
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Chapter 59- Betrayal and Confrontation

Damion's POV 

*4 days before the Birthday* ---> reference to Invitation Chapter 53

"Your Highness there is something we must talk about." I looked at him waiting for his words.

"I have been working with your cousin the Duke Vital Burious, to diminish your opportunities of becoming the King"

My heart sinks at Cirius' confession. I feel a mix of disbelief and betrayal swirling within me. "What are you saying, Cirius? You've been working against me?" I stand up from my seat, I remind myself that I have been nothing but a fool, everyone has been a step ahead of me everytime. My mind is filled with self hatred.

I look back at him, he lowers his gaze, a somber expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I had my reasons, but it was never my intention to make you fail. However the Duke made certain promises to me, and I thought it would benefit my quest."

I feel of anger and hurt. "How could you betray me like this, Cirius? We've been through so much together. I trusted you."

He looks up, remorse written all over his face. "I know, Your Highness, and I'm deeply sorry, to not having confined in you sooner, about the plot, about everything, but for the sake of the old kingdom, I needed to do this."

I take a deep breath, trying to reign in my emotions. "What were the promises he made? Why would you go against me? Why are you even telling me all this?"

Cirius hesitates before answering. "He promised me, the mages would regain their status in the kingdom, he would bring the old kingdom ways back into fruition, and that we would free lady Morgana from her binds. Is not that I trust him more than your Highness, but at the time you weren't..."

"I wasn't the exactly a befitting ruler for this Kingdom, was I? " I say realising all those years of not learning and sitting idle, has made me look weak at the eyes of my subjects. Even Rahua pointed that out to me.

"I can keep asking, your Highness for forgiveness, but I think I there's more pressing matters, your cousin the Duke knows about your relationship with Rahua, if am to deliver this letter I have to go through him."

My mind races, trying to process everything that Cirius has just revealed to me. He told me everything, who was behind the rebel army, my engagement idea to Mirantella. Cirius making himself someone I can trust was all part of Vital's plan to later dethrone me.

I sit back down, trying to steady my racing thoughts. Cirius has just confessed to being involved in a plot against me, orchestrated by my own cousin, Duke Vital. It's a lot to take in, but I realize that I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment. There are pressing matters at hand.

"Cirius, I appreciate you telling me this, but why change of heart, why not keeping working with my cousin? He does seem someone capable. He did manage to prepare a rebelation army without anyone raising suspicion, made allies under our noses. If he was successful in his first plot, he would be the one wearing the crown, right now." I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me.

"Because I don't think he would wear that crown as justly and honorably as you would, Your Highness," Cirius responds, his voice filled with conviction. "I have seen the lengths he is willing to go to achieve his goals, and the unscrupulous methods he employs. He may have promised me certain things, but I have come to learn that he lacks of any kind of empathy towards the others. I don't know what would become of this kingdom if he ever becomes a King."

I nod, understanding Cirius' concerns. "And what about Lady Morgana? What role does she play in all of this?"

Cirius sighs, his expression heavy with guilt. "Lady Morgana is a powerful mage who has been imprisoned for years by your grandfather's, grandfather. She holds valuable knowledge and abilities that could greatly benefit the kingdom, however she is not someone to kneel before a king, when the king is undeserving. Duke Vital promised me her freedom, but I know that his intentions are far from noble, I know she would never acknowledge him."

"Wait, Freedom? Is she alive?" In the book clearly said that she was dead. I thought she was supposed to be a big villain. "Didn't she persecuted for eating children? " I ask, confused.

Cirius laughs, "she was the kindest soul, I was told she couldn't harm anyone."

"And you believe them? " I ask.

"Yes" he promptly answer no doubt in his eyes.

"And Rahua his in danger because of my involvement with her." I passed my hand through my hair in frustration. 

I clench my fists, a mixture of anger and determination coursing through me. "I will not stand by and let Vital use me, my relationship with Rahua, or anyone else for his own gain. I will put an end to his plans, and ensure he does not hurt her or anyone."

Cirius looks at me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Your Highness, I believe in you. You have the potential to be a great ruler, one who truly cares for the people and brings about positive change. I am with you, no matter what. But how do you intend to accomplish that?

The day that I delivered Miss Rahua's letter to you, I realised she may have started a chain of events, that would change the course of this world, and she may have the knowledge to free Lady Morgana."

"Does my cousin Vital knows about this?" I ask a sudden worry washes over me.

"Yes!" He tells me.

"So, she is in danger, no matter what." I say pulling my hair back.

"Not necessarily, your cousin as awaken a certain interest in Miss Rahua, I have not come to understand it's nature, but I don't know if he would harm her. "

"Interest?" I scoff "I don't want to take any chances. I have will arrest him."

"Your Highness if I may suggest. " Cirius looked serious with a dark expression, "I would propose to not reveal anything for now, let him think that he still has the control over everything, we hand him the letter, so you can catch him red handed. "

"That would put Rahua in danger, I don't want that. " I say.

" I understand that, however without proof, arresting you cousin now may backfire on your Highness. He seems to know well to twist things in his favour. As for Miss Rahua, I ensure that nothing will happen to her. "

I ponder Cirius' suggestion, weighing the risks and potential outcomes. He has a point I can do anything, without solid evidence, arresting my cousin now could lead to unforeseen consequences. And I can't let anything happen to Rahua.

"You're right, Cirius," I concede. "We cannot act rashly. We need to gather undeniable proof before taking any drastic measures. But we must also ensure Rahua's safety."

Cirius nods in agreement. "I will keep a close eye on her, Your Highness. I won't let anything happen to her. And in the meantime, I will remain as his ally, at that time I will not be able to contact you. Right I can't share any further planning because I don't think he trusts me enough."

I take a deep breath, I nod and in my mind I begin to form a plan. "I will play along for now, maintaining the illusion that Vital is in control. But dare you betray me again, I will not spare you"

Cirius's bows, "I am fully committed to, Your Highness. I will do whatever it takes to protect you"

I make the letter as if I was writing for Rahua, and hand it to Cirius.

"Ah, your Highness, the Lord Duke has a magical artifact protecting him, so even if you want to watch him through the mirror it won't work. I suggest to get an enchanted item for Miss Rahua for protection, I am sure that Royal vaults must contain something of the sorts. "

I remember my grandfather talk about a Jade necklace, it was enchanted, served to protect and shield the one who wears it. And it was connected to a ring that would shine once the necklace was activated. 

If they still exist in the royal vaults, they might be the perfect solution to keep Rahua safe. As Cirius leaves i call for Loyd, I ask him to check on the Jade necklace and ring to bring it to me. 


*The day Rahua went missing*

I held the ring close to me hoping that it would never shine. At same time hoping if he it did I would be able to find her as quick as possible. 

My heart pounded with anxiety as I clutched the ring tightly in my hand. I knew that if it started to shine, it meant that Rahua was in danger and I needed to find her immediately. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her.

As we rode to the destination, the maid gave us, a flicker of light caught my eye. A mixture of relief and dread washed over me as I watched the ring slowly illuminate.

Without a moment's hesitation, we follow the direction in which the glow was leading me.

Panic gripped my chest as we raced through the bustling streets, desperately searching for any sign of Rahua. Finally, the illumination led us to Vital's Manor. With my heart pounding in my chest, I pushed open the gates to his garten.

Ceaser and the knights coordinated in silence, to evade any possibility for him to run away.