
I Met Him Again

It wasn't supposed to end this way, she thought. But she couldn't escape it. Everything had gone wrong. The world was in flames around her. And it was all her fault. He walked towards the door where I was standing. He ignored me and didn't even look at me. I followed him then grabbed his arm but he violently pulled it back. "i-i can explain... Anything." I said softly, only the two of us could hear. Another thing is that my voice can't do it anymore. "what explanation, Lei? You've already ruined everything!...every fucking thing!" there was an emphasis on what he said. "When is it?" he asked. He was standing in front of me staring at me. Even though I was bending down I could feel him staring at me, I couldn't look at him because I was afraid. I am guilty yes. And it was all my fault. 2022

Jeaneisgracious · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 31 : stay... Please?

Written by Jeaneisgracious

The next day woke up in the arms of the person I love, I slowly looked up to see his face while sleeping.

This is the first time that we sleep together Jacob so I feel different like he is a new acquaintance to me.

I hugged him even tighter but I hugged him too tight because I woke him up.

"ahhh, love, what are you doing?" he said irritated.

My mood changed when he asked me that so I broke away from hugging him.

He noticed that and I suddenly felt that he was the one hugging me now.

I could feel his every breath as I turned my back to him, I could also feel how his body moved as it was attached to my back.

I don't know but I feel a strange feeling every time our skins touch.

I heard his soft laugh. "I'm just kidding, love."

"let me see those eyes."

He made me face him and that's what I did.

I could see how sharp Jacob was looking at me.

"open your mouth for me."

He said but I couldn't do it because my stomach was throbbing and it almost ripped open my belly and I almost cried because of the pain I was feeling.

"Lei? are you alright? l-lei!" Jacob called me in a panic.

I couldn't speak because of the pain I was feeling, the only thing I could do was hold Jacob's arm tightly.

"what the hell Lei! what is this?!" he said out loud.

When he said that, I felt the hot and wet feeling on the bed, then I thought I was about to give birth.

I'm about to give birth!

I wanted to scream that at Jacob but I couldn't, my brain was only focused on the pain in my stomach.

I almost cried with Jacob because of the pain I felt all over my stomach, my lower body started to hurt.

"I-I'm about to give birth..." I almost ran out of air when I said that.

"what?! i mean, why all of a sudden?! " he shouted at me.

I don't even know the answer to his question, why do you suddenly want to go out baby?

"p-please call aunt, let's go to the hospital Jacob!" I said angrily.

This time I lost myself even more, I only felt pain in my stomach and I had no idea what Jacob was doing now.

I knew he had carried me out of the room and out of his unit.

"no, don't cry, I hate it when you cry." he kissed the tears that came out of my eyes while we were inside the elevator.

How can I not cry?!

I feel so sick!

"W-will it be long Jay... the baby will come out." I scolded him while he was driving.

I don't want to panic because we might crash, but I can't stand the pain in my stomach.

I was so focused on the pain I was feeling in my stomach that I didn't realize that we had arrived at the hospital.

He got out immediately after he stopped his car in the parking lot of the hospital and turned around to the front seat where I was.

"can you walk?" he asked as soon as he opened the door.

I just shook my head because I can't really walk anymore, I feel like my baby will fall if I walk any more.

He immediately picked me up and immediately ran to the entrance of the hospital.

"help! help!" he immediately shouted outside the entrance.

The nurses immediately approached us, they also helped me lay on the stretcher to the emergency room.

I didn't let go of Jacob's hands because I was afraid he would leave me too, I didn't want to be left again by the person I loved, I didn't want to be hurt just because I loved.

I was almost dizzy from the light I could see while lying on the stretcher and while they were running me to the emergency room.

"please Jacob, don't leave me alone." I cried to him.

At the same time as I said that, a nurse who was with us spoke.

"Just stay here, just wait for her here." said a female nurse to him.

"I-I can't leave her—"

I didn't hear what he said because they closed the emergency room door.

When I got to the emergency room, something was done to my lower body, I could feel them inserting a needle into me, which I knew was anesthesia.

"ready?" the doctor asked me.

"y-yes doc." I said weakly.

"push!" she shouted while holding my big and round stomach.

I push and push and I felt so much pain that I started crying, I couldn't handle it.

"You can do that Ms. Dela Fuentes, take your baby out!" The doctor encouraged me to bring my baby out.

I screamed at the last push I made, I just heard a child cry.

My child is crying, my little angel is crying.

Gradually my hearing became weaker and my sleepiness seemed to take me to a deep sleep.

I even heard how the doctor shouted the gender of my baby.

"it's a girl!" they shouted for joy. "Congratulations ma'am!"

That's when my treacherous sleepiness took me to sleep.

I am so happy with the arrival of my daughter that even in my dream I was with her and Primo.

Wait... Primo?!

"I didn't mean to ruin your life, Lei."

That's Primo's voice, that's his voice and I can't be wrong.

It's like I'm watching a fairytale story and it has a happy ending.

I know it's just a dream but why do I want to stay here forever?


I saw how he kissed me on the forehead while sitting in the grassy garden of our home.

"stay... please?"

At that point I felt like I wanted to embrace what he said, I wanted to accept all the pain he caused me, I hope it wasn't just a dream.

You didn't go through all that for nothing

Hi guys! I know it's been a long time since i updated this story of Lei and Jacob, but nooow here's the chapter 31. I hope you enjoy reading this. Even if no ones reading my stories i'm still making more and more, writing is my only escape from reality.



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