
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

private reception

The scene of the reception.

A pair of young men and women were stationed in the buffet area, their mouths almost never stopped, giving people the feeling that they hadn't eaten enough for a few days.

Especially the young man, who was devouring it, as if he didn't even bother to go to the dining area, he just picked up the buffet plate and ate it into his mouth.

And compared with other people, the dress of the two of them is very casual, without a sense of grandeur.

The two are naturally Lu Yun and Ye Qingcheng.

Earlier, the two had an argument about whether they could come to the reception, but in the end Lu Yun won and hid the invitation letter so that Ye Qingcheng would not tear it up.

Ye Qingcheng didn't understand Lu Yun's behavior.

For this private reception, Xiong Rihui obviously had bad intentions, and going there would be tantamount to humiliating himself. Why did little Lu Yun insist on going?

There was no way, since little Lu Yun was going, of course Ye Qingcheng couldn't watch his younger brother being humiliated, so he also followed.

After arriving at the reception scene.

Lu Yun went straight to the buffet area, and went straight to work without saying a word, stunned Ye Qingcheng, and hurriedly told him to pay attention to his image.

Lu Yun replied, "What kind of image do you need in front of a group of thieves?"

When Ye Qingcheng heard this, she joined Lu Yun's team, and seemed to vent all her depression on these foods, but she was a girl after all, she moved more gracefully than Lu Yun, and she didn't eat a few mouthfuls Just support the little belly.

Look at Lu Yun again.

But it's like a hungry ghost reincarnated, it's like a storm, so terrifying.

A department manager of the Hanmi Group finally couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over with a sullen face and said, "You two, please show your invitation letter."

This private reception was attended by the company's senior management. These two people were obviously not the company's management team. The department manager suspected that these two people sneaked in to eat and drink. Look at this eating posture, it's like fighting a battle.

"Xiong Rihui invited us here."

Lu Yun replied while stuffing something into his mouth, but he didn't intend to take out the invitation letter at all.

The department manager frowned and said, "If the two of you are invited by Mr. Xiong, there must be an invitation letter, so please show it..."

"You're so fucking annoying, why don't you let people eat properly?" Lu Yun said impatiently.

Hearing this, the department manager's expression darkened immediately, and he said, "It's difficult for me if you don't show the invitation letter."

The more Lu Yun evaded, the more certain he was that the two sneaked in.

"Difficult? Then don't do it!"

Lu Yun suddenly became unreasonable and kicked the buffet table over with one kick. Ye Qingcheng was startled by this, but he quickly realized that Xiao Lu Yun was deliberately provoking trouble !

Sure enough, seeing that the department manager's face was extremely ugly, he quickly called a few security guards over, ready to take Lu Yun down.

The movement here instantly attracted everyone's attention, and Xiong Rihui pushed aside the crowd, walked over and said, "What's going on?"

The department manager said respectfully: "These two behaved strangely. I asked them to show the invitation letter, but this kid overturned the dining table."


As soon as the department manager finished speaking, a grease-stained invitation letter suddenly flew in the distance and stuck to his face.

Lu Yun looked at Xiong Rihui with displeasure and said, "Isn't this an invitation letter? Why, if you don't even allow us to eat, why does Mr. Xiong invite us here? Are these subordinates who came to see you flattering? Usually Mr. Xiong is How did you teach you how to treat distinguished guests?"

The department manager took off the sticky invitation letter from his face, with a look of anger in his eyes.

"You have an invitation letter, why didn't you come sooner..."


Before the department manager finished speaking, Xiong Rihui slapped him across the face and said, "Shut up, you blind bastard, why don't you hurry up and apologize to the two distinguished guests?"

The department manager held back his anger, but he dared not refute Xiong Rihui's words, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, I misunderstood you two."

Xiong Rihui waved his hands around and said, "It's all gone."

Immediately, everyone who watched the excitement around pretended to walk away as if nothing had happened, and the department manager also left with a depressed expression on his face.

After everyone had left, Xiong Rihui said: "You are Lu Yun, I received the words you asked my sister to bring to me that day, and the sky is watching, but I never believe in the destiny. I just trust myself."

Xiong Rihui has already investigated Lu Yun.

Orphans in the Sunshine Orphanage.

Ye Qingcheng's younger brother.

The genius doctor of Jiangcheng who was born out of nowhere.


Xiong Rihui did not investigate, and there is no need to investigate.

Of course, even if he wanted to check, he could only find some superficial information, which were identities that Lu Yun didn't bother to conceal.

"Xiong Rihui, you are shameless!"

Lu Yun didn't speak, but Ye Qingcheng reprimanded Xiong Rihui first, his eyes were full of frost.

"Why did President Ye say that?"

Xiong Rihui was not angry at all, but looked at Ye Qingcheng with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart, she is such a beautiful beauty, even if she didn't do any makeup today, she was still amazing everywhere.

If such a woman can get her onto the bed and take off her coat, that will be the real pinnacle of life!

Xiong Rihui's eyes made Ye Qingcheng extremely displeased, and Liu Mei raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do I mean, you understand in your heart, using dirty means to steal the formula, how did you manage to be so brazen?"

"President Ye's words have wronged me."

Xiong Rihui said shamelessly: "I was afraid that you, a girl, would be overworked and exhausted, so I took the initiative to share the pressure for you. You should praise me for being considerate, not call me shameless."

"Shameless and shameless!"

"Haha, President Ye is not only pretty, but also so cute when he scolds people. I really can't help but want to have a drink with you."

"Who wants to drink with a shameless person like you?"

Ye Qingcheng was mad with anger, who is this, his skin is too thick, he has already scolded like this, but Xiong Rihui is still smiling, the more fierce he scolds, the more he seems to enjoy it.


At this time, Lu Yun finally said, "Xiong Rihui, I see you are smiling so happily, you must be in a good mood, right?"