
I love you , too

this story about James who is has a feeling for his childhood best friend Anna , but not brave enough to tell the truth about his feeling because they have been good friends since they were kids. in the other hand Anna also has the same feeling and the same reason with James , but without realising it their feelings have become closer than good friends.

Azrianah_Aziz · History
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2 Chs


Mike look at James who is still in another world and his brain couldn't help but thinking 'James this guy is reminiscent about the past again' and he also couldn't understand why Anna Anderson the woman that James love the most is suddenly disappear into the thin air , even not left a note nor trace where she's going to. Back then James and Anna was like couple made from heaven.

James is so handsome and popular in the campus Anna is also beautiful like a goddess thats make all the boys in the campus crazy just looking at her, but she's so mysterious no one know about her family background including James cause she's so privacy person expect from that, their affectionate with each other that make many people jealous about their relationship but she suddenly disappeared and that remain mystery of them until now.

To broke the silence Mike cough and said , "I know what you mean by that but if you really saw her that should be a good news for us! " but James couldn't help to say " but what if I saw is just hallucinating and not really her? " and continue say "I try hard to find her all this year's but got nothing and then suddenly she's came back? " James remember the time that Anna leave him and its still hurt to think about it again.' Why you disappear and came back just at your will and not thinking about me? '.

Without realising it James totally forgot about the problem that happen in the company and thats why he's call Mike came over to Secret Garden to solve this problem , but didn't expect that he would be see the woman that he missed the most to appear in front of his own eyes. after the silence hit again Mike then say " James just like what I told you if she's really came back and you not hallucinating that's a good news, then we should find her and ask her why she suddenly left all of us! " Mike said with excited tone.

"if that's really happen , then you should urge our people to find her to all the way city!" James also can't wait to see his beloved one after for so long and want to hear from her own mouth why she left him. But no matter how many times he think about it again and again , she must have a reason why she disappear and he know that Anna is not that kind of person who is irrelevant left without saying anything. Anna is honest person , she will say any problems that she have, but she never tell or talk to anyone about her family background including me.So this must has something to do with her family.