

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Teen
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12 Chs


After we ate, they immediately went to the living room and I went to my room to prepare.

It's 1:30! We spent a lot of time at the mall earlier even though they only played two games. Anyway, when Rodge and I went to the arcade, he only really played two games. But he had some time.

I packed everything I needed because I might not go home again, I might go home to my condo again. Hayysssttt. Just this week after next week vacation !!! It's already March. After packing, I rested for a while before taking a shower and getting ready.

I went downstairs and caught up with them in the living room. As usual, Mom was talking to me but it seemed serious now and then my sister was there and teaching Rodge. They just came home earlier. My twins are already waiting on the couch as if his bored, he is frowning. Then Gianne is playing PS4, wow huh? Do you own this house?

I approached Mom and kissed their cheeks.

"Good Afternoon, I'm going. James will deliver me.. "I said while kissing their cheeks.

"Okay, take care... "They said. I just nodded before approaching my sister and also kissing their cheeks.

"I'm going sister...."I said and turned to Rodge who was doing his assignment. I kissed him on the cheeks.

"Bye, baby. See you on Saturday... "I said.

"Bye tita Mommy. Do your best! I love you, take care... "He said and waved at me. I laughed and nodded and approached my twin.

"Oh, what sis? Will you kiss me on the cheek too? Stop that, don't kiss my handsome face, will you? "He said when I got close so I hit him. He seemed too shock in what I did.

"Oww! What the! "He shouted angrily as he snorted and looked at me wickedly.

"Let's go! What are you saying there! Why would I kiss you on your ugly face?! Do I know if many sluts who kiss there will still infect me with germs! Ew! "I was also annoyed with him! I walked away from the house but someone held my hand. I finally noticed that they were all looking at us as if they were watching a movie! Son of!

"Me, do I not have a kiss? Why do they have? Kiss me too, just here on the cheeks oh... "Gianne said like a child, so I turned to him in shock! He frowned as he looked at me sadly! You are the child of Impact!

"H-huh? W-why would I-i?" I asked stuttering. He smiled at me. Damn! Why is he smiling? I feel my cheeks burned so I avoided his eyes and met my mom's eyes who was watching and smiling at us. There's an emotion in her eyes, what is that? Happy? Touched? She seemed too happy and sad at the same time. What is that for?

"It's easy, just here oh on the cheeks. Maybe we won't see each other for a long time, won't you miss me? "He asked foolishly. The face of that pouty man earlier was replaced by a grin. They stared even harder at the two of us.

"What is Gianne! We just met yesterday ah? Are we close are we close? Ha? Huh?" I hissed at him. I look at his smiling face, does he know that he's making me embarass? Damn it!

"No. But, we will be close too! Maybe we'll really meant to be!" He said proudly, raising my eyes. I took his hand away and then pointed at him so he was surprised to look at me.

"I thought you were cold at first!You're annoying! Stop acting like a child! I'm going to die! You look like a child who has lost candy! You even beat Rodge! JERK! "I shouted angrily and stared at him so his mouth was wide open looking at me! What?! Is he fuckin' shock?! I'm just telling the truth here! This asshole!

"If you don't want to kiss me, eh, no, then I'll just kiss you! You are so choosy! "He also shouted angrily and kissed me on the cheek! You are really the son of Impact! I was shocked to stare at him who is now smiling foolishly! I saw all of them smiled at us, but they are trying to hide it. I know there's something wrong... What are they thinking?

"Oh what? You are stunned? I know you really want to. One more... "He said and threatened to kiss me again on the cheek but a hand block his face. James block his face using his hand and glared at the man infront of me. Gianne look at James while pouting, but I can't take my gaze off him.

"Hey, hey! I don't like like that! Maybe my sister likes you but you don't have a permission to kiss her, you asshole! Don't kiss her! You're crazy dumbass!" James shouted so I look at him with confusion. But you can still see the pleasure in his eyes. What is that for?

"Tss. You really a pest, James. Just one... All right..."Gianne insisted! James was about to speak but I preceded him.

"Stop! I'm going to late! Oh, my pay for it! "I said to Gianne and quickly kissed him on the cheek before I ran to the garage. Why did I do that ?!

My heart was beating so fast that I was able to hold on to it. Why is it like this? What's this? Fuck! Why is it like this, eh I also kiss my male friends ah? But when I talk to him and kiss him, my heart suddenly beats faster. What's wrong? Am I going to check up? Do I have heart disease? But no, that only happens to him. Maybe-

My monologue stops when someone interrupted. Of course, it's my twin again! Who would be? He's the only pest!

"Hey, you idiot there. Yiieeeh, what are you thrilled about? What is the kiss for? "My twin asked who was now smiling broadly at me. I stood up straight and looked at him with no emotion in my eyes. I should act properly.

"Nothing. Why would I be thrilled? Nothing exciting there ah? It's just cheeks. And one more thing, I'm used to it because I have a lot of boy friends... "I told him and look away. James is good to it, I need to be safe.

"Weh? You looked different before. It is as if cold water has been poured on you. Admit it, your heart beats faster when he is near right? Yieeh- "I cut off what he was going to say. Talking again! See? He's really good at investigation. James is very observational man. When he's staring at your eyes, it means he's trying to read you, so that's why I don't like staring in his eyes. He might know what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling right now. I need to keep it as a secret.

"Stop me! Let's go! "I shouts and rushes to get inside the car. I cross my arms over my chest and look bad in front. James also came in while still smiling so I glared at him. I know he knows something already. He just want to confirm it but he's trying to stop himself.

"Oh, okay, not anymore. Stop frowning there. You look like a bulldog not fed... "He said and laughed out loud. What?! Dogs are cute but I'm so pretty to look like them!

"What ?! I love dogs, yes! But I don't look like them! You annoying jerk! "I'm annoyed by him and tried to reach him and pull him out but he's avoiding my hands. He was still far away while laughing so I stopped when I got tired. Damn! Just do not let me be haggard and the goddess may disappear..

He started the car and drove to school. Because he has no class today. I hope all is well. Well, my school is in UNP (University of Northern Philippines) in tamag, Caoayan. I have been studying there for 2 years since we lived here in Ilocos. Well, this is where we live in Santa. So pretty far away.