

Xiu Lin is a transmigrator who failed his first three jobs consecutively. He did acquiesce with all requirements as hard as he could and passed them all but one. ...a passing lovelife. System: "Host X cannot be fired unless he failed to save one hundred worlds." Xiu Lin: "Shouldn't I just die if I failed or something?" System: "Because host's soul is scattered in 100 worlds, he has 100 chances." Xiu Lin: "Fuck chances! I'll kill myself!" In the bliss of his suicidal moment, Xiu Lin failed to die... Jumping on a luxurious ship to be eaten by sharks: Failed. Jumping in front of a car to get hit: Failed. Jumping in front of a person who's about to get shot: Failed. Too many attempts yet it didn't look like he will succeed because of one person... ML: "How do you want to die this time?" Xiu Lin: "..." you again...

Al_Lishiang · LGBT+
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50 Chs

A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master 07

Lu Jian investigated old Wang the night after Xiu Lin's surgery. The old man had a friendly relationship with the Xius but when he dug deep into this man's private life, he was disgusted beyond belief. Old Wang had private collections. Collections of Xiu Lin's photographs and cut outs, belongings that suspected to be his' as well like towel, shorts, shirts, pants and even underwear.

Also, in the past and current, he had intercourse with different young men, all of which had striking resemblance to Xiu Lin.

Following this indecent behavior was the time they first have a fated encounter in the cruise. The drugged drink that Xiu Lin drank before he attempted to commit suicide.

It was also old Wang's plot.

But why did Xiu Lin deliberately drank the drugged wine and killed himself? To leave substantial evidence in his body? Although they could easily trace the person who conspired to drug him, why go to such lengths? Is it because he wanted to expose old Wang by using his own death? But why?

Is it because he feels that because old Wang is their family friend, he felt sad exposing him head on? Is he afraid that his family wouldn't believe him? Or did he just wanted to do one last thing even after he died?

This made Lu Jian angry beyond words. He instantly wanted to castrate this bastard who dared to make him feel this way that only death is his escape.

If Lu Jian hadn't been at the same place as he, would Xiu Lin still be alive to see how wonderful this world will be together with him?

No, he can't let Xiu Lin feel inferior anymore.

So after that, he gathered all evidence he could from investigations and told Xiu Wan about a content in Xiu Lin's laptop that the young man had told him.

He explained how old Wang seemed to have been sexually obsessing over Xiu Lin ever since he was a child.

After Xiu Wan heard the reason why he was exposing Old Wang, hatred ignited to the man's heart. Was this why Xiu Lin had always avoided contact with Wang ever since he was young? Did that bastard tried to do anything inappropriate to their youngest?

He flew in rage as he called Xiu Rin and the second young master of the Xius was so angry he went to the company to beat old Wang until his nose broke. As it wasn't enough, he even kick the hanging microphone inside his pants and made sure he wrecked it completely as he cursed him. "Disgusting hag!" "Piece of trash!" "Dirty pervert!" And the like.

Soon enough, mother Xiu and Father Xiu appeared to stop their second son.

Old Wang was taken to the hospital after.

But Xiu Rin hadn't calmed down that he shouted at the running ambulance. "Make sure to cut that bastard's d**k or I'll do it myself!"

The events had escalated very intriguingly in the span of day, Xiu Wan came into the scene where their parents were scolding Rin. Immediately, he stepped in and apologized as he explained why Xiu Rin flew in rage.

"If I were Rin, I would have done the same thing. Uncle- no, that man surnamed Wang is disgusting, he dared to try and drug our Lin. If Mr. Lu hadn't been the one to discovered that Xiu Rin tried to kill himself on the cruise--"

"What did you say?" Mother Xiu cut in before Xiu Wan could finish. "Our Lin tried to kill himself?" she asked in disbelief.

Xiu Wan nodded his head and explained. "Lin knew that the drink was drugged, but he really didn't have the heart to confront Wang because we considered him as family friend. It's only our speculation with mr. Lu, but it seems like Xiu Lin wanted us to discover old Wang's schemes through the evidence in his body after his death."

Mother Xiu cried again. To think that his son is so kind. She couldn't help but feel afraid.

"Then why does he want to die again?" She couldn't help but cry so much as she learned her son having these complex thoughts.

No one knew what's going on with Xiu Lin's mind. He had always been spoiled, but after the incident in the cruise, he became like this.


Xiu Lin once again opened his eyes, welcomed by the ceiling light, his eyes couldn't help but shed tears.

'What's with this? Can you be honest and tell me that what you gave me is a golden finger for escaping death and not a golden finger for loveliness?'

[Host, it is indeed the golden finger of loveliness.] 1204 explained sincerely.

Xiu Lin's tears didn't stop. His eyes became motionless as he stared at the ceiling with a blur. 'Then what's this surviving at the last minute troupe?! Is someone playing with me?!' He complained in anger.

However, before the young man could even think more, the side of his eyes were suddenly touched, wiped carefully by a familiar warm skin.

"Lin, it's okay. You're not alone, I'm here." Lu Jian spoke gently.

"Kill me." Xiu Lin begged. His teary eyes couldn't help but shed more while the man who sat beside his bed froze. "I can't take it anymore." He squeaked weakly.

"Lin, little Xiu Lin." Lu Jian took the young man's hand and secured the smaller palm belonging to the young man with his bigger hand. "Don't be afraid anymore. I promise, this will never happen to you again." He coaxed.

The male protagonist is being a leech again. In the previous worlds, this was actually a sign that they will obstruct his love life. But since he didn't plan on doing that in this world, he didn't particularly care.

"Also, I've taken care of Old Wang. Do you remember the phone call you made? You saved your family, Lin, be proud of yourself more, okay?"

Xiu Lin closed his eyes and lamented more. Just let me die, okay?! Can't we at least have this much mutual understanding and stab me now? Please man, you gotta do it.

But as the young man's brain muddled up with stress, he fell asleep again while being held by Lu Jian.

The older's eyes became a little deep as he watched him sleep peacefully. He held the hand tighter as he stood up and leaned forward to give his bandaged head a kiss.

He'll never forgive those who hurt him. Although he was still establishing this new found feeling in his heart, he knew that if he doesn't protect Xiu Lin, he will come to regret this in the future.

He sat back on the bedside chair and watched him with soft eyes. Very soon, just a little bit more time, they'll be together.


In his dream, Xiu Lin was standing in front of the church wearing a nice tux. He is getting married... well in his dream.

Beside him was his best man, Lu Jian who is also smiling. Nothing was wrong with it.

Xiu Lin was waiting in anticipation with unexplained excitement in his eyes as they listen to the beginning of the wedding song, waiting for the bride to enter the isle slowly.

Extravagant white gown and a face covered in a thin head dress, she entered. She held a white flower in hand and stepped in with slow careful steps.

They waited for her until she was half way. Then she stopped, dropped the flower and ran away.

Xiu Lin: "..." okay... wtf?

The church was quiet. There was no one there except him and Lu Jian. Xiu Lin turned to him with a glare. "Ge! Do you have bad luck?!" He asked.

"No, in fact, I'm very lucky." Lu Jian smiled at him.

Xiu Lin blinked twice. "What?"

Slowly, as if this dream was a horror movie, Lu Jian started looking like a big bad wolf, he grinned, coming closer while the younger stepped back.

"Ge! Why are you like this?!" Xiu Lin asked shocked.

The big bad wolf pounded on him. Heaving him down on the altar floor with a big sharp toothy smile.

"I'll eat you up! Hahahaha!" The big bad wolf laughed in a sinister way. Xiu Lin is horrified beyond belief.

"Ge don't be like this. Aren't we friends?"

The wolf's mouth went wide open coming closer and closer to Xiu Lin's face.


Xiu Lin woke up in fear. And was even more scared when he saw that Lu Jian was close to his face with a concerned look.

"Lin, are you okay?" He asked, holding the young man's cheek.

I'm not okay. My heart almost exploded looking at your face.

"Jian ge."

Lu Jian watched the boy with beads of tears on the side of his eyes, his cheeks were flushed and his forehead was sweating coldly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked.

Yes, because of you.

'System, can I kill the male lead?'

[It's possible. But there will be another male lead that will get exchanged.] 1204 explained.

'Wow, I thought it will not be allowed. This is actually weird, there are not much restriction except a noisy crybaby system.'

[Host is so cruel...]

'Thank you.'

Xiu Lin went back to reality and noticed that he was wrapped in a tight embrace. Lu Jian's arms wrapped around his smaller body, holding onto him with secure tightness.

Of course, Xiu Lin was miles and miles and beyond galaxy shocked. Why is he being hugged?

"Don't be scared, I'll be here." He could hear him saying this like a mantra.

What? What?

The confused little Xiu didn't know what to say. He was just very shocked that he was stunned beyond words.

"Jian ge...?"

What is this male lead up to? Since Xiu Lin didn't really understand this guy, he could only lean on him and comply with a sad heart. After all, Lu Jian is quite warm and comfortable so let's give the bear a hug.

He wrapped his arms around Lu Jian's waist. The man's body stiffen, his eyes looked down on the young man who's trembling silvery long lash covered his eyes, casting a fan-like shadow under his pale skin.

He looked even smaller in his arms like this. Cute little kitten.

"Are you hungry?"

The young man nodded.

'Looks like I haven't eaten for days. I feel like I've become even smaller than Lu Jian. Or is Lu Jian having some cheat and is getting bigger and bigger than earth?'

[Host, your imagination is very vast.]


[You'll only get hurt if you think that way, host.]

The system was speaking weird again. Xiu Lin knew that if he tried to understand this weirdo, he will get contaminated by something he will never be prepared for. He was scared of this system's thoughts of process than his own.