
Snitching To Yan Chengchi

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

As if he had sensed her presence, he slowly turned around to face her.

The worried look in his eyes went away gradually when he saw her. All that was left was a gentleness.

An Chenxu strode toward her and lowered his gaze to look at the dazed Xia Changyue. He reached out and knocked lightly on her forehead, "Why are you looking at me like that? I am not the one who went missing the whole night."

"I am so sorry, Brother Chenxu. Something cropped up yesterday, and my phone was broken…"

"It is alright, I didn't really wait for very long. Hanhan was tired, so I brought him back to rest. I am relieved to know that you are okay." An Chenxu interrupted her explanation. His gentle eyes concealed the menace hiding deep beneath.

He had his people searched the production unit like a mad man when she went missing. He only found out later that Yan Chengchi had taken her away.

However, he would never tell her all these.

She only wanted to remain friends with him. Thus, he had to respect the boundaries between friends.

He would not give her any reasons to keep him away from her world.

"Did you come looking for me deliberately today?" Xia Changyue regained her wits, raised her head, and looked at him surprisedly. The guilt in her eyes increased.

"No, I am going to the company. This happened to be on my way." An Chenxu spoke gently.

There was not a trace of pretense on his face.

He smiled when he saw that Xia Changyue grabbed the corner of her clothes in panic. "Okay, you are alright now. I should be making my way to the company. Call me when you are done. I will come and fetch you to see Hanhan. He refused to go to bed the entire night yesterday."

"… Alright."

Xia Changyue made herself agree because she knew she didn't do things wrong.

The thought of Yan Chengchi gave her a headache now.

If she could pull it off, she just wanted to hide Hanhan away, so Yan Chengchi would not have a chance to discover him.

Xia Changyue was summoned to the small meeting room in the production unit when she sent An Chenxu on his way.

She was expecting to see the director, but she saw Jiang Mingna sitting at the meeting table instead.

Jiang Minga stood up from her chair and smirked like a proud peacock the moment she walked in.

"Our Scriptwriter Xia is really very popular. You just used Young Master Chi to promote yourself at the news conference, and you also had Young Master An under your spell in no time. How did you manage to charm so many men? That is really something."


Xia Changyue ignored her after giving her a glance. She walked straight ahead and prepared to take her seat.

Jiang Mingna wasn't ready to let her off the hook so quickly.

She kicked Xia Changyue's chair away with her leg, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Don't think I don't know about the tricks you used to seduce men, Xia Changyue. Two-timing? Do you have any shame? If I tell Young Master Chi this, do you think he would skin you alive?"


Panic flashed through Xia Changyue's eyes when she heard Yan Chengchi's name.

She still had the reminders of yesterday's punishments on her body. Her body shivered when she thought of going through it again.

If what happened four years ago was Yan Chengchi's taboo, then the person he hated the most would be An Chenxu.

She wouldn't need to sleep tonight if he knew An Chenxu visited her at the production unit today.

Xia Changyue was still thinking about how to stop Jiang Mingna from babbling nonsense when she saw her pick up her phone and made a call.

"Young Master Chi, I am Jiang Mingna. I have something to tell you regarding Xia Changyue…"


A tight slap landed hard onto Jiang Mingna's face.
