
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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Chapter 13 The Soul Box And Sacrifice Ceremony

Inside the villa given to me by kindhearted people.

Leo sat cross-legged on the bed.

Looking at the treasure box in his hand, he looked slightly pleased.

"Finally the production is finished!"

Box of Souls.

One of the key tools in his vision for the ranch.

It took a little effort and I finally made it successfully.

The overall shape is rectangular.

The main body is made of gold and the exterior is wrapped in black leather.

Mystical golden runes are engraved on it, giving it magical powers.

Only on the surface.

This is more like a book than a box.

But Leo doesn't care about this.

Although it is still a bit crude.

At the very least, the function he envisioned was realized.

A soul box can cover a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Automatically collects the departed souls within the range and accommodates them in its internal space.

It is indeed still a bit far away from the scope he wants to cover the entire earth.

But after all, the future is promising!

Leo named the current Soul Box version 1.0.

Want to go further.

There is also a need for more systematic magic knowledge as a reference.

Otherwise, it will take too much time to just rely on your own ideas to research.

"However, how to obtain magic knowledge is a problem..."

Leo rubbed his chin and thought.

The place on Earth that holds the greatest store of magical knowledge is Kamar-Taj.

Unfortunately, it's a complete forbidden area for Mephista.

Unless he can find a way to hide his Mephista nature.

Otherwise, when he, the Lord of the Light Dimension, appeared in front of the Ancient One, his divine spiritual radiance would probably make her feel as dazzling as the sun.

It's almost impossible not to be discovered!

In addition, there is still an old witch named Agatha Harkness left on earth.

She has lived on the earth for hundreds of years, and I believe she has a lot of magical knowledge in her head.


It's really a bit troublesome to find a witch hiding herself in a huge crowd.

While Leo was thinking hard.


He seemed to hear a distant call.

Intermittent prayers seemed to want to establish contact with him.

Just listen carefully for a while.

When he noticed the true name of the recitation and the object of prayer, Leo couldn't help but look strange.

"The object of sacrifice is actually Dormammu?!"

But this touch from the soul cannot be faked.

That is to say.

It was Dormammu who was being sacrificed, but he was the one who really wanted to sing praises?


Weighing the soul box in his hand, Leo thought for a moment and decided to go over and see the situation first.

For now.

Magicians on earth are very simple, and there should be no such behavior as fishing.

And even if it is a trap, at most it will only result in the loss of a little bit of soul power.

To him, it was not as important as the Soul Box in his hand.

Moreover, he has the ability to travel between dimensions, even with a ray of soul.

Ordinary traps can't trap him at all!

Following the touch in the soul and pursuing the direction of prayer, the power of thoughts transcends reality.

In a blink of an eye.

Leo's thoughts came to a dark place.

A blazing bonfire brings the only light.

There is an ancient altar in the center, with a sleeping figure placed above it.

Many magicians in black robes knelt on the ground in obeisance.

Zheng was murmuring something while kneeling around the altar.

This situation suddenly made Leo feel a little confused.

He was worshiped by Kaecilius and other followers of Dormammu.

And being treated as a tribute...

Well, or rather it was Norman Osborn who was the communication channel.

It's no wonder that this ritual would be associated with him.

It's obvious that I got the wrong phone number!

"It's so crooked!"

Leo couldn't help but complain.

"Perhaps these guys saw the dark magic in Norman Osborn and thought it was the power of Dormammu, so they contacted me?"

I am afraid that this is the only way to connect the two unrelated parties.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and Leo felt like he had guessed the truth.

"However, it's quite outrageous that Norman Osborn hasn't woken up yet."

"Is it true that my Dabi Kabuto's damage is so great?"

Look at the praying figure below.

Leo can clearly detect the desire of these black magicians for dark power.

He has a pure nature.

I didn't want the earth to be contaminated with too much darkness.

But God didn't seem to want him to waste this pure power of darkness.

A group of devout and fanatical believers were specially sent to him.

He was kind-hearted and thin-skinned, and he couldn't bear to refuse.

"There is no other way, so I can only reluctantly help them!" Leo sighed helplessly.

Since you want it, then I'll give it to you!

Dormammu fake Facebook account, activate! !

For a moment.

There are strange soul fluctuations emanating from the confined space.

The black magicians who were kneeling to pray had not yet realized what was going on.

Suddenly, I found that the land under my feet had changed.

When I looked up, I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

This is a vast dark space.

The place where everyone stopped was on the surface of a small meteorite.

The colorful stars turned into colorful spots of light, hanging in the sky.

The energy becomes physical, sweeping up the Flight like a comet.

From time to time, meteors collide and burst into bright light.

Another torrent of energy swept through them, making it difficult for them to stand and could only bend to the ground.

But these are just embellishments to them and cannot catch the eye at all.

Only the huge head painted with colorful colors in front of him is the focus of everyone's attention.

"What an amazing power this is!"

Just by looking at it, you can feel your own insignificance.

This is not only a physical difference, but also a trembling soul essence.

It was like a towering elephant, trying to crush these ants to death with no effort at all!

"This darkness... so pure..."

As the leader, Kaecilius reacted immediately from the shock.

He exclaimed and immediately knelt down, his head looking up with extremely pious eyes.

"It's Dormammu, the great leader of the Dark Dimension!"

The black magicians behind him suddenly had an epiphany.

He immediately followed suit, chanted the title of Dormammu, and fell to his knees.

At the moment.

Hug of head suddenly opened its eyes.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

As if he could peer into the soul and see through thoughts, everyone shuddered.


Under the gaze of nervous and eager eyes.

'Dormammu' spoke slowly and declared with deafening syllables.

"I already know your purpose of coming!"

"A great Mephista never treats his followers badly."

"Everything will be as you wish!"

"And this world will eventually belong to me!!"
