
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Chapter 58 - Plot Armor

Rahua's POV

The damn it, he threw me inside of this room, the windows have bars, the door is locked. I pace around the room trying to figure out what to do next.

With every passing minute I feel my frustration rise. This dress doesn't help me to move and I can't take it off, because it opens from the back. I just want to scream.

I stop for a moment, well I'll do just that. "Do you think Damion is going come and save me? He doesn't care about me!!! He has his fiancée. " I yell out my frustration as I bang on the door.

"What's your end game here when you finally realise that Damion is not showing up for this peasant girl. I have nothing, why not let me go?" I hear no reaction from the other side nothing happens.

In a fit of rage, I start to throw things around. I don't know where the strength and the willpower came from, I start to break the chair into pieces, throwing them against the walls. The sound of splintering wood echoes through the small confined space, fueling my anger even more.

But as I continue my destructive rampage, a sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me. The adrenaline and frustration begin to dissipate, leaving me feeling drained and defeated. I slump down on the remains of the shattered chair, my breaths coming out in heavy sighs.

"What am I even doing?" I mutter to myself, my voice filled with resignation. "Even if Damion did come, what is the point, is not like we going to ride into the sunset and be together." I laugh loud at that stupid thought.

A sense of hopelessness settles over me, my anger turning into despair. The reality of my situation sinks in, and it feels like I'm sinking further into darkness. No one is coming to save me, and I'm left trapped in this room with no way out.

As I sit there, the silence of the room becomes suffocating. The adrenaline-fueled rage has faded, replaced by a deep sadness and a longing for freedom. I can't help but question why I ended up here in the first place, why my fate seemed so cruel.

Maybe this is all just a dream. Maybe I am in coma in the real world. I laugh out loud again, it took me almost a year to come up with this thought.

To be honest I don't know if I died, I just assumed when I woke up here. I gather some strength to stand up. Maybe if I fall unconscious I will wake up back in the other world. I run myself against the wall, the best I can with the heavy dress. Even though I bang my head and fall back, I just get a headache and nothing more.

"Ahahhahahhah, I'm just going mad." I say, to come up with such idea, I must be losing it.

I lay down on the floor, contemplating my options.

No, I can't stay laying down, can't hang on a little shred of hope that Damion will come to save me.

I start to look around for any weakness that the room might have for me to use as an escape route.

The bars on the windows seem sturdy, but perhaps there's a way to loosen them. The locked door taunts me, but maybe there's a key somewhere, or a way to pick the lock.

I won't deny the anger, fear and frustration that still lingers within me, and the uncertainty of what lies beyond these walls. Even so, I do want to live.

I begin to search the room more thoroughly, exploring every nook and cranny for any possible means of escape. I push aside the bed, hoping to find a hidden compartment or a loose floorboard, but my efforts are in vain.

Desperate and running out of options, I turn my attention to the locked door. I try to recall if I've seen any keys lying around, but my memory fails me. I try jiggling the doorknob, hoping that it will miraculously give way, but it remains steadfastly locked. "That would be too easy."

A surge of frustration and helplessness threatens to overtake me. I kick at the door in frustration, leaving my foot throbbing with pain. But amidst the despair, a thought flickers in my mind.

Maybe, just maybe, there is a way to pick the lock. I remember watching movies where skilled characters skillfully manipulates a lock with a hairpin or a simple tool. I scan the room, desperately searching for anything that could serve as an improvised lockpick.

My eyes land on a hairpin on the vanity table. Could it really be that simple? I snatch it up, my hands trembling with a mixture of hope and doubt. Taking a deep breath, I kneel in front of the door, trying to ignore the fear that threatens to paralyze me.

I insert the hairpin into the lock, my heart pounding in my chest. I apply gentle pressure, trying to feel for any movement or resistance. Minutes pass, each second feeling like an eternity as I continue to manipulate the hairpin within the lock.

And then, almost as if by some stroke of luck, I feel a slight give. My heart skips a beat as the lock begins to turn. I can hardly believe it as the door creaks open, revealing a sliver of freedom on the other side. I make celebration gesture before making my way slowly out.

A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins as I realize that escape is within reach. Without wasting a moment, I take every step with caution, looking at every direction, making sure my way is free.

Strangely enough, I couldn't see anyone, was I alone at house? That would explain why noone reacted to my rant.

As I walk downstairs, I can see the door, my way out, my freedom gate. I hurry to take steps without making noises. The dress does not help in my movements, I have to pick it up and hold it higher.

I can see the door I am almost there. I can almost smell the freedom.

I reach the door and grab the doorknob, my heart pounding in my chest. I look to the side there's a door with a small opening, I could see Vital and Mr. Cirius inside discussing something.

".... as soon as they arrive we kill them. " My heart began to race, they want to kill Damion? In the original story it never came to that.

As the door begin to open, I could see Vital's back, however Mr. Cirius, who was opening the door, notices me, sees me holding the doorknob. It's all over now!

However Mr. Cirius closes the door right almost immediately, leaving me an opportunity to escape, I was completely dumbfounded with what had just happened.

I didn't hesitated with one last push of adrenaline-fueled escape, I turn the knob and swing the door open. The cool rush of outside air hits my face, and I step out, turning to the opposite direction of the room where Vital and Mr. Cirius are.

I find myself in a courtyard, surrounded by towering walls and lush greenery. It's a stark contrast to the confines of the room I was trapped in. I take a moment to revel in the liberation, to breathe in the fresh air I have longed for.

I must navigate this unfamiliar territory and find my way to safety. I may be days away from the Village, I don't know. I keep my wits about me, staying alert for any signs of danger or potential obstacles. I need to move swiftly, yet cautiously, making sure to avoid drawing attention to myself.

I get past the the fence, ripping part of my dress. I take this moment to rip more of it to regain a little more freedom of movements.

My only thoughts is to run, run, run and run, as fast as I can. Run further and further away. I need to warn Damion, to not come. I suddenly stop at the realisation, "he is not coming! " I laugh and cry at same time. The bitterness of the situation, is if he doesn't come he will remain safe, if he does come he will die. One means he cares the other means he doesn't. Either way I will lose.

As I walk further, I feel lost I don't know which direction I should follow, going back is no longer an option I don't even know which direction I came from.

I could hear wolf's, or whatever they are. I sight I should have stayed in that bedroom.

As I continue to walk, the sounds of the wolves grow louder, sending a shiver down my spine. I pick up my pace, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't let fear consume me now. I have to keep going, keep running.

Suddenly, I hear a rustling in the bushes nearby. I freeze, my body tense with anticipation. I slowly turn my head, praying that it's just a harmless animal. But my heart sinks when I see two pairs of glowing eyes staring back at me.

The wolves emerge from the underbrush, their sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. Panic surges through me, but I know I can't afford to let it control my actions. I search my surroundings for any possible escape route, but it seems like every path is just as dangerous.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I know will be a battle for my life. I gather all my courage, knowing that is no other way.

As the wolves lunge towards me, I strike back, using anything I can find as a makeshift weapon. Branches, rocks, anything that will give me an advantage. As they were about to reach me, I was overwhelmed with fear, as I thought, it's over!

They bumped against an invisible force field around me? As if something magical was protecting me from the attack.

They continue to attack with intensity, from various angles bumping against the force field around me. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I watched the magic unfold before me.

After a while they looked frustrated and tired and retreated.

And I collapsed on the ground exhausted not knowing what had just happened.