
I Killed God

Last week, I killed God. Tomorrow, I have an assignment to hand in. Next week, who knows? Maybe, I'll destroy the world. Disclaimer: Lots of blood and killing. --- Word Count: 1000+ Per Chapter Upload Schedule: Whenever a chapter is complete. Currently 2+ chapter/day --- Entry for the WSA 2024.

Myara · Urban
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8 Chs

Fallen Angel

I kicked El's body to one side as the burning on my face subsided; leaving two large noticeable scars. It wasn't exactly ideal, but there was nothing I could do about it now. Battle scars, if you may.

Around me, the mountain of corpses filled my vision as I sauntered deeper into the realm. There was one thing I wanted from here; kept in the most guarded section of what I presumed El would call his Throne Room. However, as I made my way further into the realm, the size of this space caused my head to tilt. It was larger than I remember — Way larger. During my time residing here, the realm was around one-tenth the size it is now. Now, as I continued to venture in, the mana in the air was almost suffocating. Specs of light twinkled in the sky, slowly mindlessly swaying in the wind. The physical manifestation of mana; caused by insane quantities squished into small lumps. A phenomenon impossible to occur in the moral realm. Harmless to the touch, but provided those who could wield it to obtain near unlimited mana.

"Where has he been gathering all of this from?" I muttered as I spread my wings, deciding that flying would be the better mode of transportation. This much mana in the air was not something that could be obtained through the simple worship of mankind. Not even half of this could be done with such methods. He must've had factory, or a some mana generation device. My eyes glistened at the power glowing around me. If I were to absorb all of this. I would have no idea what the consequences would be. The power I would obtain, perhaps then I truly would go mad. There was no doubt El had never even attempted to take in any of this. He had always been too much of a coward to experiment on himself after all, perhaps if he did, the battle would have taken a completely different route.

Ahead of me, the giant luscious tower tower loomed ahead. Just what I expected for a God with fancy tastes.

"Demon!" A shout suddenly rang out below me as I glanced down at the large group of angels, alerted of my appearance. More of these pesky little birds. Just how many did he create? All of them with the same appearance, doesn't it get bland? Though, these did feature a fancier-looking halo; it had some round bits around it for some reason. Looked like an over-glorified tambourine. 

"How is the demon here? Where's His Majesty?" Whispers washed through the crowd. "I saw him go towards the entrance earlier."

"Demon! Stop!" The angels flew to block my path, "How did you get here?"

I let out a sigh as I stopped in my tracks, "Are you blind? With my wings." I rolled my eyes as I eyed the crowd with a grin, "Now if you don't mind. I have some business over there." I pointed at the tower.

"You know that's not what I mean, Demon!" The angel pointed his staff at me, "Where is His Majesty?"

"His Majesty?" I let out a scoff, "You mean, El? Oh, his body's by the gate." I waved my arm behind me,

"H-His body?" The angel stuttered as voices of disbelief shook through the audience, "Nonsense! How dare you spout lies in the Kingdom of God! A mere demon has no right to spread such blasphemy in this place!"

I squinted my eyes as I placed a hand on my chin, "His Kingdom? He's been calling this his kingdom now? Since he's dead… Oh!" My eyes lit up, "I guess the inheritance goes to me, doesn't it?" A wide grin spread across my lips as I raised my hand and the clouds darkened whilst the roaring of thunder clapped around us, "I guess you can call this my Kingdom now, can't you?"

Below my feet, tendrils of pure darkness spread across the space around us, swallowing all the specks of floating mana as a laugh escaped my lips. So long, I've spent watching him create and give to his many creations. Decades, centuries, millennia, he spent refining these little masterpieces, and yet today. In a single day, I can bring it all crashing down. But, what fun is that? A single second of pure joy, only to be left with a void of emptiness. No, that's not what I want. What I truly want is to watch the faces of his little creations twist in despair after being baited with the light of hope. To watch them scream for salvation, but to have no God to save them.

I retracted my power as my eyes lingered over the trembling angels, their eyes widened and their pupils shook as I made eye contact,

"You- You're X-Xyn-! His Majesty's B-Brother!" One of the angels blurted out, "T-The Ultimate Evil!"

I glanced over to him, "At least someone's done their research," I teleported in front of the poor soul, "What's your name, hm?"

"E-Eraiel, S-Sir." The angel stuttered as I took a step forward, "P-Please don't kill me… Sir."

"Eraiel. I like you," I grinned, "How would you feel being my first guinea pig?"

"P-Please don't kill me-"

"Don't worry, you won't die from this… Probably…."

I summoned my sword. "Soul Devourer. Swallow." I pierced it into the angel's chest as he vomited a mouthful of blood.

"No- No- Please- Have mercy! Sir- AaaaGgghhh!" Eraiel's scream echoed into the horror-stricken crowd, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as a pure white orb slowly floated out of his body and vacuumed into my Soul Devourer.

"S-Stop! W-What did you do to him?" An angel stepped out of the crowd, his arms trembling as his sword pointed at me.

"Sh." I placed a hand on my lip, "Watch."

Eraiel's whole body tensed up as his screams grew louder, the halo on his head dimming out as it exploded into smithereens before his long slick blonde hair and wings dyed an obsidian black.

"Welcome, my first Fallen Angel."

Eraiel's eyes opened, his blackened eyes staring straight back at me, his previous terrified expression completely voided from his face.

"My lord," He knelt down as a black-thorned halo appeared above his head.

I let out a snicker at the successfulness of my experiment, my eyes slowly turning to the audience as their eyes widened at the connotation of what was to come,

"RUNN!!" One of them screamed, releasing the rest from their petrified state as chaos ensued, their wings fluttered as they flew away as fast as possible away from me.

"Eraiel. Bring them all to me. Let's get you some friends." I ordered as I clicked my fingers. A transparent wall of mana spread out in a circular motion around me, expanding wider as I clicked my finger once more, stopping its expansion once I sensed its encasement of all the angels within this realm. The wall solidified as it slowly shrunk back down, inches at a time as Eraiel spread his wings, his sword in one hand, his eyes locked onto his first prey.

Teehee. They're playing tag :3

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