
I Met Him Again

It wasn't supposed to end this way, she thought. But she couldn't escape it. Everything had gone wrong. The world was in flames around her. And it was all her fault. He walked towards the door where I was standing. He ignored me and didn't even look at me. I followed him then grabbed his arm but he violently pulled it back. "i-i can explain... Anything." I said softly, only the two of us could hear. Another thing is that my voice can't do it anymore. "what explanation, Lei? You've already ruined everything!...every fucking thing!" there was an emphasis on what he said. "When is it?" he asked. He was standing in front of me staring at me. Even though I was bending down I could feel him staring at me, I couldn't look at him because I was afraid. I am guilty yes. And it was all my fault. 2022

Jeaneisgracious · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 23 : Yes, we're classmates back then.

I Met Him Again

Written by : Jeaneisgracious

The next day, I woke up early to cook something to eat to thank my aunt for the warm welcome they gave me at the palace, I mean, their house that looks like a palace, but I found that Maria had finished cooking and was serving it on the table.

They caught a glimpse of my arrival and immediately smiled at me.

"oh, why did you woke up early Lei?" Maria asked me openly.

"I-I want to cook for aunty." I said shyly.

"Hey, there's no need, come go ahead of them because they'll wake up later." Mother Maria invited me to the dining table, I followed herl and smiled at the three other women with her who also took my bag yesterday.

I sat in the chair and I was immediately appetized by the amount of food they served, it was all Filipino breakfast.

There are three large plates in the middle of their long glass table with hot dogs, eggs, toccino, and also garlic rice.

I was so greedy for the color and the smell of the food that was served that I immediately devoured the food that was served.

My baby is hungry, I even rubbed my little tummy while looking at the food.

Nanay Maria must have noticed that I was eating so quickly that I heard them cough causing me to look at the four of them.

They frowned at me.

"Are you okay Lei?" nanay Maria asked worriedly.

I haven't told them all about my situation yet but there is a right time for me to tell them the truth.

I just nodded and adjusted my seat, just in time when I heard Camille's voice.

"Manang, can i have some milk." it was obvious in her voice that she had just woken up.

I glanced at her behind me who was now looking at the big mirror on the wall on the side of the big stairs.

"Good morning, Camille." I happily greeted her.

Maybe she was surprised when i spoke because her face showed surprise.

"Lei! What are you doing? I was shocked." She said laughing.

She came to me and sat on the seat next to where I was.

" sister, you will be happy with what I have to tell you." she suddenly said while chewing the hot dog she was eating.

I frowned, good news right away?

"why?" I wondered.

"Because my brother is coming here, omg. He's going on vacation here."

I frowned again when I heard that.

She have an older brother?

"Oh really? You have an older brother?" I asked.

"yes, he is a doctor here, but daddy sent him to the Philippines to see the patients in the hospital we own."

It sank into my brain as to why their house looks like a mansion.

I nodded my head as if all the questions in my head had been answered.

After breakfast, Camille immediately accompanied me to enroll in the big universities here, she even made me choose which university I wanted, she also explained well the backgrounds of the universities that are good here.

After we finished enrolling, he took me on a tour of the malls here, the malls here in the US are bigger and you obviously didn't skimp on the budget.

We hadn't been inside the mall for a long time when someone called Camille.

"hello, ma?"

Aunt called.

"Alright, we're going home now."

I was surprised because of the urgency in her voice.

"why? Did something happen? " I asked after she hung up the phone.

Se smiled and seemed happy.

"aaaaaah, my brother is at home!" she said happily.

She jumped up and down when she said that, I was suddenly nervous.

Is her older brother kind?

Maybe yes, he is a doctor.

We immediately went to the parking lot where the driver was waiting.

We got into the car and the car we were riding in immediately sped off.

Because there is no traffic here in US, we got home quickly, the gate was opened for us immediately.

It was like we were entering a palace and I was the princess arriving.

I heard them closing the car door so I lost my thoughts and looked at my companions.

They left me and I saw them running inside the house.

Even Camille left me without saying anything to me.

I sat down on the car seat and sighed, I rubbed my tummy and suddenly I smiled.

'I will always take care of you my love. '

I whispered to myself while rubbing my tummy, when I noticed that it was getting dark, I immediately went inside the house.

I immediately heard their laughter in the dining area of ​​the house, maybe Camille's brother is already there.

Wait... If Camille's brother came, does that mean he's my cousin?!

I was suddenly ashamed of what I thought, it's not possible!

I stopped for a moment in front of the main door and thought about things, wondering if I should go inside or wait for their conversation to end.

But no need... Manang Maria immediately saw me standing at the main door so she called me.

"Lei... What are you doing here?" she asked then came closer to me.

I heard they were quiet in the dining area which made my eyes widen.

I slowly approached manang Maria to cover her mouth because she was about to open her mouth again but before I could do that, a man came out from the dining area.

I know the man in front of me very well.

I know his thick eyebrows and his long eyelashes, as well as those red lips, I know whose it is.

He was wearing a blue long sleeve polo and he looked at me in surprise.

"Lei?" he called my name.

We stared at each other and it was as if my whole world stopped with the look he gave me, I stared at him for a while until I heard Maria's voice again.

"do you know each other sir Jacob?" asked Mother Maria.

"y-yes, shes one of my patient—"

"Yes, we're classmates back then." I'm was hesitate to nod and smile in front of them.

He gave me a surprised look.

He might slip up and say I'm pregnant!

Then I noticed that aunt Maricar and Camille were also looking at us, they were giving me teasing looks.

Annoying! Is Jacob really my cousin?

People write because no one listens.

Hi readers, i hope there's at least few that reads my story. Please do support my very first story here on Webnovel. I'm looking forward to your support, lovelots!



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