan Chengchi's Phone Call!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The mobile phone in her hand was struck and dropped onto the floor too.

Her eyes widened with astonishment, and she reached out to cover her face. She stared at Xia Changyue in disbelief, whose hand was still raised up in mid-air.

She opened her mouth and attempted to speak, but she couldn't say a single word in her moment of shock.

She even forgot how to scold.

The several assistants in the meeting room were shocked by Xia Changyue, who raised her hand against Jiang Mingna. Even the Director was speechless.

Everybody in the production team knew Jiang Mingna's background.

Nobody would think of slapping her, especially when even the Director wouldn't dare to say a harsh word to her.

"You dare to slap me, Xia Changyue?" She glared at Xia Changyue viciously. She finally regained her wits after dazing a while.


Xia Changyue had only struck her in her moment of panic. She looked at the phone that Jiang Mingna dropped. It wasn't connected to a call at all. Her eyes narrowed.

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Mingna, slightly surprised.

She wasn't actually calling Yan Chengchi earlier. She was only trying to threaten her?

"Do you think I am stupid? You are just like a pair of old shoes discarded by Young Master Chi. Do you believe he would care about your news? I am not going to ask for trouble!" Jiang Mingna gave her a disgusted look.

She lowered her hand and revealed the cheek that was struck red by Xia Changyue.

"However, I am going to make a police report now. I am suing you for assault!"


Xia Changyue's eyes narrowed, and her hands clenched into fists at the side of her body.

She didn't know if she should be glad that Jiang Mingna didn't really call Yan Chengchi or worried that Jiang Mingna finally got something on her and would not be letting her off easy today.

"Mingna, we are all in the same production team, and we still have to continue to collaborate in the future. Scriptwriter Xia didn't mean to strike you; she was just desperate."

The Director, who was sitting at the side, quickly got up to resolve the issue when he saw that things were escalating fast.

The media would definitely hear about it if Jiang Mingna reported it to the police.

He would not let a scandal between the production team members get into the news before the filming even started.

"I want her to kneel and apologize, then I won't go to the police." Jiang Mingna said arrogantly with a gleam in her eyes.

Jiang Mingna was known for being overbearing in the production team. It was not surprising at all that she would make this demand.

What was really surprising was Xia Changyue just stood there like a rod straight after hearing her say that. She just clenched her teeth and glanced at her coldly.

"I am not apologizing!"

She could apologize to anyone except Jiang Mingna.

"Xia Changyue, you are really asking for it. Prepare to compensate me when I really go to the police!" Jiang Mingna was so angry that her face turned bright red.

Xia Changyue was no longer the Missy of the Xia Family. Why did she still look like a clown in front of Xia Changyue when she was the real socialite here? She always failed in comparison to her.


Xia Changyue narrowed her eyes. Her logical self told her she shouldn't go head to head with Jiang Mingna now since she was no longer the little princess under the protection of her parents.

It would not do her any good if she offended Jiang Mingna.

"Director, Special Assistant Jin called to inquire about the preparation of the production team. Is the script amended yet?" A crew member walked in with a mobile phone and reported anxiously.

"Special Assistant Jin? That Special Assistant Jin to Young Master Chi?" The Director was alarmed when he heard that Yan Chengchi had called one of them. He immediately rushed forward and took the call reverently.

Xia Changyue couldn't make up what the person said at the other end of the call. All she could hear was the Director repeating, "no problem, we will expedite."

Director Wang's facial expression changed when he hung up the call. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Mingna.
