
I live in the world I created, but I have no memory of it (abandoned)

Luck or bad luck, I don't know, I found myself going to another world that I decided to live in. I could choose everything - the time line, the family I wanted to be reincarnated into and even the history of this world and what it might become. But because of knowing the synopsis, I wished to have most of my memory erased so that I wouldn't know anything about the plot. Come and follow my adventure in this world. I don't speak English very well and this is my first story, so please bear with me and let me know if there are any mistakes. Ps: the scene -18 will take place later in the plot and no r@pe and ntr

The_Absolu · Others
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58 Chs

When writing becomes art

"Our alphabet contains 26 letters, none of which have the same appearance that makes it possible not to confuse one letter with another. But there are people with unreadable handwriting who are not sure what letter they wrote."

I am sitting on a chair with a bench and it is my mother who does the course.

"Normally I should show you the letters and make you copy them but you still do not have enough control over your body to hold something and noted so instead you will trace the letter with your fingers."

"(I have a question, should I draw the letter following the drawing or on a blank sheet?)"

"First of all, you will start drawing by following the drawing, the time it prints in your head and as soon as you have the hand, you will do it on a white sheet of paper. So let's start with the vowels, as these are the letters you will encounter most often."

She went to the closet and took 6 sheets and brought them to my table.

"The vowels are in principle separated but sometimes they are gathered to make another sound but we will see after."

I was surprised when I saw the vowels they are no longer letters or symbols but it is art. 

"(Mother, should I write letters as beautiful as these?)"

"No, they're just there, and there are a few that he writes like that. In principle, each person will try to write them by lifting 2, 3 or other small centimeters."

It's so complicated to change them.

(If that's the way it is, I'll always write them like the ones in front of me. I swear to it.)

"(New question mother, are the other letters as beautiful as these?)"

"Yes, but we haven't yet started with these letters before making another."

I immediately began to trace them with my finger. It is incredible how difficult it is to make these letters. It may be because I do not yet have automatism or otherwise it is this body.

Finally, it took me 3 days to know how to trace them with the finger on a white sheet. My mother stopped me to give me some information about what sound they make.

"Well now that we have finished the vowels it is time to make room for the consonant. There are 20 of them and each one makes a different sound and we have a different form."

I'm getting impatient to see them and try to write them.

"Now admire the consonants."

(Here I can die in peace)

I know my old people are just getting started, but seeing things so beautiful doesn't give me any regrets.

"Calm down, Diablora. I forbid you to die now, or I will take you back and shit on you after the punishment I would have inflicted on you."

Okay, I'll pull myself together.

"So I start. Consonants are different from vowels because seeing one next to the other without creating new sounds."

For the rest of my first year I drew the letters with my finger and also tried to connect them to each other to make a word. Even if we don't see the result.

I also learned that words are written the way they were spoken. There is no "invisible" letter or anything that fills me with joy. 

For words that are pronounced in the same way it is in the context of the sentence that we understand which word we wrote.

Finally, today is my birthday.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me if there are mistakes. The next chapter will be Saturday.

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