
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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Chapter 38 Nick Fury: Neon Is Finished, There Is No Hope, Just Wait To Die!

at the same time.

On top of the aerospace aircraft carrier.

Seeing those dark dragons and magicians disappear in place.

Nick Fury felt relieved.

After losing the biggest threat, this air base was finally able to play its due role.

"It seems the battle between the magicians has begun!" he thought to himself.

Immediately ordered to clean up the zombies.

Fighters soared into the sky carrying large-yield missiles.

For a moment, shells rained down.

The deafening roar resounded across the sky and continued continuously.


Another large number of Quin Jets took off from the deck.

Equipped with ammunition and weapons, the elite agents began to clean up the remaining zombies on the ground.

Although under the blessing of dark power.

These zombies have mutated, and their bodies are far larger than those of ordinary people. Each of them is like a little Superman.

But fortunately, it's not as strong as a monster.

It is still a mortal body.

Human weapons can easily destroy them!

"Now, the only problem is how to deal with this zombie virus!"

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief but also felt an increasing headache.

Zombies are not scary. The most terrifying thing is the original virus after all.

It is basically impossible to develop an antidote to the virus in such a short period of time.

He can only do his best to block the virus area.

Based on the principle of "don't get it for free".

He has contacted Neon executives.

They applied for military support and a large amount of financial support from the little people.

Reinforcements from various countries are also on their way.

It was precisely because of the constant logistical supplies that he felt a little confident.

At this time.

Phil Coulson trotted over in a hurry.

Seeing the anxious look on his face, Nick Fury's heart suddenly sank, and he had a vague premonition.

"Is there something going on again, Phil Coulson agent?"

And immediately, his hunch came true.

Phil Coulson gasped and sweated profusely.

"This is not good, Director!"

"I just received the latest information. The zombie virus suddenly broke out in all major neon cities at the same time!"

"What?!" Nick Fury couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Is this more than just a bad situation?

Someone clearly wants neon to perish! !

"According to the intelligence, it was those black magicians who did the good deeds!"

Phil Coulson spoke quickly, projecting a satellite image as he spoke.

On the screen, it was the leader of the black magicians named Kaecilius.

He is also the culprit of the last attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

"This guy used teleportation magic to bring the virus to all parts of Neon."

"Although Neon has made adequate preparations to defend against viruses, they are unable to resist the invasion from magic."

"So much so that the zombie craze broke out almost at the same time, and now all major cities are in panic!"

"What a ruthless plan!"

Nick Fury's face twitched, sweat dripped unconsciously from his forehead, and he gritted his teeth.

Just like when the zombie virus first appeared.

There was no time left for them to react.

By the time they found out, it was all of no avail.

"Neon is finished!"

Nick Fury told the fate of his life in one sentence.

There is no hope, just wait to die!

He can already predict the future fate of this country.

Zombies swarm, and viruses turn into air.

Eventually, it became a paradise for dark creatures.

The only thing Nick Fury can be thankful for is.

Neon is an island country and has no land borders with other countries.

Otherwise, this terrible disaster will soon spread further.

But even so, it is only a matter of time before the virus spreads to the outside world.

Whether it is air, sea water, or even a large number of aquatic life.

They are all the best sources for virus spread.

It's just a matter of time!

Nick Fury's mind was racing.

Soon, he took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

He immediately ordered.

"Send the message to the Security Council immediately."

"And submit to them a plan to apply for the use of nuclear weapons."

"This is the last choice and a difficult decision, but I think they will understand our approach!"

In this terrible disaster, sacrifice is inevitable.

The top leaders of various countries are all in danger, and no one wants this zombie craze to fall on them.

Instead of letting it spread to the whole world.

It is better to sacrifice neon and let it make its final contribution to mankind.

Explode the final light and heat to slow down the spread of the virus!

He knew very well that the Security Council absolutely endorsed this decision.

As for the upper echelons of Neon?

Just a group of refugees who had already fled overseas.

Who cares about their thoughts? !

"Perhaps we should use nuclear weapons to eliminate the virus as soon as it breaks out!"

Nick Fury felt a little regretful.

It's not your own territory anyway, so why can't you be more decisive?

Sighing, Nick Fury summoned an agent and gave the order.

"Send the order for the agents below to return to the mothership. All agents in Neon will find a way to leave immediately."

"There is no need to save this land anymore!"


He then aired the call again.

As an ally, at the last moment of departure.

He felt it necessary to give the magicians a warning.

But the bell rang for a long time.

In the end, it prompted that the service area was no longer available.

In response, Nick Fury sighed deeply.

"Then we have to leave it to fate!"
