
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

go too far

Acupuncture room.

Lu Yun closed the curtain.

He doesn't want other people to be present during the treatment, especially when it involves the treatment of this abnormal disease, and he doesn't want outsiders to see it.

Take the needle.

Piercing the boy's four acupoints of Baihui, Shenmen, Zhaohai and Anmian, the boy cried more and more quietly, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Then I saw Lu Yun put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand side by side on the boy's eyes, and silently recited the formula, and suddenly a light blue light flashed out and entered the boy's eyes.

The dark eye will disappear by itself with age, so Lu Yun doesn't need to deal with it too much at all, he only needs to temporarily seal it up.

After about ten minutes.

Lu Yun carried the boy out of the acupuncture room and handed it to Xiong Cailian.

Xiong Cailian has not yet recovered from Lu Yun's identity, but when she saw her son finally stopped crying, the shock in her heart immediately turned into surprise.

"Thank you Miracle Doctor Lu, thank you Miracle Doctor Lu!"

While Xiong Cailian thanked Lu Yun, she still didn't forget to turn around and scold Zhao Lei, saying, "It turns out that your friend is Dr. Lu, so why didn't you mention such an important matter earlier?"

Zhao Lei suddenly showed a look of injustice.

It's not that I don't say it, but because I don't know that Lu Yun is Jiangcheng's miracle doctor, and even if I say it, you may not believe it.

The couple thanked Lu Yun again.

But Lu Yun suddenly said: "Mrs. Xiong, your brother Xiong Rihui is the person in charge of the Hanmi Group, right? Please go back and tell him that there are some things that people are doing and the sky is watching. I advise him to do it himself."

Xiong Cailian was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Miraculous doctor Lu, did my brother provoke you?"

"Go back and ask your brother, maybe he will give you the answer." Lu Yun said.

With a lot of doubts, Xiong Cailian found her brother Xiong Rihui, and told him what Lu Yun said. After Xiong Rihui heard it, he sneered and said, "What a person is doing. The sky is watching, but I want to see it." Let's see what tricks this kid can play."

Xiong Cailian asked, "Brother, what happened between you and Miracle Doctor Lu?"

"It's nothing, don't bother with this kind of business affairs." Xiong Rihui said.

Xiong Cailian wanted to ask more questions, but seeing Xiong Rihui's impatient expression, she closed her mouth tactfully, but there was an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart.

in a few days.

Hanmi Group suddenly launched a facial mask product called 'Liyan'. Relying on the inherent market share of Hanmi Group, this mask was sold out quickly, and received rave reviews, and quickly spread in the circle of rich people. open.

Because they found that the effect of this mask was actually comparable to that of the 'beautiful face' that was displayed at the charity auction in the Cultural Palace some time ago.

Immediately afterwards, everyone received the news that the launch of 'The Beauty of the World' was postponed.

What happened in it, no one knows, but it is not difficult to guess that the formula of "Qingshi Rongyan" should have fallen into the hands of Hanmi Group, and this product was released on the market before Qingcheng Group.

Business wars are nothing less than this, winners and losers.

These target users who have been looking forward to "Qingshirongyan" for a long time will not care about what happened in it. Since there is a product whose effect is comparable to "Qingshirongyan", they will naturally not wait for "Qingshirongyan" ', but directly chose the product 'Liyan'.

Soon, the new products of Hanmi Group were sold out, and the order volume was still growing at an explosive rate.

In this business war, it seems that the Hanmi Group has won a big victory.

After Ye Xiangrong and his wife learned about this incident, they also scolded Xiong Rihui for being despicable, and at the same time asked Lu Yun if he wanted to use their Ye family's power to put a little pressure on the Hanmi Group.

Lu Yun didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, he shook his head with a smile and said, "No need, I believe good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Xiong Rihui will definitely pay the price for today's behavior."

Jiang Lan said: "Good son-in-law, I know that you have excellent medical skills and a high level of calligraphy and painting, but you must know that the so-called good and evil are rewarded, but the self-comfort of the incompetent. People have lived evil for a hundred years, if you compromise with Xiong Rihui this time, I'm afraid he will make more progress in the future."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Qingcheng came back angrily, threw an invitation letter in front of Lu Yun, and said, "Xiong Rihui, you are really deceiving me too much!"

"Sister Qingcheng, what's wrong, so angry?"

Lu Yun picked up the invitation letter in doubt, and took a look. It turned out to be Xiong Rihui's invitation letter for a private reception, specially inviting Ye Qingcheng to attend.

The Hanmi Group has won a big victory. The reception held by Xiong Rihui can be said to be a celebration reception, but he deliberately invited his competitors to participate. Isn't it deliberately disgusting?


If Xiong Rihui had won this business war by normal means, Ye Qingcheng would have nothing to say, but the other party obviously relied on despicable and dirty means to steal the fruits of other people's labor, yet he still brazenly flaunted his might.

Ye Qingcheng became angry when he thought about it.

My chest is about to explode.

Lu Yun said with a smile: "Isn't it just an invitation letter? I'm so angry with you. Since Xiong Rihui likes to show off, let him show off!"

"dare you laugh?"

Ye Qingcheng glared at Lu Yun, and said: "Why are you so heartless? You are the one who took out this mask formula. It is your son. Your son has been snatched away. Do not care?"

Thinking about it now, Ye Qingcheng really shouldn't have listened to Lu Yun's words and postponed the listing of "The Beauty of the World", and now he doesn't know how to save it.

Lu Yun said: "Actually, I have a lot of this kind of formula, so I didn't feel too uncomfortable when I leaked one."

"But I'm suffering!"

Ye Qingcheng covered his chest and said, "When I think of the arrogant expressions of those despicable and shameless people, I feel uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, Sister Qingcheng, they won't be arrogant for long, isn't it just a private reception, I'll accompany you to attend." Lu Yun said comfortingly.

Ye Qingcheng snorted and said, "I'm not going!"

"But I want to go."
