
I Married a Devil

The plot revolves around a Doctor Ella Rose, who unfortunately couldn't save the sister of a powerful business Tycoon, Anthony Everette. In a twisted turn of events, Anthony decides to marry Ella and seek revenge. However, as he tries to make her life miserable, he unexpectedly falls in love with her.

PUNAM_Pradhan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

3.Ella Lost Everything

Ella Rose ,

I woke up in the hospital bed , there was this man dressed up in a suit . He was shouting at someone in the phone . I was like jesus ,what is a handsome man doing in my cabin? At that time I was so much into romance novel that I thought may be I am dreaming. His jaw line , the way his tie was tied perfectly, his eyes it seemed like I drowning towards him . The way he was playing with hairs . When suddenly, that stranger grabbed my shoulder. I came to my senses I was not dreaming.

Anthony Everette ,

" Simon call my lawyer " I will make sure who ever this is must lose her medical License.

Never again she should see this hospital. She should be put behind the bars .

I lost my sister because of her , she should also lose every thing she have .

Lawer " yes mr Everette with all my power I did cancel her Licence but "

At that moment I didn't wanted to hear "but" so I shouted what ?

With a shattering voice he said " as passing out wasn't in her control she can't be send behind the bars"

Fine then if law can't punish her I myself will punish her and it will be even worse.

I told simon to make sure no other company or institute are allowed to hire her or they become the enemy of our company INFINITY . which definitely no one wants .

I wanted to know all her details as it will be easier for me to get rid of her, so I asked Simon to find out her details. After thirty minutes Simon came in and gave me all her details. Her name is Ella Rose . She got her medical degree in 2020. And she is even a specialist in medicine. She is a skillful surgeon as well as ,she was one the best students in her university. There were her graduation pictures. Then I noticed Simon smiling, I looked at him with rage he stoped smiling. She actually had a pretty face she was kind of cute . Wait what am I thinking she is my sisters killer , my enemy . At that time I got a call from office and I talked then ,

I noticed the girl smiling at me I grabbed her shoulder and said " You killed my sister and now I will make sure you die everyday . Your bad times starts now . and I left for office.

Ella Rose ,

Wait that patient did not survive. Oh no my brother, I should go see my parents. Well I was guilty about the fact that I couldn't save the patient but I couldn't help it. I rushed to my parents house they were sitting in front of my brother's picture and sobbing uncontrollably, I hugged my mom we cried a lot . None of us had eaten anything, each corner of the house reminded me of my brother. I looked at my parents they were old and week , they looked ill . I can't let them neglect themselves or I can lose them as well , I with all my strength made them a little something to eat I had to be strong for my family.

The next day I got up and went to work .

When I reached there I got called by the head surgeon He Said " Ella I know you are one of the best surgeon and a boon to medical field but I will have to fire you ".

It felt like I got stroke by lightning. with tears with my eyes asked why ??

He said " You don't have your medical license anymore. and Mr Anthony is one the best investors in this hospital and we have been ordered to fire you I am so sorry dear ".

I was stunned I asked who the hell is Mr Anthony and why he cancelled my medical license .

" His sister couldn't survive cause you blacked out in the OT "

But sir, I cried you know right this job can be exhausting ,and I couldn't control it .

He said " Honey I know life can be so unfair sometimes "

I went to my cabinet to collect my things when , the other doctors and staff hugged me I tried controlling my tears , I put my stuff in a cartoon and as I was leaving I saw some of patients crying, I gave them my number and told them to call me anytime and with tears in my eyes I left .