
Love and Hatred

Lord Han was mesmerized by Wisteria's beauty. No other women can be compared to her beauty. Not even Lady Ella. They got married that summer with not a lot of support but they all got the love from the people they care about.

That night, they made love. With the windows opened, the moonlight shown on their naked body. Their kisses were deep and pleasurable. Wisteria's eyes were bright red but Lord Han thought they were beautiful. For the first time of his life, he made love with Wisteria and she was his first love. No matter if she was a demon or a human, she will always be his first and last love.

"Wisteria..." Whispered Lord Han. Wisteria looked at Lord Han and touched his face. She kissed him gently on his forehead. Lord Han gently touched Wisteria that made her moan. Every touch was tingling and pleasurable for her.

"Wisteria, please have my child." Lord Han whispered in her ears and started to kiss every part of her body. Wisteria moaned and letting it all out. It was so pleasurable. She loved him. She wanted to raise their child and give their child a happy life.

It was months after their marriage, Lady Ella wasn't so happy about the fact that Lord Han married Lady Wisteria. She loved Lord Han even before Lady Wisteria appeared. She was full of rage and jealousy. She wanted to seperate the two but it was impossible for her. Their love was too deep.

Lady Ella thought about different ways to destroy them but she couldn't have done it by herself. She needed a accomplice. Ella asked a maid to get her some sleeping medicine. The maid agreed and went out to buy it for her. Money was paid after they done the right thing. That night, Wisteria was outside enjoying the moonlight while talking to her unborn child. Ella saw her but decided to change her mind.

Ella knocked on Lord Han's room and went in instead. Lord Han was reading a book and she brought a cup of water and snacks for him. Ella looked at Lord Han with infatuation. She wanted him. She secretly poured in the sleeping drug that was colorless and tasteless into the water. She watched him as he drank the water down. Lord Han was quite tired that day and did not think about anything else.

"Wisteria...." He whispered. Lord Han saw Wisteria's smile and kissed her. Everything felt so good and wonderful. Ella took off his clothes and got him naked, she loved him. She loved his sleeping face. Ella kissed Lord Han. He half opened his eyes and Wisteria was in front of him. He pulled her close against his chest.

"Wisteria, I love you." Lord Han was sleepy and Ella did everything she could to seperate these two. She ripped her clothes and grabbed dark powder to make it look like bruises. She messed up her own hair and she took off everything. Ella uncovered Lord Han's blanket and ran off crying. That night, the whole house heard the commotion. Lord Han raped Lady Ella.

Wisteria came back from walking when the whole house was in chaos. She comforted her unborn child saying everything will be okay. Wisteria walked towards the crowd. The news already spreaded everywhere. Lady Ella was raped by Lord Han.

Wisteria wouldn't believe it. Lord Han would not do such atrocious thing. She went back to Lord Han's room to confirm it but several people were already there. Her face was filled with tears, she couldn't believe it. She won't believe it. When she saw the Lord, her chest tightened and was unable to breathe properly. She rushed outside to get some fresh air but was eventually blocked by Lady Ella.

"Ah, so you are the Lord's little lover. You know he raped me last night, I was so hurt as well. You couldn't believe he's done such a thing right? You know, men are men. When it comes to women, anything can happen. Too bad he didn't sleep with you last night. His firm chest and naked body was the best, his kisses were so juicy. He got a bit intense then things started to go haywire. I wanted him to slow down but he wouldn't listen. He ripped my shirt and dress, I was totally naked. Do you know how afraid I was? I loved him but he kept on calling your name when we were having sex. Look at your face, you thought the Lord was yours right? Too bad, he had to pay the price. He will be locked in a dungeon with no light. How great would that be? He won't be able to see you and your unborn child. That is so sad and tragic, right?" Lady Ella looked at Wisteria with such a proud expression.

"Lady Wisteria..." Lady Ella walked around Wisteria while twisting her own hair.

"The way to let the Lord out of the dungeon is to marry me. Or else he could get his head chopped off if he decided not to tell the truth. In other words, I have the ability to save him and give him a glorious life. Even though he raped me, I did feel bad but I want to give him one last chance to survive. Don't you I'm wonderful? What are you able to give him? I know all about you. You have a demon child inside of you. It looks to me you are going to give birth quite soon. What are you going to do?" Lady Ella smiled and Wisteria wanted to fight back. All these things were false. None of it were real.

Wisteria answered calmly, "Lady Ella, was it you who set this whole thing up? I believe my Lord would not do something so stupid. Even if he did, I will confirm it with him. I get to decide whether to leave or not. I did not hear his side of the story yet. I only heard yours." Wisteria answered.

Wisteria was going to the opposite direction when she met up with Lord Han and few other guards. Lord Han was solemn and did not say anything. Wisteria went up to him and confirm.

"My Lord, It's me. Wisteria. Did you do that last night?" Lord Han did not say anything. He stood there quietly as he was pushed into the dungeon.

"My Lord, what happened last night?" Wisteria talked to him on the outside because the bar was blocking them. Lord Han was still silent, he wasn't able to meet eye to eye with Wisteria.

"I'm sorry. I've disappointed you, Wisteria. It was my fault. I raped her." Wisteria shook her head.

"No, it wasn't you. I know it's Ella. She tricked you. My Lord, just tell them it's Lady Ella!" Lord Han shook his head, "I have no proof. It's too late, Wisteria. Please, take care of our child. Our child's name, Han Jun. Jun means brave as a soldier. I love you." Wisteria shook her head and her face was full of tears. She held onto the bar and was unable to let go.

"Wisteria, please go. It's too dangerous here. I will be alright. Please go back to your home. Take care of Han Jun and Chris. Okay?" Wisteria nodded and slowly let go of the bar. She cried and went away. It was three days later until Wisteria received the news that Lord Han commited suicide. Wisteria broke down, she was alone again. She didn't want to go back to that place. It was filled with pain. She decided to live near a village that was close to her hometown. Lord Han gave her enough money to survive for at least few years.

Wisteria made a vow in front of Lord Han's gravestone. She will protect and love their child. She brought Chris with her. She silently prayed and left the grave after she placed the white lily on his grave. Lord Han's favorite flower was the white lily. She will treasure everything that belonged to him. She treasured their sweet memories together, she didn't want to forget his smile and his handsome face either. Wisteria touched her big belly and whispered to their unborn child, "My child, your father was a great man. I love him so much. Mommy will love you, daddy will be up there watching over us." Wisteria smiled as she left the gravesite quietly. Chris tugged along with Wisteria. He lost both of his parents and a father figure.

It was few days later, Wisteria gave birth to Han Jun on a cold and snowy day. Han Jun looked just like Lord Han. His chubby face and big blue eyes were so adorable. Chris was a few years older than Han Jun so he helped out with housework and chores.

"Chris. Come here." Wisteria whispered while she was resting on the bed. She kissed Chris and treated him like his older son. Wisteria smiled and said, "Chris, do you want to hold your baby brother?" Chris nodded.

"Mommy, why is he so cold?" Han Jun's body contained half human blood and half demon blood. Temperature can rise and decrease because newborn are susceptible to environment changes.

"Chris, your brother is a little different. His body doesn't warm that quickly like yours. When he gets older, he will have better control. Understand?" Chris nodded as if he understood.

Wisteria hid the truth in sight, she wouldn't dare to tell anyone that her child was a demon like her. She wanted to give Han Jun a normal life a kid should have. She never left his side. She watched him grow up day by day into a young boy. She was relieved because his demon blood hasn't been awakened yet. He was still a human but it will take a while for a demon child to get used to his power. Wisteria knew one day her child will have to face the painful truth. She wanted to tell him after he gets a bit older. Wisteria watched as Han Jun played with Chris, they are close as brothers now even if they are not blood related. She was glad Han Jun can get along with other kids his age. But the happiness won't last long, it's only temporary.