

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Teen
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12 Chs


My clock ring so I immediately stand up and do my morning routine. I didn't have dinner yesterday because I slept all night! After doing it, I went downstairs and went to the kitchen to drink some water. Argh! I still feel tired. After I drank the water, my sister came in with her husband in good shape. By the way, he's Anthony Haze Willey. Then their son was Zandrian Rodgen Betchel Willey. Oh isn't that unique?

"Alex, your class will start at 5 right? Take Rodge on arcade. You know Rodge, he is only 6 years old. He's still very naughty. "She said. I nodded to her and turned my gaze to brother Anthony. They were both in good shape so I Okay mom. "I answered. I wonder where they'll go. Do they have a date?

"Where are you going sister? Do you have a date maybe? "I teased so my sister averted her eyes while her husband blushed and smiled sweetly!

"You know Cress, date someone. You're just jealous so you can be teased...." Brother Anthony said and smiled like a lunatic.

"Hey, my brother! How can she have a boyfriend if she's so ugly? "He said and smirked at me. He was still leaning on the bar counter and drinking milk.

Aha! I had a plan in mind so I looked at him crazily and smirked. His forehead furrowed as he looked at me so my smile widened even more. Dwayne asked me to date him, last week! Mom was right when they arrived but I first ignored them and focused my eyes on my twin scared looking at me. I waved and raised an eyebrow at him before speaking.

"Who says I am ugly twin? Dwayne invited me to date him. Is that ugly? Ay! There is something else. He took my number, then he flirted with me..."I said. They were all stunned and Dixie, Haze, and James even spilled the water they were drinking and looked at me in shock.I walked over to the dining table and sat in the empty seat and greeted Mom who was still shock.

"Good morning Mom, Dad, Tita, Tito, Gianne... "I greet but they still seem shocked! Hahha! I want to laugh out loud at their appearance but then again! HAHAHA! I will laugh at you secretly.

"What the hell ?! Who ?! You ?! Alexis Cresseda Elena!" My brother shouted and I looked at him in shock!

"Why would I? "I asked crazily so his eyebrows met even more. Ate walked over to me and touched both of my cheeks so I was surprised to look into her eyes seriously. I swallowed because this is the first time I saw her this serious.

I was so shocked when she suddenly screamed and ask a lot of question! Son of a!

"Kyaaaaa !!!! Sis, who are they ?! Is he handsome?! What ?! Clever ?! Hot ?! Omy G !!!!! Mom, Dad! Did you hear that ?! My sister is really beautiful!Mygoddd Alex! What- "I cut her words because she says too much! What is that! How can I answer her series of questions eh, I only have one lip?They are just the same as James! TALKING !

"Just wait sister! The amount of questions you have! I only have one mouth okay?! "I shouted. She seemed to understand so he nodded like a child but the smile was still wide.

"Alex? "My dad asked seriously so I swallowed and looked at him. They all seemed to be getting up and Mommy was smiling broadly! But except for the three! Who else ?! Of course dad, James , and Gianne. They were just looking at me seriously so I was a little confused.

"Dad, it's not important anymore ok? I don't have plans to answer him. I'm too busy for that. And, oh, by the way, we're going in mall..." I change the topic because I feel a little nervous.

"Who is with you?" Dad asked again. Finally!

"None..." I answered.

"Include Gianne. So that he doesn't get bored here at home..."Mommy sighed. I just frowned.

"But, Mom, maybe he's still tired. He needs to rest. They travelledfor more than ten hours -"I said but Gianne cut me.You are not rude . Not really. Note the sarcasm.

"No, I can manage. I'm rested..."He said and I sighed. What else can I do?

"Ok..." I answered and I saw them smiled. What the hell is the meaning of that smile huh?

"Alex, Rodge is still in the bedroom, sleeping. Just wake him up later and feed him before you go. We are leaving. Byee. Bye Mom, Dad.... "Ate said and kissed them on the cheeks. She looked at me first and motioned for me to explain when they came home before leaving the dining area.

"We are going Mom, dad, James, Alex. We are going aunt, uncle, pare... "Kuya Anthony said goodbye and we nodded.

"Take care..." Mom and Dad said and he nodded before following my sister.

"Let's eat?" Mom asked and we all nodded.

While we were eating, James just glanced at me so I was a little irritated. It's 7:30 in the morning so it's early. Maybe later I will wake Rodge about nine.

"What's your problem, twin bro? "I hissed in a low voice.

"Explain to me later... "He said and glared at me.

"What the hell? Don't mind it ok? I have no plans. I even forgot to eat once, can I still have a boyfriend? The book is my boyfriend and maybe that will be my husband so stop me James... "I said so he frowned. I knew Mom was listening because I heard them laugh softly.

"How can you marry my book that has no life? Can that say 'I do' so that's what you're going to marry? Alex, did you take your medicine? "He said so Mom laughed out loud! I heard Gianne chuckled too!

"You know, twin, just close your mouth, nothing good is being said... "I said angrily to him but he just smiled and continued eating..

I don't know if we are really twins! We have very different habits, except for being windy. I don't even know who he inherited from.

Someone cleared his throat and I looked at Gianne who was next to me who was looking at me. He leaned closer to me and whispered,

"What time we will go to the mall?" He asked.

"Maybe about 10:30 like that..." I answered and he nodded. We continued eating.

After eating, we went straight to the living room and there we talked. I just watched TV because I was too lazy to speak. I don't know, speed changes my mood. Tsk.

"Why aren't you talking to Alex, son? Are you ashamed of her? "Tito Anderson asked while smirking.

"Dad..." Gianne called his dad with a serious tone.