
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

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The forces behind Xiao Qin

Seeing such a big man like Lu Yun, standing up straight like a child who has done something wrong, with nervousness and guilt all over his face, how could Xiao Qin get angry.

Besides, she just wanted to tease little Lu Yun.

Not angry at all.

Because the same words, several of her sisters also asked.

The environment in the entertainment industry is like this, it is extremely difficult to be alone. For a girl like Xiao Qin, who can gain a certain status in such a smoky place, the factors behind it are hard not to arouse people's imagination.

Xiao Qin chuckled and said, "Look, I'm making you nervous, my sister is just joking with you, don't you take it seriously? I'm not really angry."

This bright and flowery smile directly touched Lu Yun's heart.

He was really afraid that what he said just now would hurt Sixth Sister's heart.

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sixth sister, I believe in you, and I won't ask such stupid questions again in the future."

Seeing him like this, Xiao Qin's heart warmed, and he said, "Actually, it's normal for you to doubt, little Lu Yun. If you don't doubt, it means you don't care about me!"

"Sixth sister, I..."

Just as Lu Yun was about to say something, Xiao Qin waved his hand and interrupted, "The force behind me is the Long Family in Beijing, and also the brokerage company I work for, the boss behind Tiansheng Entertainment."

Xiao Qin explained slowly.

This thing is really a bit strange.

When Xiao Qin first entered the entertainment circle, he had nothing to do with the Long family at all.

She entered the entertainment industry purely because of her interest, she never thought about whether she is popular or not, so naturally there is no such thing as being willing to be unspoken for the sake of being in the top position.

Think of it as going to the crew to experience it. If you fail, you can come back and take care of the Qingcheng Group with your eldest sister, right?

It can be proven.

Xiao Qin's thinking was a little too simple.

For a girl like her who wants to be pretty and has a good figure, the key is that she has a detached temperament that is different from other utilitarian girls, so it is difficult not to attract attention.

The first time I went to a small film crew to play tricks, I was followed by the director.

The director promised that he would praise her and let her be the heroine, and he also said that she would definitely become popular, but only if he had to pay something.

This intention is very obvious.

It's nothing more than wanting Xiao Qin to accept the unspoken rules.

Of course Xiao Qin was not happy, and said on the spot that it was impossible for him to sell his body in order to become the number one female.

The director had been entangled for a while, and later saw that he couldn't attack Xiao Qin, so he started to use despicable means. As a result, at this time, people from the Long family suddenly appeared and taught the director a lesson.

Since then, there has never been any news about that director in the entertainment industry. It can be seen from this that the Long family's status in the entertainment industry is not low.

It was only later that Xiao Qin found out that the Long family was actually the behind-the-scenes boss of Tiansheng Entertainment.

It's just that she didn't understand why the Long family wanted to help her.

until later.

The Long family told Xiao Qin that it was because an important member of the Long family was critically ill and was rescued by an old Taoist leader. The old Taoist leader did not receive any reward, but only specifically told the Long family to protect Xiao Qin.

In order to repay their favor, the Long family decided to sign Xiao Qin to Tiansheng Entertainment. On the one hand, it helped her realize her dream, and on the other hand, it was more conducive to protecting her.

Xiao Qin didn't dare to agree casually.

Because she also didn't know the old Taoist priest, Xiao Qin felt that this kind of pie in the sky was very unreliable.

At that time, Xiao Qin had even decided to withdraw from the entertainment circle, and never again waded into this muddy water.

But who knew, the Long family actually made an even more astonishing decision, saying that since Xiao Qin didn't want to enter the entertainment industry anymore, she simply turned to be the boss behind the scenes, and the Long family was willing to give her Tiansheng Entertainment.

Tiansheng Entertainment has a pivotal position in the entertainment industry. Many popular stars were once artists under Tiansheng Entertainment.

The Long family actually said to give it away.

This frightened Xiao Qin quite a bit, so naturally he didn't dare to accept such an expensive gift.

However, the Long family begged bitterly that they must be given a chance to repay their favor, because they dare not refuse to listen to the words of the old Taoist priest.

Xiao Qin hesitated for a long time about this matter.

Final considerations.

She chose to become an artist under Tiansheng Entertainment. When signing the contract, she carefully read it over and over again, and only signed it when she was sure that there was no regulation that was unfavorable to her.

After that, she also observed for a long time, and found that the Long family really did not have any malice towards her. Not only would she not let her participate in the entertainment, but she also gave many excellent film and television resources to herself.

In the final analysis, the Long family is completely ready to give Tiansheng Entertainment to Xiao Qin.

However, Xiao Qin is also generous. After getting those resources, he did not enjoy them exclusively, but distributed them to other artists in the company. Many artists became popular because of these resources.

This is why Xiao Qin has a high status in the entertainment industry.

After Lu Yun finished listening, he already had a rough guess in his heart, and asked rather strangely: "Sixth sister, is the old Taoist priest who saved the Long family's life called Tianxuanzi?"

Xiao Qin's eyes lit up immediately, and he said: "Yes, yes, yes, I heard from the Long family that the old Taoist priest was called Tianxuanzi. At that time, they asked me what was my relationship with Taoist priest Tianxuanzi, but how did they know? I don't know Tian Xuanzi at all, do you know Little Lu Yun?"

Since Lu Yun was able to say the name of the old priest right away, it means that he must know him.

Xiao Qin's curiosity was immediately aroused.

Lu Yun smiled and said: "Not only do we know each other, but we are also very familiar. I didn't expect that old and unscrupulous guy to be very loyal. When I was away, he protected you so well, so I forgive him for taking my essays and paintings for money." Dirty acts of money."