
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

another weird incident

Li Lu's memory was broken.

I don't remember at all how I came to this hotel.

Azu said with more certainty: "Sister Li, I told you a long time ago, that kid is very weird, but you just don't believe it, you should believe it this time, right?"

When his younger brothers got into the situation one by one, A Zu knew that Lu Yun was not an ordinary person, and it was best not to provoke him.

Azu immediately told Li Lu the news.

But Li Lu didn't believe it at all.

He also said that this was Azu making excuses for his incompetence.

Azu couldn't argue with a hundred words.

He couldn't produce any real evidence to prove that Lu Yun was behind all this.

Those little brothers of his who were arrested in the name of *** seemed to have collectively lost their memory, and they couldn't remember what happened before.

All the shooting tools did not leave any relevant information.

A few paparazzi were very smart. After knowing that Lu Yun was evil, they decided to switch to the live broadcast method on mobile phones, thinking that there would be no problems, right?

It has to be said that this trick played a certain role, that is, their cameras were kept, and they would not be like the previous few, who didn't even know where their expensive cameras went after they came out of the police station.

And that's all there is to it.

After switching to mobile live broadcast, their fate was even worse.

At the beginning, the live broadcast was fine, but there are always some places where their mobile phones suddenly lose signal.

Of course it's only a minute or two.

Seems innocuous.

But after the signal was restored, the reversal came.

There was no scene of following Lu Yun in the live broadcast, these little paparazzi pointed the camera at themselves very strangely, and came up with a monologue, saying that it is really tiring to follow that handsome young man who is so handsome, so I should find a place to have fun Let's go!

Immediately afterwards, the process of live broadcasting their visits to the brothel began.

This kind of self-destructive behavior didn't even require enthusiastic citizens to call the police, they recruited the anti-pornography team themselves.

Water friends commented one after another, the current anchor is too hard, for the sake of popularity, he is so hard to deceive himself.

There are also enthusiastic water friends who give advice and say, it doesn't have to be like this. If you want to be popular, you can go to the toilet to eat Ollie live. It's so simple.

These smart paparazzi feel creepy in retrospect, because they don't remember what they said or did.

Since then.

The paparazzi no longer dare to start a live broadcast casually.

Azu told Li Lu about these weird things, but Li Lu didn't believe it, and said that he would come to Jiangnan Province to see if it was really so weird.

It happened that Azu said that Zhuo Dawei had returned to Longguo and hid in Jiangnan Province, so Li Lu went to find Zhuo Dawei by the way.

After Li Lu came to Jiangnan Province, she lived in the presidential suite. After seeing Zhuo Dawei today, she returned to her place of residence.

The memory point stays at five o'clock in the afternoon.

But now, it was around 8:30 p.m., and there was a blank period of three and a half hours. Li Lu didn't remember what happened at all.

Hearing what Azu said, Li Lu realized that it was the young man next to Xiao Qin who did the trick.

Azu hesitated for a while, and said: "Sister Li, that young man is probably a high-ranking person, I think we should forget it..."

"Forget it? What are you kidding? I, Li Lu, have sworn that I will kill Xiao Qin in this life, and it will ruin her reputation. Tell me to forget it? How?"

Before Azu finished speaking, Li Lu interrupted.

Now that Li Lu has already said this, what else can Azu say, he is just a paparazzi who takes money to do things, so he definitely doesn't dare to give orders to Li Lu.

Li Lu frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "You just said that the kid next to Xiao Qin went out from this room?"

Azu nodded: "I'm very sure, it's him."

"Hmph, since he came to the door by himself, I have to find out his identity today and follow me to the hotel reception."

Li Lu snorted coldly, and hurriedly walked outside.

Azu said: "Sister Li, how about...you put on your clothes first?"

He swallowed.

Only then did Li Lu realize that she was so excited just now that she completely forgot that she was not wearing any clothes.

After being reminded by Azu, he suddenly realized this.

Li Lu didn't say anything, with a gloomy face, she put on her tight suspender skirt, then white stockings, and high heels, and didn't tell Azu to avoid her.

One is that she is not in the mood now.

The other is that she has long been used to this kind of scene.

After getting dressed, the two quickly took the elevator down to the first floor and found the hotel reception. Li Lu asked, "Help me check the registration information of the man who brought me to the hotel."

If Lu Yun really brought her here, she would definitely register her identity information when she checked into the hotel.

There was a young girl at the front desk. After hearing Li Lu's words, she smiled and replied, "Don't worry, ma'am, our hotel will keep the customer's information absolutely confidential, and it will definitely not be leaked."

rest assured?

Li Lu immediately realized that the receptionist probably thought he was testing her.

Although Li Lu has withdrawn from the entertainment industry, she was once a very popular first-line star, often active on the screen, and there must be many people who know her.

A well-known person came to open a room with a man. The hotel must keep it secret, otherwise who would dare to come to their hotel in the future?

That's exactly what the girl at the front desk thinks.

And she was very sure that Li Lu was just reminding her to keep it secret.

Otherwise, where would someone come to open a room together, only to turn around and ask for their companion's registration information? Shouldn't you be the clearest about that man's information?