
I Killed God

Last week, I killed God. Tomorrow, I have an assignment to hand in. Next week, who knows? Maybe, I'll destroy the world. Disclaimer: Lots of blood and killing. --- Word Count: 1000+ Per Chapter Upload Schedule: Whenever a chapter is complete. Currently 2+ chapter/day --- Entry for the WSA 2024.

Myara · Urban
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8 Chs

How I Killed God (V)

"Let's- talk this out-" El shouted with my every strike, "Xyn! Let's talk about this!"

Hearing this, I let out a manic laugh, "Come on, brother! I am talking! This is me, TALKING!" I summoned a void ball in my palm, lashing it out towards his face. However, to my disappointment, he managed to block it with a counter-spell of his own, swiping his hand across as a small wave of light met with the void ball, exploding it in mid-air. That was a spell that I had never seen before, must be something he created recently.

"I don't want to hurt you! Please!"

"Great! That'll just make it easier," I imbued my mana into the blade as our battle carried up into the sky. The clouds around us darkened with every strike of lightning whilst thunder roared next to our ears. "Why don't you just start dying for me then, hm?"

"You-" I watched El grit his teeth as all hope of reconciling faded from his mind.

His eyes began glowing a bright piercing white as I quickly backed off; he was getting serious now. A pair of giant golden white wings erupted from his back as a bright radiant halo formed above his head.

"What are you, a torch?" I winched my eyes, as El raised his sword, letting it grow three times larger as a gush of white flame flowed into and around its blade, incinerating all that neared its divine heat.

"Goodbye, brother," El spoke echoed into the empty space around up as he swung his blade down,

In response, I held up my own sword, instantly causing the air around me to collapse inwards as I let out a wide smile, "There's a reason I call this the Soul Devourer. It's time to feast."

I gripped the hilt of the sword as I let the mana in my body circulate through the blade, within seconds, the loud soul-wrenching shrieking sound erupted out, its painful cry disrupting El's flow of mana as the flames flickered slightly, buying just enough time for my blade to pierce into this unguarded area, successfully spilling his golden blood out of his right shoulder.

"Gaaah!!" He let out a painful scream as I lodged it in deeper, my eyes gleefully staring at the wincing and tooth-clenching expression he displayed. An expression I had always dreamed of seeing.

"Get off me!" He swung his blade.

I hurriedly created a forcefield, barely blocking it before it shattered under his pure strength, causing the blade to slice a small area of my left eye and across my face. Letting go of the sword, I stumbled a step backwards.

"Tsk." I winced, closing one eye at the burning sensation of the flame corroding my skin, "Soul Devourer. Eat."

I pointed at the sword still embedded into El's shoulder. The blade vibrated with excitement as a dark aura exploded out of its entire being, enveloping El in its darkness.

"The fun thing about that sword, I made it with you in mind, you know?" I said as I sat down on the ground, watching the blade do its work, "It's designed with the single purpose of killing you. Bypassing any physical barrier and targets straight into the soul. Right where it hurts. Isn't that just genius? It'll kill anything from Gods to Demons, devouring their soul and consuming it for itself."

The dark veil slowly lifted from the blade as a pale-looking El laid on the ground, his previous grandiose appearance no longer visible as an almost skeletal figure had taken his spot. His soul wasn't fully eaten yet as a small crumb-sized chunk remained, but now, he was as useless as a dying mortal.

"You still alive?" I kicked his head a little, gaining a small weak groan as a response.

"X-Xyn, that sword, t-that much power. H-How is it possible?" El croaked out, "T-The balance, i-it will tip."

I let out a laugh as I knelt down next to him, "Don't worry about the balance. If it had been broken by this sword, the world would've collapsed millennias ago. You see, this beauty was made legitimately. All of my blood, sweat and tears. Oh and of course, one last special ingredient,"

The Soul Devourer vibrated with glee as I pulled it out of El's shoulder, resulting in another round of screams escaping his throat.

"You'll want to see this," I placed a finger over his lips, as I spun the blade of my sword towards my own stomach. Then, without hesitation. I stabbed through. No blood, no mess. It was like a ghost passing through my body.

"Y-You!" El coughed out another bout of blood as he sat up, "You crazy-"

"The one thing it can't harm. Me." I let out a wide grin as I pulled the blade back out of myself.

"Y-Your soul-" El stuttered, "Y-you refined your soul into that sword?! You can't! You've lost your mind-!" He let out another coughing fit.

"You're already on death's door. Stop lecturing me already, El." I rolled my eyes as I kicked him back down on the ground to rest. It was the least I could do.

"With- Without your soul, you'll become a monster only capable of destruction and despair!"

"Oh really?" I tilted my head sarcastically as I glanced around at the corpses decorating our backdrop, "I hadn't noticed. Now that you mention it… I think you might be right."

"Why? Why would you go to such lengths to do this," El groaned, his voice weakening with every second as the last crumble of his soul slowly flickered, "We- We could've been brothers again,"

"Well," I thought back to the past, dozens of millennia ago, "That day when you tricked me and ripped my heart out of my body, I had nothing but your death flowing through my mind. All I wanted was revenge, and at this point, there was nothing to lose." I recounted, "So I gauged my own soul out of my own body and set off creating this masterpiece."

"Didn't it hurt?" El whispered,

I let out a laugh as I nodded, "A century, I spent shaping my soul into this blade. Every morning, evening and night I would cry in agony as I felt my whole being waver between the line of existence and the abyss. Every day felt like an eternity. But, I kept it going, for 100 long years. But, now. It seems my efforts weren't in vain."

"I'm… so….. sorr-" El's voice whimpered down to nothing as his soul finally exhausted itself, the light vanishing into emptiness.

Family drama amirite? Smh.

Anyway, God's dead.

I wonder what happens now.

Myaracreators' thoughts