
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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Now And Are You Still A Traditional Magician?

People can never reach a state of mutual understanding.

Definitely, nothing but pain.

As Gwen's fist fell, he was kicked hard on the chin.

Pain passes from pain to pain.

Question, understand, become... until you transcend!

Abomination began to gradually understand the difficulty of Dr. Lizard fighting the Spider-Woman in front of him.

I also understood the origin of this guy's wailing sound.

Huge amounts of power are no worse than before receiving the gift from Lord Dormammu, and are even much stronger.

The impact and shock almost caused him to bite his tongue.

And the sacred flame seemed to carry countless lights.

The endless light and heat made him feel pain for a long time.

The dark power in the body seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and surged out instinctively.

Condensate into armor and fight against it.

As a result, even if he was called an insulting title like a giant lizard by Spider-Woman, he had no time to refute.


What makes Abomination even more unexpected is that.

In the hands of the magician named Ancient One, endless light also bloomed.

The dangerous aura spread until it spread throughout his body.

Hatred became more and more manic, using all his strength to break free.

At this time.

A golden-red steel figure descended from the sky.

What followed was Tony's solemn shout.

"Be careful, the other two guys are coming!"

He felt that he was of little use on the battlefield.

Therefore, J.A.R.V.I.S was asked to secretly collect information about the magicians below for future research.

He was monitoring Dr. Lizard and Norman's actions from the air.

At the moment I noticed an abnormality and immediately came down to remind me.

The words just fell.

Then, the Ancient One raised his head.

Then he saw huge amounts of shadows falling from the sky like meteorites, followed by a terrifying sonic boom.

"Holy Shield!"

Ancient One waved his hand in front of him.

Suddenly, a sacred semicircular shield appeared above the head, covering a large area.


On the holy shield, the mysterious magic runes are generous and bright, full of sacred meaning.

Under the surging impact, the holy shield of light flashed.

Even though Dragon crashed to the ground and the dark power eroded crazily, it still remained unwavering.

When Dr. Lizard saw this, he immediately stopped insisting.

He then transformed and re-transformed into a dragon-like form that was more suitable for fighting the magicians.

Looking at the magician wrapped in light, Dr. Lizard felt that the dark power in his body was boiling.

On the ferocious face, a look of fear flashed across his eyes.

"Damn it, this guy also has the power of light!"

Among the few people, he is the one who knows the most about this kind of light that corresponds to the power of darkness.

Many times I suffered a big loss because of this power.

It can be said that it is impressive.

Norman also felt something strange about the darkness inside his body.

Looking at the bright scene, I felt a little uncomfortable all over.

"It seems the worst has happened!"

Norman felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, I let the thick-skinned guy Hatred test it out.

Otherwise, they are likely to suffer a big loss because of the light power in the hands of the Ancient One!

Dr. Lizard and Norman looked at each other.

From each other's eyes, they understood each other's meaning.


Neither of them had any intention of giving up.

Not only because this is a task personally assigned by Lord Dormammu, but also because it is about being blessed again after completing it.

No matter what, you need to try it!

"First free this guy who hates you!" Norman said solemnly.

Although he also felt that this guy was lacking some brains.

But after all, they are companions who belong to the dark camp, and they are an important fighting force.

No matter how much you are played by the magicians, it will still have some effect.

Dr. Lizard nodded without hesitation: "Okay!"

The two of them finished their discussion.

Immediately, the dark fog descended again.

Norman moved his palm forward, unfolding the corrosion field, eroding the Holy Shield of Light.

Under the confrontation between light and darkness, it was as if a chemical reaction had occurred.

Watching the magic runes vibrate, a weak point appeared.

Dr. Lizard's eyes suddenly lit up.

Calculating the right moment, the dark dragon's breath that had been brewing surged out.

As the dark flames burst out, the dragon wings shook and rushed forward like a cannonball.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Holy Shield had loopholes under the erosion of dark power.

Ancient One suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"not good!"

The dark power within these monsters is far more powerful than she imagined!

She couldn't understand.

What is the reason that makes Dormammu give them such powerful power?

Compared with the Dormammu believers who have appeared for thousands of years, it is simply a world of difference.

But the situation at the moment did not allow her to think more.

"Holy Seal!"

The Ancient One formed a wonderful seal with his hands.

The sacred brilliance shines again, making the Holy Shield of Light appear much thicker.

But after all, it was a step too late.


As a crisp sound came, the sacred shield shattered like a mirror.

The figure of Dr. Lizard then emerged from the darkness and appeared in front of the magicians.

I saw him using his hands and feet together like a beast.

The sharp dragon claws shone with cold light, and the hard black dragon scales gave him unbridled confidence.

The dragon wings whizzed past like Blades.

Cut off all the magic chains wrapped around Abomination.

Then another giant tail swept over.

Temporarily force Gwen and the Magicians who are rushing forward to retreat.

As soon as Hatred was out of trouble, he didn't have time to rejoice.

Turning the corner of his eyes, he saw another magic chain coming from the portal surrounding him, as if he wanted to repeat the same trick.

"You damn magicians..." Abomination suddenly became furious.

With a roar, the tall body burst out with amazing power.

With one punch, the ground roared.

The hundreds of meters of land collapsed in an instant and turned into countless boulder fragments, temporarily blocking the magician's magic.

In a hurry.

The Ancient One barely had time to control the mirror image of the earth under his feet to rise into the sky, leading everyone to avoid the blow.

"What a monster!" Tony looked at the hatred below and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Although it is true that people's physiques cannot be generalized.

But with such a powerful force, coupled with this guy's appearance, he definitely can't be considered a human being.


Gwen nodded in agreement.

She was certain that her own strength would never be able to reach this level.

If she really faced off against such a guy with astonishing brute strength, I'm afraid she would have to use roundabout tactics to find flaws.

Although, she is used to this way of fighting...

Ancient One was silent.

He just spread his hands and cast the spell silently.

The sudden burst of hateful force reminded her.

The magician way passed down by Kamar-Taj for thousands of years has become outdated.

After all, what age are you in and are you still a traditional magician?

The traditional melee magician has lost its way.

If you are fighting a monster like Abomination in close combat.

Ancient One has no doubt that if he is not careful at all, he will be screwed by this guy.


She decided to refer to the fighting methods summarized by magicians.

Become a more advanced modern magician!

Learn about beyond visual range combat!
