
I love you , too

this story about James who is has a feeling for his childhood best friend Anna , but not brave enough to tell the truth about his feeling because they have been good friends since they were kids. in the other hand Anna also has the same feeling and the same reason with James , but without realising it their feelings have become closer than good friends.

Azrianah_Aziz · History
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2 Chs


James drove around the city to clear the mess in his mind because something bad happen in the company. He sigh in silent before take the phone and click the button to make a call. He wait the ringtone for about 25 second before the other side start talking.

"what up bro? " , the voice is so cheerful that James can assure he is in a good mood today and thought this brat must have fun with his new toys last night , cause he know the habit of this playboy always change woman like a toys . Then James come to sense again and said,

"I need you to come to Secret Garden right now "

"for what? ", he sigh before continue said "is there something wrong happen? ", Mike can feel that James is in bad mood from the way he talk. Mike has been friend with James since they were kid, of course he know all about this arrogant brat from his head to toe.

"just come , you will know when you get there", James then take route to the place that he mentioned.

"okay I will be there within a few minutes !" Mike say before hung up on the phone.

James drive with one hand in the steering , he was wearing black suit which make his strong intimidating and handsome aura become more standing out. Before James about to take another route again he was stop because traffic light turn to red, James then take a deep sigh before start looking at the people who was start walking faster at the crossroad, but what was caught his attention is the woman who wearing the brown coat with kid in her arm.

"Anna?" the name came out from James mouth without realising it, his eyes follow the woman and kid until she's gone. 'is that really you? or am i hallucinating right now? ' while he is in dilemma the cars in the back keep horn then James came to his sense again and start driving but his brain doing the apposite and keep on thinking without know he is in front of the Secret Garden in this moment.


After almost half an hour stuck in the traffic light Mike finally arrive he immediately look at the corner of the bar, as expected that arrogant brat has arrived then Mike try to waving at him but James not aware, he (James) seem have something going in his head.

Mike knock the table and said , "are you call me to come here just for watching you daydreaming? "

James finally aware existence of Mike , before he about to speak Mike cut him "what were you thinking about? I can see from far away that you on the peak of your mind , you even don't aware I'm here! " Mike talk looking like mad girlfriend, James couldn't help to show bitter smile hearing the word that Mike was said and reply "can you please at least sit down? "and continue saying

"I think I saw Anna , I don't know if I hallucinating right now "

"Anna Anderson?! " Mike eyes widen when hear what James said just now. Anna Anderson the beautiful and smarter woman , how can he forget her. 'She's suddenly disappear five years ago and now she here?! ' but he couldn't continue to say that.

"yes, that why I can't digest what going on in my head " , James suddenly silent and reminded the past.' How can you leave me Anna? '

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