
I live in the world I created, but I have no memory of it (abandoned)

Luck or bad luck, I don't know, I found myself going to another world that I decided to live in. I could choose everything - the time line, the family I wanted to be reincarnated into and even the history of this world and what it might become. But because of knowing the synopsis, I wished to have most of my memory erased so that I wouldn't know anything about the plot. Come and follow my adventure in this world. I don't speak English very well and this is my first story, so please bear with me and let me know if there are any mistakes. Ps: the scene -18 will take place later in the plot and no r@pe and ntr

The_Absolu · Others
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58 Chs

Small discussion about my future daily

I think my words are the worst words a baby can say. Even my parents are shocked if they could fall on the ground. Stephanie dropped off my clothes and dropped them off.

It was me who broke the silence.

"What did you just say?"

"(I loved you very much)"

If only I knew how to make a natural smile, I think it would pass.

"You know, I'm so glad you said your first word. Even if there are pronunciation mistakes it is not your fault we will finally be able to communicate.", my mother lifted me up and turned in place I'm really getting dizzy.

"(Can you please stop, I think I'll throw up.)"

"Oh sorry, it was the emotion I didn't mean to," she dropped me off after saying that.

"Frankly you can't be a little more delicate."

"What did you just say?"

"How beautiful you were."

"I don't know why I have to say it all the time."

Why can't my dad shut up instead of bringing lightning under him.?

"If not Diablora, I am very happy that you managed to say your first words. This is the first step to growing up."

"We're not growing up because of this, honey."

Why I still feel the fight.

"Anyway, you can finally start your education. We will start by teaching you how to write and then I will look for a teacher to teach you.'

"(What don't you teach me?)"

"No, unfortunately, I have a lot of work that I left behind and I'm not specialized enough to teach you history.", replied mother.


"I know a lot about history and other subjects but the problem is that it is in general and for your education you have to see more than the general"

It's cool that she thinks so much about me and my future.

"(I have a question from a mother, when will I start physical training?)"

"Bravo for you darling Diablora said my name first."

But she's not finished yet.

"And to answer your question, we will start training your body around 3 years, but not intensively, but rather as a small game to improve your reflexes."

"She is right Diablora you cannot put too much pressure on your body because otherwise there will be problems with the development and growth of the body."

He thinks about me so much that I have the best parent in the world.

"On the other hand, once you have developed your core, your training will be very intensive while you master martial arts."

Damn, I think I'll shit and not just a little.

"(What is a core?)"

"It's like a heart but instead of pumping blood it will pump money out of your body so you can use magic."

I finally hate to be 5 years old not for training but to use magic. With the 2, 3 memories I got magic, it's cool.

"Well I think we've said everything now Dia-blo-ra-, I want you to tell me the whole truth about you.", mother gives me a head that scares me.

I told everything I remember, so that's not much in removing the details of the world wish my other I wanted.

Mother thinks for a moment before talking to think aloud.

"Interesting, so there are many gods."

"(Why do you say that? There are not supposed to be gods here.)"

It's true Stephanie told me about gods when I met.

"The people of Takamagahara are called gods but in reality they aren't, they are just beings born of magic who have a better use of magic. While a God is different it is they who created the world but you will learn it, do not worry about it Diablora. Now you have to sleep because this day has surely been trying for your vocal cords."

I saw mother make 2, 3 movements and my eyelid fell.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me if there are mistakes. The next chapter will be Thursday.

The_Absolucreators' thoughts