
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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Li Lu's anger

The front desk of the hotel misunderstood what Li Lu meant.

Li Lu was not in the mood to explain so much, her face darkened suddenly and said: "Immediately! Immediately!! Call me that person's information!!! Otherwise, call your manager to see me!"

Li Lu slapped the table aggressively.

The girl at the front desk was startled. Seeing that Li Lu didn't seem to be joking, she said, "I... Let me see."

She frantically operated on the computer for a while.

Suddenly he said with a look of embarrassment: "Ms. Li... here... there is no registration information for him."

"No registration information? What are you kidding? You can stay in your hotel without registration information? You are just joking around in this hotel, right?" Li Lu was furious and cursed.

"I...I remembered..."

The little girl at the front desk was really frightened. She didn't turn her head around for a moment just now, but now she saw that there was no registration information of Lu Yun in the computer, so she remembered something.

The front desk said: "When you came in, you registered with your ID card, and it was the ID card you took out of your bag."

according to rules.

Every customer who checks in at the hotel must register with his real name, but many hotels just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

Especially for well-known figures like Li Lu, in order to protect their privacy, they usually only register the information of one person, so that when checking the room records in the future, no one will know who is staying with her.

As for hotel monitoring, there is a lot of room for maneuvering.

This is also a kind of privacy protection.

It is impossible for the hotel to say that it will not make this money for a dead rule.

After Li Lu heard the reply from the front desk, she couldn't help but yelled: "You fart! I registered the information on my own initiative? So you mean that I brought that man to open the room?"

These two different concepts.

If it was the man who opened the room, it can be said that the man was plotting to do something wrong, but if Li Lu took the initiative to open the room, the meaning would be completely different.

The little girl at the front desk was even more aggrieved by Li Lu's yelling, but she still said truthfully: "Ms. Li, don't be angry... It is indeed your initiative to open the room, I remember it very clearly..."

"You fart! You are fucking shit!!" Li Lu yelled without caring about her appearance, "I want to watch your hotel's surveillance!"

The girl at the front desk couldn't wish for this request.

She didn't want to be scolded for no reason.

After Li Lu made such a fuss, the lobby manager of the hotel was also attracted to him. After asking the reason, he agreed to Li Lu's request to watch the surveillance.

After a while.

The monitoring of the day was sent over.

Li Lu's face turned dark after reading it.

The footage in the surveillance was indeed the same as what the front desk said. Li Lu took the initiative to open the room. It looked like a rich woman with her little wolf dog. It was exactly the same.

Li Lu herself couldn't remember anything.

Azu said: "Sister Li, this kid must be a cultivator, using some kind of weird Taoism, that's why he turned us around."

"Nonsense, can't I see it myself? It's up to you!" Li Lu said, glaring at Azu.

If it's just a simple loss of consciousness, it doesn't explain anything. It may be that there is some kind of drug on Lu Yun's body, which kidnapped Li Lu to this hotel.

But now the situation is.

Li Lu obviously lost consciousness, but her behavior was no different from that of a normal person, which can explain the problem very well.

Lu Yun is a cultivator with some means of manipulating people.

Li Lu didn't believe what Azu said before was so weird, but now that this weird phenomenon happened to her, she had to believe it.

Li Lu's face was gloomy. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "You came to this hotel to secretly take pictures, and you also fell into that kid's trap?"

"My master told me the news..."

As soon as Azu slapped his forehead, he immediately called his master Zhuo Dawei, but the result was that the other party had turned off the phone.

Li Lu gritted her teeth and said, "Zhuo Dawei, I think you really want to die!"

How could she still not understand that Zhuo Dawei must have joined forces with Lu Yun to punish her.

"Follow me to kill that lost dog!"

Li Lu left the hotel angrily, and went straight to Zhuo Dawei's residence.

Azu also held back a resentment in his heart.

It never occurred to him that his master actually had his hands on the perineum.

Then don't blame me for deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

Azu immediately summoned the younger brothers who were squatting outside the hotel. Now they are no longer paparazzi, but Li Lu's thugs.

The little brothers are very puzzled, aren't they squatting with Xiao Qin and her lover?

Why didn't Xiao Qin and her lover show up, but the big boss Li Lu walked out of the hotel?

Although it is puzzling, they dare not ask.

Both Li Lu and Azu's faces were very ugly. Whoever talks too much at this time is being hit by a thunderbolt.

In short.

The boss said to beat people, so it was right to follow Mang.

As for how Lu Yun left the hotel, who knows, maybe he flew away from the top window of the hotel!

Let's talk about Li Lu's side.

He rushed to Zhuo Dawei's house with a group of people aggressively, but as expected, they were all in vain. Zhuo Dawei didn't know where he went.

Li Lu was so angry that he could only throw all the furniture in the room to vent his anger.

She only hates that her power is in the capital, and she doesn't know much about Jiangnan Province.

If the power of the Tan family was put in Jiangnan Province, Lu Yun and Zhuo Dawei would definitely dig out all their information within two days.

Even if they got into a hole, they had to dig three feet to get them out.

"Damn it, you forced me!"