
The Demoness

"Kill her! Kill her! She's a demon, I saw her!" One man shouted. The crowds were throwing stones at Wisteria. She was a demon who inherited her demon side from both of her parents. They were from the Icy Mountain in the North. It was a secret place no one can know about. Wisteria turned into a demon when a young kid was being bullied by other kids. She wanted to protect him but instead she scared the kid away. People who saw her wanted her dead. She was a demon after all. Although she's a beautiful woman, people hated her after all. Demons were not welcomed in their land. Her parents abandoned her because she was the weakest in her family. She grew up to be a strong and beautiful demoness. She was no longer a weakling in her family.

"Hyah, hyah!" Horses galloped closer and closer, people stopped throwing stones at Wisteria. She looked wearily at the man in front of her. The man picked her up and placed her on the horse back.

People were shocked, how can a noble just pick up a demon like that? That was unacceptable for them.

"Sir, you are a noble! She's a demon, she can hurt us!" One man yelled.

"Silence! All of you!" The man shouted, his deep voice sounded like an ocean.

"Whether she's a demon or not, you guys are going too far! Has she ever harmed you guys in any ways? Did she kill anyone? Did she murder anyone? She is the woman I love for a long time. No one can ever hurt my woman." His voice all shut them up. The people murmured and started to leave one by one.

"If she ever comes back again, we will all kill her!" Several men shouted as they left the square. The man looked at her with compassion.

"Wisteria. Remember me?" The man said.

"Lord Han..."

"Don't move, you are injured." Lord Han carefully wrapped her bleeding cuts.

"Let's head back to the mansion, everyone!" Lord Han signalled them as they galloped back.

When they reached back home, Lord Han carried Wisteria back into his room and laid her on his bed. Wisteria looked around her knowing no one except for Lord Han. He was beside her all the time.

"My Lord." Wisteria tries to get up but she was too injured. Her healing power weakened since the weather was warm. It was a curse from her family. Every winter, her demon power will come back and every summer plus warmer weather weakened her demon state even more.

"Stay in bed and don't move. You are too injured." Wisteria lied on the bed wondering when she can leave and find her family. She missed her family even though they abandoned her, she wanted to know if they are living well.

"Wisteria, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to protect you." Lord Han was disappointed in himself. Wisteria shook her head.

"My Lord, you also have a family of your own. How can I be mad at you?" Lord Han was surprised.

"Family? Did someone tell you that I was married?" Wisteria nodded.

"I heard from other people that you were married to Lady Ella." Wisteria whispered.

"Ha? That was a rumor. I never saw her as my woman. Wisteria, ever since I saw you last summer, I fell in love with you. Ever since then, I can never stop thinking about you. You disappeared one time during winter and I didn't know where you were. You got me so worried." Lord Han looked at Wisteria and kissed her.

"I missed you so much. Where were you all along?" Lord Han held onto Wisteria's cold hand.

"I... I was trying to find my family. But they disappeared so I was trying to find them when I had the energy to." Lord Han scratched his head.

"Your family disappeared? How come?" Wisteria expression changed.

"My family never looked at me the same when they looked at my sibling. To them I was just weakling but I wanted to be strong enough and tell them I will become stronger. You know that I am a demon, the demon blood within me has special power. When I was young, my body was frail so my demon power wasn't able to become one hundred percent. I worked hard to keep my body strong enough. I practiced everyday until I passed out. My siblings were all stronger than me. They were much more powerful than me. Look at me now, after one winter, I became quite strong. But the warm weather kind of drained my energy by quite a bit." Wisteria giggled despite her bad condition.

Lord Han looked at her, he loved her so much. She was such a strong woman who had a heart of gold.

After several weeks, Wisteria gradually became better. Under Lord Han's command, no one knew she was a demon. Everyone thought she was just a normal woman who lived in the same house as Lord Han. A young child came to her when she was in the garden tending to her roses.

"Little one, are you lost?" The child nodded.

"I want to find my mommy." Wisteria notified the maids but they all shook their head.

"I will find the Lord and see if he can help." Wisteria smiled at the child.

When Wisteria entered the Lord's room, the atmosphere was very heavy. Lord Han did not look pleased at all. Wisteria asked the child to sit on a chair while she went to Lord Han.

"My Lord, what's the matter?"

"Wisteria, the child's parents died. I just got notified. Someone told the child to come here. Do not tell the child, his parents got killed by a demon. We don't know who exactly." She nodded.

"My lord, will he stay with us for the time being?" Lord Han nodded and told her to take the child away.

When she went to the child, he was waiting patiently. She smiled at him and told him to follow her. She looked at the innocent child and felt so bad for him. She was a demon herself and was hoping it wasn't her family who killed this young child's family.

"My child, what is your name?" She asked.

"Chris." The young boy answered.