
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Realistic
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23 Chs



jin glared at the figure of hiro carrying chen bridal style. he even clicked his tongue as chen refused to be placed down despite hiro telling him they were on the ground already.

Why is it Chen who always get the man? wait, why was he complaining? he doesn't need a man nor does he need to be annoyed at the sight of hiro and chen.

❝you know Jin, jealousy isn't good for you❞ brazen cheekily commented, creeping up behind and pointing at the pair. ❝hiro is just being considerate to your friend who has a really bad fear with heights. no need to worry❞

he turned to the older, crossing his arms. ❝I'm not jealous. I'm just angry that Chen had to act like a damsel in distress❞ he took quick glacé at them and scoffed, ❝and it's just hiro❞

❝just hiro hmm... ❞ brazen hummed before turning his back and calling out for Jehyun. of course, he didn't fully leave the Chinese alone. ❝just saying Jin. who knows, maybe your hero is saving the wrong prince❞


❝alright you ready? ❞

jin smiled at the question before nodding his head. it was their turn to cross the bridge and he thanked the heavens there were no winds. he was behind Jake who started talking about the precautionary measures and whatnot.

it wasn't that scary to say the least. well, in his perspective at least. he would sometimes glance below him and catch the sight of Chen who was still being clingy to hiro and the undercooked lobster not pushing The butterfly away. he suddenly scoffed.

❝you ok? ❞ Joshua had glanced behind him before looking at what Jin was looking. what he saw made him. smirk Before turning around and grabbed Jin by the waist. making sure to secure it. ❝better? ❞

❝what? if course not! ❞ pushing himself away, Jin glared at the older. he find any reason for the older to suddenly hold him like that. of it were in any other occasion, Jake would have been tackled down. ❝why did you even do that? ❞

he eyed the older who gave him a hurt look. ❝I thought you wanted someone to hold you❞

❝I do but that doesn't mean you can hug me out of nowhere! do you want to die!? ❞

❝why would I die? ❞

❝because I'm Jin tan! ❞

❝are they arguing? ❞ Jehyun asked brazen who was enjoying whatever he was looking above. he was certainly not looking st the pair. Jehyun then turned to Chen was still clinging on hiro. he was about pull the butterfly away but stopped as hiro shook his head no. this made he wonder. ❝well... this is interesting❞

❝you're Jin tan? ❞ Jake blinked, ❝what does that have to do with me dying? ❞

❝no one touches any of the big three family members! if someone did then they would be tackled down and fined 50 million Li❞

quick explanation. Li is the official currency of their country which is called Cibi(pronounced shi-bi) . when it comes to currency exchange, it does not change value. meaning once they say 10 million Li it means 10 million in any currency in the world. Cibi is divided into three; main city or the capital, Big city (run by the big 3), and uri-uri (a much smaller city).

the capital is run by the president while big city is run by the big 3 or the three most influential and richest family in the city namely Kim, Tan, and Choi. big city does not follow and live under the president's power. they live under the big three but are still part of the country. they are free to decree their own laws. uri-uri on the other hand is the only city in the middle of different provinces. they are under the rule of the president.

another fact is there is no native of this country. the country started as an artificial island which later on grew. you'll know more later in history class.

❝jin, we are in the middle of nowhere. I won't get shot❞Jake reassured. ❝I promise❞

Jin sighed, ❝that's not what I'm worried about❞ I'm worried that I may fall for you. he shook his head. ❝let's just cross❞

❝see? it's not that bad jehyun❞ brazen patted his partner's back while turning him to the attention of Jin and Jake who were approaching them.

Jehyun shook his bag, frowning as he realized he would be next with this psycho. heavens today was his last day and he hasn't even caught a star. if Jin heard this then the Chinese won't hesitate to call him crazy. call him crazy but he believes that HE can catch a star.

❝come on Jehyun. it's time to see the stars! ❞

boy does he regret being here.

❝do you think Hyun will be alright? ❞

Jin shook his head at chen's question also fighting the urge to scowl. he even had to look away from the two. he wished Jehyun was here beside him. at least his mind would be preoccupied.

❝I only have one life and I can't believe I'm risking it for this trust exercise❞ Jehyun remarked while constantly glancing at brazen who walked behind him. he had a gut feeling that the older would do something stupid to him. feeling something about to touch his back, he quickly caught the sight of the other male innocently whispering while having his hands behind him. ❝are you planning on pushing me? ❞

❝what no! ❞ brazen reassured but his smile said something else. OK, he was planning on pushing Jehyun and act like a hero. that way Jake would stop nagging him on being reckless. just because his name is brazen does not mean he's brazen.

❝I bet 500 thousand Li that brazen would push Jehyun once they're near the other side❞ Jin challenged, smirking at Chen who mirrored it.

❝and I bet 1 million Li that brazen would do it before they reach the other side❞