
I Just Want to Live a Good Life!

If someone told Rosie that she would be crushed by one of her own set pieces on the night of her play's debut... She probably would have laughed and said that's a pretty funny joke. But now since that exact thing happened, Rosie didn't find the idea as funny as before. In fact, she wanted to howl at the heavens for playing such a cruel joke on her. Even worse, she now has to deal with switching bodies with completely different lives and universes! The only common factor between the worlds is a mysterious man with a mysterious connection to Rosie. Now Rosie has to deal with the original's problems on top of surviving multiple different worlds AND figure out why fate keeps bringing this man and her together only to tear them apart. (Weekly chapter updates!)

InsertCleverName · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The maid's face turned even whiter, and she quickly led her back to the bed with shaking hands."One moment, My lady. I'll be right back." She mumbled out and fled the room. Rosie absentmindedly petted the smooth silk blanket as she looked at the facts.

1. There was no way she could have survived the accident.

2. She woke up in a completely different body with no memory of what happened.

3. If she was reading one of her trashy web novels, she would be rolling her eyes and wishing that the protagonist would get the picture already

.Add that all up, and the answer was pretty obvious; Rosie died and was now stuck in someone else's body

.... Rosie broke out laughing at that thought.

Pretty obvious, right!? She was sure this happens to everyone at least once in their life... Hah! What a joke her existence was. What, no wisecracking system she could banter with between missions?

Rosie threw her head back and crackled. She's dead! She's dead, and now she has to deal with someone's life and problems! She giggled as she looked around the room again.

[Well, it could be worse. The original was definitely living the good life.] She picked at the delicate silk nightgown she was wearing. The light white fabric bellowed off her new body and almost drowned her figure in frills and ruffles. [pfft, with my luck, the original is her family's favorite punching bag or some other sad, rich girl cliche.] Rosie fell back into the mass of pillows with a sigh. [I guess I'm stuck like this.] she thought as she snuggled against one of the many pillows. [Maybe this isn't so bad? How many people get a second chance at life?]

If Rosie was completely honest with herself, she was completely freaking out. This is why she had to trick herself into thinking everything was ok by acting casual about everything. Otherwise, she would just throw herself off that charming ivy-covered balcony connected to her room. For now, she just snuggled her new cute face against a fluffy pillow. The stress weighing down her body forced her to relax into the soft blankets, and her eyes grew heavy. [Damn, this bed is too soft~] Rosie let out a deep sigh and finally gave in to her exhaustion. [Ah, I'll just deal with all of this in an hour. A little nap wouldn't hurt....]

Her peaceful surroundings were interrupted when her room doors slammed open, and a group of people poured in. Rosie's cry of surprise was muffled when a woman jumped onto the bed and forced her into a hug."There, there, little one." The woman whispered as she ran her fingers through Rosie's new silky hair. "Your big sister Vera is here now. Everything will be alright."

Rosie tried to wiggle out of her "big sister's" embrace before her head was hit with a mind-splitting pain. A scream forced itself past her lips as imagines flashed through her eyes at a rapid pace.

The original's life was, for lack of a better word, a complete mess. Anna Antonova was the name of the body that Rosie was currently, um, borrowing at the moment. She was only seventeen but her mother died two years ago from a terminal illness. This left her "big sister" Vera to take over as the lady of the house. The relationship between mother and daughter was very strong, in fact, both women are still officially mourning and wore black from head to toe. The same definitely couldn't be said for their father...

After a few generations of terrible management, the Antonova name became a joke among the noble classes. It didn't help their reputation when the Count, Vera and Anna's father, moved in his two illegitimate children when his wife became too sick to argue. All because he couldn't afford to keep them in the countryside anymore. When his wife finally died, The Count didn't wait even a week before moving in his mistress as well. Thankfully said mistress couldn't cross over the threshold with Vera guarding the door. At least that's one less disaster for the girls to deal with.

Now, Vera would've been more than happy to drop her shameless father and run off to live with her aunt. The Count knew her plans and didn't really care to keep his eldest and her somber attitude around. However, the Count knew that wherever Vera went, Anna would follow. Despite his many, MANY faults, he couldn't let his little princess go. So Vera stayed with a man she despised to keep her sister safe from those two outsiders. Her every waking moment was dedicated to her little sister Anna from then on. It was for her that Vera tried to keep their father's dying business alive. Why she forced herself to be cordial to the Count's bastard son, who Anna would have to depend on if anything happened to their father. And why she didn't stab her father's whore with a fork whenever she dared come over for dinner. Vera was willing to do anything for her...

Which is why both their lives went to shit...

A chance meeting between a man named Andrei Vronsky, and Vera's half-brother quickly formed a close friendship. One day Andrei visited the Antonova household for dinner, and Anna, who didn't seem to meet many men in the first place, fell completely in love with him. Unfortunately for his new admirer, Andrei had already met his "soulmate", a small merchant's daughter named Helina Leonidovna. Their romance was already started to bloom by the time Anna met him and needless to say, the count's daughter did NOT take that well. In the end, Anna begged her older sister, who loved her more than anything, to help break them up. Unfortunately, after a long row of schemes to ruin Helina's life, one of them accidentally led to Andrei being severely injured and almost dying. Which pushed Anna to kill herself out of guilt and broke whatever sanity Vera had left. The elder sister spent the rest of her days torturing the couple until she finally joined her little sister in the grave a year later.

"Anna!?" Vera called out, her hands gripping the sides of Rosie's face. "Anna, tell me what's wrong! Please, just say SOMETHING!" Her normally cold voice was laced with panic and worry. It officially snapped Rosie back into reality and the realization of what was happening finally hit her. Rosie felt all the strength leave her body as she slumped back into Vera's embrace.

[Oh no,] she inwardly cried as she buried her face into Vera's shoulder. [I transmigrated into the villainess!]