

The royal family was now on the royal chariot. The King, prince and the Queen in one. And the Queen mother in another. The people were bowing the royal family. At reaching the public square they got down and walked upto the aisle. The royal announcer began his speech, "As we all have gathered here to hear the name of our prince and celebrate his birthday with all us, I invite our Queen mother to began the ceremony." And stood aside.

She smiled and took the prince in her arms. She raised him in the air. "This is Prince Jimin. The next heir of Park dynasty." Hearing it the crowd cheered, "Long Live The Prince Jimin." which made the prince to cry. The Queen mother chuckled and began to soothe him. His wailes came to a stop.

Suddenly for everyones notice the sky became dark. Thunder rumbled. Wind breezed heavily. "It's a bad omen." The royal priest murmured loud enough which caught the King's attention. The Queen mother hugged the prince close to her. The gurads covered the royal family immediately.

A woman appeared on one of the royal chariots when a lightning bolt hit it. The weather calmed down still the sky was dark. All turned to her. Her hoodie covered her face. She removed it and let out a villainous laugh. "Oh poor king." She left a fake concerned sigh. "Oooh my nephew is pretty handsome boy." She fake drooled. "At last I am able to see the whole family." She got down the chariot. "Well, you sent your guards to capture me. Capture Park Kira! Oh king you have got the wrong person." She laughed.

"Your mother or should I say Queen mother." She scoffed. "Approached me for help. Asking for a heir." She fake weeped and stopped. "She promised me a bundle of gold coins and that she do never inform you. But look here she kept one and broke the other." She replied walking through the path that the crowd made with surprise on seeing her. The King couldn't believe his ears. He gave a disappointed look to his mother.

She stood infront of them. "Now, do I look like a fool, that I would have helped you even after what you did to me and my parents." She asked. The guards raised their swords but with just one glare their hands twisted and all the swords fell down. They cried out due to the pain. She went straight to Queen mother. She smirked. Queen mother turned to keep the prince from her.

Kira caressed the prince's head. "Well, this son of yours is the one who is going to take the curse. Since he is very special to you all." She smiled at the prince who was smiling at her. Hearing the words from her, everyone was shocked. The King couldn't take it anymore. He kneeled infront of her. "What can I do for you to stop?" He asked looking at his knees. "You can't do anything my sweet  brother. Your mother should have thought about the consequences. But she didn't." She caressed the King's hair.

"What about your mother killing my lord?" The Queen mother fummed in anger. Kira got furious. "After uncle married you, she didn't get any attention from him. Eventually my mother started a relationship with my  father, she did that to show how it felt to get cheated on his wife by someone close. But still your lord cared least about my mother. She  couldn't take anymore, she tried to kill him. So that my father could become the King. Although you saved your lord, you pushed my father to death."

"So I curse on Prince Jimin that he shall remain ill for his entire life."

She swore. "Noooooo." The Queen shouted. "Oh Yes, now that you have showed up, Misuk. I will love to tell a teribble truth to the king." Her laugh filled with devilment.

"My brother, you were in an attempt to catch me because I am witch. Yet you didn't know that the person whom you loved was one of the witches." She smirked as he looked up to see her. The Queen was weeping. "Oh, well, I will leave this kingdom now because I have done my job. Now you should banish your Queen from this kingdom." She said walking dowm the platform. "Bye my dear nephew. Hope that you won't live long." She laughed wickedly and disappeared in the air.

The Queen and Queen mother looked at their prince. It seemed that he was having difficulty in breathing. He was breathing heavily and was his skin was burning.The King still sat there downcasted. He rose from his position. The people were down hearted for the king. The King had  tears in his eyes. He looked at his citizen and spoke with anger in his voice. "I, Park Sungjin, King of Jung, banish Byeon Misuk from this Kingdom." Cooherenting, the Queen fell on her knees and grabbed her husband's hand. "Your Majesty please do not do that. I was a witch before our marriage." She begged. The King continued, "As for the Queen mother she shall be locked in the prison. The gathering is over." He said and tried to walk but couldn't because the Queen had her hold on his leg begging for forgiveness. He looked at her, "Your betrayal shall her be forgiven." He tried pushing her but then her grip only tightened.

"Your Majesty, I-I can't live without  you and m-my son. Our son needs me now the most. Please forgive me for not letting you know about my past. I did not use bl-black magic after our marriage." She cried out loud. "You were not loyal to me and I do not want a person like you as my Queen. You deceive me. And as for the prince, he shall stay with me." "Guards!" He shouted. "Take her away from the Kingdom." He ordered. The guards came and pulled her off the King. "No, please your majesty." She cried.

The Queen mother and the maid walked away with the prince not sparing a sorry glance at her. Misuk squirmed in their grips but she was not let free. She looked at the guards who were dragging her on her feet. "Please, please let me go. My son needs me." She begged them. "Sorry your Highness." They said with hopelessness. She saw the royal chariots driving away and the crowd moving away with heavy heart. She lets the guards to drop her in a nearby forest.

Meanwhile at the palace.

It seemed that the moment the chariots came to halt, his majesty ordered his guards to imprison the Queen mother. She didn't want her son to deceive her, but she did such a thing that made him ashame to call her the Queen mother.

The guards came to her. Handing the baby to the maids, the guards cuffed her hands with rope and pulled her to the prison. Saddness, disgraceful, and all the negative points attacked her.

The King walked into his Chamber s not able to take in the situation. He ordered the guards not to let anyone in. The minute he sat on the bed tears errupted his eyes. He just couldn't control them. The scenes of the public square events kept haunting him. "Why? Why Misuk? I loved you so much and is this how you repay me. You could have told me what you were. Instead you kept it in silence." He sobbed. "Why!" He roared with pain. "Why to me?"

The King was consumed in his grief that did not spare a glance to his sick son. The maids carried him to the royal physicians, they tried everything to make the prince feel better. But was of no avail. He tried more medicines. Luckily the prince's fever came down, but it wear off completely. The physician said to the maids to bring the prince everyday for checkup.