
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

Kashish's POV

I freeze in shock my words get stuck in my throat "Kashish, Kashish. Let's go to the hospital first" her words awaken me.

Babli and I reach the hospital in minutes, I run towards the emergency room. "Is Ma okay? Is she fine? What did the doctors say" I frantically ask Prakash uncle who is anxiously trying to calm me down "Doctors are checking right now". Babli puts her hands on my shoulder "Please, Kashish be strong aunty will be fine".

A doctor walks out "We'll have to urgently do a surgery. Her condition is critical", tears start streaming down my face. "Yes, doctor. Do everything! But please save my mother" I beg to doctor.

"There are few formalities needed to be done, so please continue with the procedures in the reception" the doctor informs me.

Prakash uncle and I fill up the forms at the counter, and the fees would be 2 lakh and 80 thousand the receptionist informs me. " But currently I have only 1 lakh in my account" I honestly imply. "Kashish, I will lend you the latter left. Don't worry" Prakash uncle offers, "But uncle aren't you already short of money" I point out his problem. "There is enough, Kashish" he counters.

"Here is the complete fee" a hand submits a check to the receptionist "And please transfer the patient to the super deluxe room" I see the check belongs to Indulekha Singhania. She smiles at me "Don't worry child. Your mother will be fine. I will help in her treatment". "But grandma, how can I take your money" I try to decline.

"Just think that it is an advance payment for your work" she apprises me. "Don't try to take advantage of others' helplessness, Grandma" I look at the person interjecting. "I am not Ashvik. Don't misinterpret my good intention, I do wanna help her. But I also want her to do me a favor" Indulekha grandma expectantly gazes at me.

"Take it Kashish. It's for your mother's well-being" Prakash uncle persuades me to take their help. Ashvik curiously gazes at my helpless situation, "Okay grandma. Thank you" I agree with their words. "Okay, you can join after your mother gets well. Everything will be fine my dear, don't worry" Indulekha grandma pats my head and leaves, Ashvik gives a glance and walks away following his grandma behind.

The surgery goes well and my mother is comfortably recuperating in the hospital. "So you took their proposal" I shared the situation that occurred during her period of unconsciousness. "Somethings that are meant to happen cannot be stopped. So what matters now is for you is to go with the flow" my mother encourages me to work hard.

I hold her palm in my hand giving a determined smile "Ma, my situation is out and clear. But now you've to truthfully tell me what happened exactly?" I question my solemn-looking mother, years of struggle have made her look older than her age.

She sighs "Mohit called, he told Rajiv was able to trail our old home. He Interrogated the whole neighborhood" I clutch her hand tightly "They threatened a few of our acquaintances and also they were forcibly demanding answers from Mohit but he denied them again and again. I am worried Rajiv will harm Mohit and Priya".

I fall in silence, I knew that this situation will arrive. Rajiv has always been skillful, he had few dangerous qualified connections. My mother and I when we ran away always feared his connections capturing us it was our long-time apprehension.

"Ma, don't worry no matter how assertive he is. He won't risk being violent or unnecessarily harming innocent. Right now his foremost goal will be us not Mohit uncle" I try to console my stressed-out mother, although I am not sure about my own words it won't do better than stressing mother.

Today is my first day of work in Singhania mansion although this situation was totally out of my gradual planning, I just decide to go with it. Nothing will come out with me being upset over my current condition, what matters is me being neutral and not letting my past bite me. My mother always said that what we have now is a present because it's always full of surprises and we must be able to accept it with gratitude.

I clean my house before leaving for work, my mother is still at the hospital recovering.

I look at the Singhania mansion, I remind myself that it's work and I need to be professional. I enter the mansion with the guard's permission. "You came Kashish" I see Indulekha grandma standing in the hall, "Lori, take Kashish and show her the kitchen". I greet Indulekha grandma as well to Lori and follow her. I walk into a grand kitchen filled with modern appliances touched with classic kitchen design. I attentively gaze at the background which has turned unfamiliar to me. Back years when I entered this kitchen it had a warm and cozy feeling but now it doesn't give off that vibe. I see chefs in uniform, it is a house but it gives off a hotel feeling.

I carefully touch the counter which gives me an indifferent sensation, unlike the feeling I got when I came here as a naive kid.

Lori introduces me to all the house helpers and assign the timetable. I was appointed as Ashvik's chef so I need to cook only for him, here every member has a different timetable and different menu.

Lori informed me other family members declined me to be their cook, they prefer their old cook so I needn't interfere with others' dishes. I sigh it has changed so much, I remember it wasn't like this thirteen years back.

I started preparing today's breakfast, Lori informed me that Ashvik prefers continental breakfast over Indian. When I was a cook in a hotel, I was trained to make various dishes so I do have the general ideas to make those.

I prepare a simple breakfast as Lori instructed me about his food habits and daily routine. Right now he is in his personalized gym, Lori called it his buffing routine.

He eats alone in his room so I was told to serve him in his room, I carry his plate and drinks upstairs. His room is on the 1st floor at the furthest corner, I knock lightly at his door, but no reply, I knock again still no sound. "Sir? May I come in?" I gently knock again. Maybe he is still out, I decide to come back later "You can come in". I hear him from the room returning my permission. He was inside all along but didn't feel the need to reply early.

I enter to find the room vacant, the room is dark and filled with a black-themed design that is sleek and clean. Everything is well organized, there is a master bed in the center, I try to find a table to set up the breakfast. "Leave it on the table near the couch" I hear his voice behind me, I spot the table and set the tray gently.

I turn but I get the shock of my life, Ashvik is strutting into his room only with his towel, his packs are on full display, and his wet hair is kind of making him look more handsome. Never have I ever seen a half-naked guy in my life, honestly, I have never been in a guy's room before. I stand in shock looking at the Greek god in front of me, Ashvik stops walking in between "What are you looking at? Won't you leave?" he calls me off, I wake up from my trance and dash out in hurry.

After coming out of the room I try to calm my racing heart. Did my heart fasten looking at him in a towel? How shameless did I become? I must have probably gone mad with frustration.

Ashvik's POV

I walk out of the gym and head to my room "Ashvik, done with the workout" I see grandma approaching me with her most cheerful smile. "What happened grandma? You look in great spirit" my grandma laughs lightly at my inquiry. "I am in a great mood, Kashish is here" she smiles flashing her white teeth. "Oh, she is here" I return not impressed, although I am curious about her it doesn't sit right with me having her as our cook.

I return to my room and start to shower.

After I finish, I walk out in a towel. I hear a gentle knock "Sir? May I come in?", I dry my wet hair before replying. A timid girl enters, I thought Lori would bring the breakfast as usual. But it looks like the new girl came, she walks in and looks around, and I exit from my walk-in closet "Leave it on the table near the couch" I instruct her. She turns around and stops, at first I don't notice but after realizing she isn't moving "What are you looking at? Won't you leave?" I voice. She runs off after my words, I grin at her reaction her face had turned into a red tomato with embarrassment, silly girl.