
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

Kashish' POV

I am resting in the servant's common room when Charusila approaches me and hands me a glass of juice. She is a house helper here "Thanks" I smile gratefully. "So how long have you been working here?" I casually start a conversation. "I started working around three years back" I nod at her reply.

"So where did you work before working here?" she questions me "I worked in Singhania's Group as a canteen worker". "Oh! So how did you end up in Singhania mansion?" she curiously eyes me.

I describe to her how I was recruited by Mrs. Indulekha and Mrs. Udayati excluding the fact that I had to work here due to my mother's condition. "So you mean to say, you were offered a job because Ashvik sir ate that dessert" she simply nods disinterestedly "Oh my God! You did a miracle" suddenly she enthusiastically scuds closer to me.

"In my three years of working here, I have never seen Ashvik Sir touching sweets. But you did it he ate what you made".

I doubtfully raise my brow "Really?", she nods excitedly. "Yes, now I understand why did they bring an unqualified cook for their pampered grandson. Ashvik sir is very aloof to people other than his family members and friends, he rarely speaks and he simply doesn't eat every food even if prepared by the renowned chefs. He simply is a picky person and very indifferent, eating sweets is like the next to an impossible thing we can see done by him".

"But why? He hates sweets?" I ask truthfully. "Oh, I heard it's due to his mother" she blabbers but closes her mouth in instant "What?" I get confused. Charusila looks around and tilts her head to get closer to my ear, she quietly whispers "It's said that he was a massive sweet lover back when he was a kid. But after his mother died in a car accident, he went into trauma and suddenly stopped eating any of those. That is why it is said that sweetness has left his life ".

I suddenly remember the Confrontation with Ashvik on engagement day, he told me his palate cant detect sweets but it looks like Charusila doesn't know the fact. Her information about Ashvik gives me the general idea about Singhania's ladies' obsession with hiring me, I guess seeing their beloved son tasting that sweetness again has given a glimmer of hope for them to bring change in his aloof persona.

Charusila leaves after a call from Lori, I am left behind alone in the room to contemplate the information I came to know today.

So Annapurna died in a car accident I still remember her as a kind lady who always came to aid my mother and me. Whenever I was scolded or bullied by my family members she used to bring me sweets to cheer me up, she gave me a safe space during my difficult times. The kitchen where I am cooking today became my hideout in those days.

Changes are visible in the house and the people, years back during the time Annapurna was alive when I used to hide here I could see the love and harmony among the Singhanias but today somehow things seem different.

I exhale looking at the familiar building in front of me, I thought that my visitation would be over but here I am. I walk in and take the elevator to the top floor, I knock on the door of the familiar cabin. "Come in" I hear a voice from inside, I enter to see he is standing looking out of the window. He turns and scowls looking at my presence "Did grandma send you?".

"No, your mother sent me" I reply coherently, Mrs. Udayati relentlessly ordered me that I have to make him finish his lunch. "Leave it on the table and go away" he commands, "Madam told me to watch you till you finish all the dishes" I dictate the words his mother told me. His scowls deepen "Fine", he eats looking pissed. After he finishes, he stands up abruptly "You don't need to prepare dinner. I have a meeting with clients". he leaves the cabin. I stand alone in the cabin confused, what's with him, he didn't like my food or what. I sigh and leave the cabin.

"Oh Kashish" I see Vennila walking towards me "What are you doing here?". "I brought Ashvik Sir's lunch" I inform them about my visit, "It's just the first day and you have started to act as the wife" I see Dimple is the owner of the voice. "Stop Dimple. What are you blabbing about? You…" Vennila gets pissed at her words.

"It's okay Vennila" I stop Vennila from calling her off, "It is my work, you needn't worry about it". She sniggers "Yeah work, I really can't make sense how an uncertified person like you got the job and like by what means. Did you play dirty?". I bite my lips in anger but I don't want to create unnecessary drama.

"She surely is more certified than you" I hear a deep voice from behind. I turn to see Ashvik walking toward us, he stands right beside me. "What right do you have to question my decision?" he stares coldly at Dimple, she flinches at his gaze. Her fright is quite visible, "Instead of commenting on others, you should try to look at yourself. A woman with only bitterness, a person like you can get nowhere" his words prick her as she runs off.

"I am sorry Kashish, you know Dimple has a foul mouth don't mind her" I nod at Vennila who is trying to better my mood. "It's okay" I smile, and Vennila follows the direction of runoff Dimple.

"What's with your silent behavior? You should have shut up her rotten mouth" Ashvik looks at me angrily. What's with his expression why is he so pissed, "It is fine, I know she didn't mean it" I try to cover well aware of Dimple's personality. "Tsk… you are in denial, but I can see she doesn't like you from miles away" he voices. I sigh I do know her disliking towards me but I never considered it an issue, but today I too wasn't impressed by her words.

Suddenly I feel pressure on my wrist, I see Ashvik is holding my wrist "Let's go, I will drop you home". "Huh" I get baffled by his words, he pulls me away from the scene before I can refuse. I see all employees staring in our direction with hawk eyes, I suddenly feel flustered.

"Get in" Ashvik commands me opening the door for me, "But I can go with auto" I try to decline. "GET IN" I get in looking at his serious expression.

I sigh looking out the window, who would've thought that someday a mere cook will ride in the car of everybody's dream boy billionaire CEO Ashvik. As lame as it sounds I never expected it to happen to me.

He reaches my neighborhood "You can stop here" I suggest not wanting to take him furthermore. "Why? Did we reach your home? All I see are shops" he inquires looking around. "I can walk from here" I state, "No, I will drop you at the gate" he seems immovable.

"It's here" I stop Ashvik when I see my home, "You live here? It looks like it will break any moment" I roll my eyes at his comment. "Not everyone can afford to live in the mansion. This is a normal house for people like us" I explain our condition.

He simply exhales, "Thank you for dropping me off" I words my gratitude, he nods in return. I move out of the car, I notice the people of my neighborhood are eyeing us like a scene in dramatic soap opera is unfolding. He zooms off in his branded sports car; it is inevitable people will stare at a car like Ashvik's it stands out even among the elites.

"Oh my, What did I just see?" I hear a loud voice and the owner running towards me, "OMG, Did I see wrong? Wasn't that Ashvik's car?" Babli excitedly grabs my arms, and I smile in return. "Are you two together now?" I frown at her question "What? What kind of daydream are you living in?" I utter disbelieving in her misconception.

"He just came to drop me off" I explain the reality to her, "Who employer drops off their employee and especially the person like Ashvik he is the grand-master, the ultimate god?" I chuckle at her weird wordings, "You know you sound extremely weird right now".

Tch… "Oww" Babli mumbles after getting a light smack on her head from her brother "Yah what was that for you moron". "Stop watching weird dramas you dumb. And don't visualize your weird thoughts in Kashish's life" Parvaan leaves after warning his sister.

"Sour milk, he always acts like that. And you know he was completely against you working in Singhania's mansion" Babli informs about Parvaan's views. "Really? Why" I doubtfully ask her "He told us those rich snobs are hypocrites and assholes. They will be a bad environment for you. Such prejudice, my weirdo brother is allergic to rich people specially Dil trinities and their families" Babli utters all Parvaan views. I look at Parvaan's retreating back, he is a usually calm person and never badmouths another so having such thoughts is surprising.

In the evening I visit my mother "So how was your day?" my mother queried, "It was okay" I imply. "Doctor said, I will be released in two days" my mother informs me, I smile genuinely "Really, but are you fully fine? What did the doctor say?" my worries are highlighted through my words. "Doctor said I am fine, my reports are normal. I just need to rest" she gently clasp my hand "My dear daughter, thank you for worrying so much about me". We share a comforting smile while holding hands.