
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

straight man of steel

Lu Yun was really touched, so he talked endlessly, and talked a lot to encourage these girls with dreams.

Didn't they come to me just to let me encourage them?

Lu Yun felt that he was too caring.

While talking, another girl walked towards this side. She was tall, plainly dressed, and wearing a white sun hat. Even so, Lu Yun was still among the beautiful girls. found her.

Lu Yun's eyes lit up immediately, and he strode forward to grab the girl's smooth catkins and said, "Beauty, you must also love art like these inspirational girls, and you are willing to dedicate everything for art, right?"

"Well, Mr. Lu, you are right. I love art, and I am willing to pay for art, but I only pay for sweat, not dedication, so take your trotters away from me."

"Beauty, what you said is wrong. Dedication is also a kind of sweating. If you don't sweat, it can only show that the man behind you is not good."

Instead of taking his hand away, Lu Yun squeezed it even tighter, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

The girl stomped on Lu Yun's foot hard with her flat shoes, and said angrily: "Old rascal, call you Mr. Lu, you still kicked your nose, didn't you?"

This girl wearing a white sun hat is Xiao Qin who has already changed her clothes.

Dressed in plain clothes, she has a completely different temperament from the woman in the sexy cheongsam just now, with a bit more of a sunny beauty.

Several second-tier female stars nearby were a little displeased when they first heard the ironic words, but when they turned around, they found that the person who said those words was Xiao Qin, and their expressions changed immediately.

"Xiao...Miss Xiao, don't bother your siblings chatting anymore."

Several people left with embarrassing expressions, and looked at Lu Yun resentfully before leaving.

The purpose of their coming here, as long as they are a man, should be clear, but Lu Yun, a straight steel man, is lucky enough to give them an impassioned motivational speech.

Am I here to hear your speech?

Do you have to say straight out, I'm going to accompany you tonight, can you praise me in the future, huh?

Dedicating oneself to art, it has already been hinted so obviously...

Just now Lu Yun had been encouraging them all the time, talking vigorously, and they were too embarrassed to interrupt Lu Yun and ask him for his contact information. Now that Xiao Qin came, they were even more embarrassed to ask.

I can only leave in despair.

Xiao Qin broke free from Lu Yun's pig's trotters, and said with a half-smile: "How does it feel to be surrounded by beauties? Do you still blame me for breaking your luck?"

"How come, no matter how many peach blossoms there are, they are not as good as Sixth Sister's green lotus!"

"Slick tongue, those girls are also second-tier stars after all."

"That can't compare to my beautiful sisters."

"Although there are suspicions of flattery, it's very pleasant. Let's go, I won't be having dinner with the crew today. I'll go out with you for a stroll. I've already said hello to Sister Hong."

Xiao Qin took Lu Yun's arm without hesitation.

Lu Yun was surprised and said: "You are also a big star after all, so you won't be afraid of being rumored if you go out on the street holding the arm of a strange man like this?"


Xiao Qin made a cut, and said indifferently: "I have never created any single character design, let alone you are just my younger brother, even if it is a relationship in an open and honest manner, so what."

"Aren't you worried that your male fans will take off your fans?"

"As I said, acting is just my hobby. I hope that the audience will like me because of my acting skills, not other aspects. If I take off fans just because I went to the street with a man, it only shows that my acting skills are not good enough." Without their approval, besides..."

Xiao Qin glanced at Lu Yun faintly, and then said: "You were on the set before, and you wrapped my arms around my waist in front of so many people, did you think that there would be no gossip? You old rascal!"

Thinking of the strange electric shock before, Xiao Qin couldn't help spitting at Lu Yun.

Lu Yun laughed and said, "Haha, since you have said that, Sixth Sister, I can rest assured."

Having said that, Xiao Qin put on the mask obediently. It would be a very troublesome thing to attract a large crowd of passers-by if he walked to the street later.

This is also the reason why Xiao Qin's clothes are so plain.

After such a simple cover-up, the two did not encounter much obstacles on the street. After shopping for a while, Xiao Qin was hungry, so the two walked into a restaurant and asked for a box.

After ordering.

Lu Yun hesitated and asked: "Sixth sister, to be honest, have you recognized your godfather?"

In the mixed entertainment industry, Xiao Qin has her own set of standards for accepting scenes, not accepting kissing scenes, not accepting intimate scenes, but there are still big directors looking for her to film, which is obviously not easy.

And just after changing clothes in the crew, several second-tier female stars came to show their favor to Lu Yun, which showed that behind Xiao Qin, there must be resources they wanted very much.

There are various indications that there is someone behind Xiao Qin.

Hearing Lu Yun's question, Xiao Qin paused for a moment, then smiled and pinched an orchid finger and said: "I don't have a godfather, but I have several fiancés. After all, your sister and I are so pretty, it's normal to be favored by a rich man. "


How many more?

Lu Yun's face changed slightly, he swallowed and said, "Sixth sister, are you joking?"

"Obviously you were joking first."

Xiao Qin was still smiling beautifully one second, but the next second his pretty face sank, and he scolded: "You old rascal, you can't even trust your own sister, am I the kind of person who depends on eating men to get famous? ?"

"Sixth sister, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I find it strange."

Seeing Xiao Qin's face change, Lu Yun panicked all of a sudden, stood up awkwardly, straightened his body and explained.