
I just wanna sell some chicken!

I just wanna sell some chicken! on a isekai world

Msd_Zeroo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Another one

"Where's Hans- I means dad?"

"Oh your father already went out to meet with the dealer"

"I see.." So Hans probably meeting up with the dealer who's going to sell his crops at the market in

Francia city. Kylie is able to memorize this detail from the book.

Beatriz glance at Edric who's eating like a starving person and then at Fiora who's calmly sipping her

coffee while sitting up straight. Something is different about her daughter. Fiora then use the fork and

quietly eat the scramble egg. Fiora usually eat so fast and not calmly like this. Beatriz finish slicing up the

bread loaf. Then she open the cabinet and she frowns.

"Fiora dear? Would you grab some cheese from the barn? We stored some there"

Fiora raised her eyebrow. 'Cheese in the barn?' Netherless, she nods her head. For her it sounded weird.

But maybe it's normal for people around this era. Barn is also considered as an extra storage room for

these farmers. So Fiora quietly get up and head outside. Beatriz is still looking at Fiora. Fiora tied her hair

in high ponytail and not in braid. Her clothes still same but somehow it look tidy. Even her way of

walking is somehow elegant.

Fiora curse her shoes as she walks on the grass. The mist on the grass and soil seeped into her shoes.

Making her sock and feet wet. 'Huh? Why is the lock broken like this?' Her mouth gaped but then it turn

into a devilish grins. 'He's here' Fiora opened the barn door and step inside. She's not worry at all. From

her readings, she know that Odel is a coward guy. He is very afraid to hurt people. Let alone killing them.

Plus, this guy favour young lady a lots.

Odel who's inside quickly hide behind some crates. He's holding his dagger tight but his hand is shaking.

'Damnit, please don't come here.." It was hard for him to hide from the old man who came here this

morning. The old men even moves around to check around the barn before. Luckily, it was early

morning. Lack of sunlight helped Odel to hide. But now the sun already light this barn nicely, the opened

door let the sunlight shone inside the barn. Odel is extremely nervous if this girl notice him and scream.

It would alert the people nearby.

"Ahh... Why mom always keep the cheese here.. Is this place even hygienic?" Fiora speak out loud as she

walk toward the shelf. She's carrying a bucket of water. She already knew that Odel is hiding behind the

crates. She can see the dry grass making the trace of something been dragged toward the crates. She

place the water bucket beside the shelf. Then she took out some apples from her pocket and place them

beside the bucket.

"Some apple for the sheep"

She took them from a tree outside the barn. The sheep are no longer in the barn. Hans probably already

bring them to the field to eat some fresh grass. She take two blocks of cheese. Leaving one block behind.

She's humming a song going outside the barn.

Odel look at the barn door closing again. 'How weird. Didn't she notice the broken lock?' Odel then look

the water bucket. He kneel and drink the water straight from the bucket. He take the apple, washing it

and eat them. He feel bitter on his tongue. He's now stealing the sheep's food.

Fiora seems happy as she hand the cheese to Beatriz and continue eating her breakfast. Fiora saw the

small knife that was used to cut bread on the table. She gulped. An idea is forming inside her head. She

grab the knife and pretending to cut the bread in smaller pieces and accidentally cut her finger. 'This is


"Ouch! Ouch it hurts!" she let out a small scream.

Beatriz who's eating get so panic that she dropped her fork and quickly tend to her wound.

"How can you be so careless?" Edric said calmly as he stare at the small wound on Fiora's finger.

However Fiora keep showing a painful expression.

"Edric shh!" Beatriz put finger over her lips as she look at Edric in angry.

"Wait here, I will go get you the medicine" Beatriz then rush into her own bedroom and come back with

a bottle of medicine. She apply it on Fiora's wound. Beatriz close the cap of the bottle and Fiora

suddenly grab the bottle.

"Mom can I keep it with me first? I might go to washroom, washing my hand, so I need to reapply.

"Ho.. Yes sure my dear" She give the medicine to Fiora and pick small piece of cloth to wrap around

Fiora's finger.

"What a baby" Edric snorted. Fiora show a sheepish smile and this make Edric feel annoyed. 'Damn she

became worse'

After the breakfast, Edric and Beatriz head to the farm for their daily work. While Fiora was faking a

headache and tiredness to avoid going. She has other thing to do. After confirming that those two

already went far, she then tiptoed to the barn. She hold the medicine and few clothes that she took

from the same cabinet that Beatriz took out the bandage for her earlier. She open the barn door while

making noise, bumping her feet on the door. Just giving enough time for Odel to hide. She then enter

and walk toward the shelf again.

"Ho.. I guess some squirrel ate the apples" She look at the mess Infront of her. The apples leftover and

the spilled water from the barrel. 'This Odel really bad at hiding' She placed the medicine and the

clothes on the shelf. She grab some dry grass and cover the trace of water and apples. The she turn

around to leave.

"Wait." Odel called her.


Odel didn't have any intention to blow up his cover. He planned to rest here until he's a bit better then

he will quietly leave. He plan to go to Leon household to seek protection and help since they are allies.

But looking at the medicine and the bandage that she bring over, he understood that this girl already

noticed him. But the girl didn't scream or anything. Like she no have intention rat him out. So he might

just as well use her. That's what he thought.

"First, I mean no harm. I come here because my friends and I been attacked and chased by some

robbers. I managed to run but unfortunately they didn't.. I hope you can be kind enough to let me stay

here and recover for a bit. At least until my leg is better." Odel put on the best sad face that he can

make. He look up at her face only to see her indifferent expression.

"Alright you can stay. And I will sneak out some food for you. But.. as you can see, my family are not well

off. To feed another person is a bit..."

"No, I will pay! I will pay for the stay and the food. Please just let me hide here and don't tell anyone.

Not even your family please" Odel quickly took out a pouch from his pants pocket and took out one gold

coin. In his mind, he curse himself for not bringing the small money. Perhaps copper coin or silver coin.

"Hmph!" Fiora don't even know the value of one gold coin but this reborn life make her somewhat

greedy. The clothes.. the soap.. bitter coffee. So she just turn around and attempt to leave.

"Wait, wait! I will give you 5 gold coin! I only have a bit left and I need the rest for my journey expenses

so please.." Odel try to stop her desperately than it make him fell the ground because of his sprained


Fiora clicked her tongue. She then held his arm and help him to sit on the dry grass.

"You can stay"

A wide smile form on Odel's face. He handed her 5 gold coins. And shook her hands while he grip them

tightly. Feel good to hold a young maiden's hand.

'uh men..' This is the second time she see a half naked guy since come here. And they don't seems like

they are embarrass about it.

"Turn around"

"Excuse me?"

Fiora use force to make him face the other side and she bring the water bucket, cloth and medicine


"Tssk!" Odel holding in the pain as Fiora untie his poorly bandaging. If he leave it for longer, his wound

might end up getting infected. Fiora look at the long cut wound. The wound made by sword. She then

continue to wash his wound and apply the medicine before she bandage it nicely. Fiora finally feel like

what she learned from the scout in her school time is useful.

"I will make sure to keep people away from here, and I will bring you some egg and bread. So rest


"Thank you- lady?"

"Fiora. I'm Fiora"

"Thank you Fiora"

Odel watch as Fiora close the barn door and leave. In their deal, treating his wound is not even

mentioned. Yet she still help him. And he can't blame her for asking the money too. She might be

desperate to survive. Same as him. Odel sigh and lay on the newly made grass patch that Fiora has put

behide the crates, nearby the wall. It's just a small space but it's a better place to hide.