

Xiu Lin is a transmigrator who failed his first three jobs consecutively. He did acquiesce with all requirements as hard as he could and passed them all but one. ...a passing lovelife. System: "Host X cannot be fired unless he failed to save one hundred worlds." Xiu Lin: "Shouldn't I just die if I failed or something?" System: "Because host's soul is scattered in 100 worlds, he has 100 chances." Xiu Lin: "Fuck chances! I'll kill myself!" In the bliss of his suicidal moment, Xiu Lin failed to die... Jumping on a luxurious ship to be eaten by sharks: Failed. Jumping in front of a car to get hit: Failed. Jumping in front of a person who's about to get shot: Failed. Too many attempts yet it didn't look like he will succeed because of one person... ML: "How do you want to die this time?" Xiu Lin: "..." you again...

Al_Lishiang · LGBT+
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50 Chs

A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master 08

Lu Jian ordered a food for them after a while.

All were light meals like porridge and blended fruit shake.

In the quiet and awkward room, two people ate. The food was quite tasteless, in consideration for Xiu Lin who is currently recuperating. He knew in his mind that even if he asked for something a bit salty, this goody two shoes male protagonist will decline.

Xiu Lin looked at him then back to his meal. 'Why won't this guy go and find his female lead?' He wondered, sharing his thoughts to the system with grief.

[Maybe because the female lead is too over rated.] 1204 replied.

'This sarcastic...' Xiu Lin sharply inhaled.

However, Lu Jian was able to notice it making him turn to the young man who looked uncomfortable for a second. "Are you hurt somewhere?" He quickly asked, his eyes expressing concern.

Xiu Lin quickly shook his head and bowed his head to focus on his porridge. He ate little by little until the bowl was halved. He stopped there and felt a bit full.

Lu Jian noticed this and grabbed some napkin to wipe the young man's lips. Xiu Lin was a bit surprised, looking up at the man and meeting those obsidian eyes.

'1204, it's weird. The male lead is really weird.'

[How so, host?]

'Look at him. He's totally good at caring. Is it possible that he's already met the female lead and they already had kids? This kind of care is very impressive. He's like a mom.'

Sytem 1204: [...]

[Host is too innocent. Host is too cute.]

Xiu Lin: '...'


[Host is the most straight steel ruler I have ever served after thousands of years.] System carefully lit up a candle for his host with pity.

Xiu Lin still didn't understand but decided not to ask thinking that it might really take away his so-called 'innocence'. He only let Lu Jian all necessary things like letting him lie back down on the bed and tucking him in a blanket.

After the 'Lu Jian special care' session, Xiu Lin quickly drifted onto slumber.


"You must absolutely eat more! How about this, it's very healthy." Mother Xiu proceeds to pick up a bowl of mushroom soup from the number of dishes and handed it to Xiu Lin.

The young man didn't mind much about it since he has been hungry these days. After a few days in the hospital, he was actually craving a lot of food, good thing Mother Xiu brought a lot.

Taking a spoonful of soup, the young man leisurely enjoyed the rich taste of mushrooms and seasonings. He let past the soft mushroom in his tongue and took a bite on it a few times before swallowing.

Mother Xiu and Xiu Wan were together today. They watched as the youngest Xiu enjoyed his food and were more than elated to give him the tastiest ones.

"Little Lin, we already took care of that bastard Wang."

Xiu Lin paused for a moment and tried to think who bastard Wang was. But in his family's eyes, he was shocked by the mention of that name.

They never brought up Old Wang these past few days, but for Xiu Lin's peace of mind, they had to tell him this. Mother Xiu felt bad but she needed to speak up and make sure that little Lin should understand.

"You should have told us about that man earlier. Even if he is a family friend, no one is allowed to hurt you. So please don't do anything like hurting yourself anymore, okay?" Mother Xiu gently touched her son's hand with a calming smile.

Xiu Lin looked down and ate his meal quietly. Hiding the fact that he was confused how that Wang and him hurting himself made any connection.

But in Mother Xiu's elegant eyes and Xiu Wan's watchful gaze, Xiu Lin was sad. "Don't sympathize to that dirty bastard Wang. He doesn't deserve any pity after what he's planning to do with you." the oldest son said solemnly, clenching his fist as he looked at his younger brother. "He deserves to rot in jail."

Xiu Lin looked up to his brother still confused but did not voice anything out. '1204, do you have melon seeds?'

[Why host?] 1204 responded immediately. Xiu Lin could hear plastic noises moving in his mind. it sounded like junkfood being opened.

Xiu Lin: '...'

Then there were crackling noises like a sound of something snapping carefully and slowly. it sounded exactly how melon seeds and sunflower seeds pop when they were being bit open.

His brows trembled with anger as he listened to that ass of a system eating online. 'Mute yourself you garbage of a system. Mute yourself!'

Xiu Lin fumed in anger and continued eating his food which became even bitter after hearing his petty system being such an ass. Seeing him eating well, Xiu Wan and Mother Xiu were grateful. The have smile on their faces as they watched him. If possible, these family would even five the stars and moon to him.

The routine went on as it is. Xiu Lin was watched over by Lu Jian in more than one occasion. he even brought some psychiatrist who interviewed him a few times in his room privately. Usually, Xiu Lin was passive to the questions, casual and honest. The Psychiatrist usually asked about his day, about his suicide attempts and the things he wanted to do in life like so.

After telling casual things which usually does not relate to the question, the doctor leaves with a kind smile handing over a notebook to put his logs or whatever he wanted to do with it.

He didn't actually know what it was about or what the finding was. However, the more he engaged to the conversation with the doctor, the more his family became clingy --despite how much they wanted to be secretive about their actions.

Even Lu Jian was being such a glue. He wasn't even part of the family tree. Is he trying to become an adopted brother Xiu? he doesn't want to be a Lu anymore?

If 1204 heard this, he will laugh his heart out to tears. To the point that he will come out of Xiu Lin's head and grab his collar shouting curses until he begs him to bend, prostate and see the other side of the world where his straight innocence can no longer stand back straight.

The moment he was discharged, Xiu Lin once again wanted to kiss the floor. It's been a month! I missed you floor! I missed you outside world! 'Have you searched the things I've asked?' he asked through the system as soon as his shoes got out of the hospital lobby.

The system remained quiet for a while as Xiu Lin hears a sharp inhale from his head.

There was no response. When he came back to reality, an entire bouquet of flower already welcomed him. White roses?

His eyes slowly followed up to see the person, he could not fathom why... but it felt odd.

Lu Jian's hand was outstretched, holding an entire wrap of flowers in front of him. A sense of care was emanating from his supposedly stone cold eyes. "Congratulations on your discharge." he greeted.

Xiu Lin accepted the flowers carefully. "Thank you Jian ge." he quietly replied.

Care to enlighten me why you are here, your family Ceo male protagonist?

"You're just in time Mr. Lu. We're going to have lunch, I would like to insist that you join us if you are not busy." Mother Xiu said with a bright smile on her face.

Lu Jian smiled and nodded. Xiu Lin at the warm atmosphere radiating from the two parties. The Xiu family really received Lu Jian well which is actually not new to him. After being engaged to three different worlds, every male protagonists are just too odd they always curry favor to his family, infiltrating through and obstructing his road to getting out of bachelor life.

Now this Lu Jian is doing the same thing but Lin didn't feel any annoyance anymore. He doesn't know what Male lead's thoughts of process are nor did he have any thoughts about it. He just let it be. If he wants to steal my family, go ahead, but stop obstructing my attempts to ascend, okay?

'Come on, 1204. Where's my suicide list? Organize it with the most fatal first then to the less ones.' He talked to the system mentally.

[Host, let's not be like this. Okay? There are so many beautiful things in this world.]

'Yeah. Like the female lead. Where the hell is she?'

[Host, the female lead is currently working under the Xiu family's marketing department.]

'Oh, okay.' He replied. 'How did she and Lu Jian met?'

[Because of the Xiu's downfall, the female lead had to leave the company and apply to the Lu group. Because her qualification is very much on hiring standard, she was taken into the marketing department. She didn't immediately met but due to some bar incident, their path's crossed.]

'Cliched...' The young man whistled.

[Due to the host preventing the Xiu group's downfall, the possibility of the original male and female lead meeting is 10%.]

Xiu Lin leaned on the car window looking at the changing scenery outside the moving car.

It belonged to Lu Jian. His parents told him to ride with the big shot for some reason which is why he had once again complied and joined this person on the ride.

Probably because no one will ride with him while he made such effort to celebrate Xiu Lin's discharge in the hospital. Having no choice but to comply with his parents' request, he had to get into this expensive car. It's not bad tho, it's quite comfortable.

"Do you have anything in mind that you want to eat?" Lu Jian suddenly asked.

Xiu Lin turned his head to him. "I want to have some barbeque." He said quietly.

"Then let's have that." Lu Jian agreed in a heartbeat. He was typing on his phone informing the Xiu family what Xiu Lin wanted to eat.

Then he received a reply after a few minutes. Xiu Rin was able to book a restaurant and sent the address to him in which Lu Jian directed the driver to go to.

Sure enough, the Xius and Lu Jian seems to have become quite close ever since he could remember. But as long as it didn't hinder him then he wouldn't really mind as well. After all, this connection is good. The Xiu wouldn't be in too much trouble anymore if they ever get another old Wang. Lu Jian could always help stop these kind of things with his profile and connection.

The car soon stopped in another expensive looking restaurant.

Xiu Rin quickly got out of his car and the other family Xiu followed out. Xiu Lin with Lu Jian got off as well, made their way inside and filled in the reserved seat.

The savory scent of grilled meat quickly stuck to Xiu Lin's nose as he poked through his mind speaking to the system. 'Hey, system. hehe.'

[What is it host?] 1204 asked curiously.

'So you smell that? Can you? Can you? It's barbeque I will not be sharing with you.'

System: [...]

'Come on. Eat more sunflower seeds in my head while I eat barbeque here.'

[Host, you really are heartless...]