
Good mom

"No" I responded loudly


"Uhh…I'm so sorry. It's just-that I-I don't want to talk about that now"

"ok. If you insist"

I took a sip of my wine and gave him a faint smile "Hope you're ok"

I nod "Yeah. Thanks for understanding"

He smiled at me showing off some magical dimples which made my heart skip many paces. I held my chest dramatically because of the feeling. Goodness! I've never felt like this.

"Brithney" he called, concern visible on his countenance.

"Don't ever do that again…please"

He looked at me with crumpled fonts "What are you talking about?"

I shook my head trying to shake off the drunken feeling "Never mind"

"No way! Tell me. What did I do?" he persisted

"I can't tell you that" I replied

"How would I stop myself from doing it next time if I don't know what it is?" he said in chuckles

"I don't know"

He laughs making me melt within at his brought grin. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I notice this now? "What is wrong with you?"

"There you go again with that…" I still don't let it out

His eyes lit up at once "You mean my smile" he said staring into my eyes which caused me to cockle.

"Stop looking at me like that"

"Like how?" his lips grew wider into another breathtaking grin

I knew at once that he was teasing me so I struggled and looked away.

"This is fun" he uttered

"Don't think this is an opening to keep on your tease"

He made a gesture zipping his lips with his hands "I'm sorry I can't stop laughing"

I just smiled at him shaking my head "Do you even know what teasing means? I wish you saw your face right now. Unfortunately, I don't have a mirror. Do you have one? I know women always have that in their bags" he said looking at my sides

"No, I don't. If I had, I won't give you" he laughs lining against his seat and looking at me with that same grin. I don't think I could ever get enough of that beauty on his face.

<< What the heck Brithney!! >> that familiar voice roared again causing me to blink away from his profile.

I didn't get to see his face till I was done eating. Though it took me a lot to pretend as though he wasn't before me. I did peep once a while but stared away as soon as our eyes met.


Ciara POV

I've been super watchful these days. Not just because of what Brithney said about Leonel. Though one of the reasons. But because Jake keeps calling me to remember his words. I don't sleep at night. My minds keep wondering what will happen if he takes Jack from me. He is the only treasure I have. If only Jake was living a normal life, that wouldn't be a problem. I fulfill guiltily for not letting him know he had a son. Just look at how he is using this against me.

Do problems ever end? All I wanted was a normal life. I loved him and knew things were going to end well. Surprisingly destiny had everything planned. I don't know if prayers work, but I think now is the time to try. I hope whoever is up there, receives my supplication, and have mercy on me. I know I am not perfect. But I heard God is merciful.

All I want is for Jake to leave my son and me alone. I know it's selfish for me to say but, I have to save Jack from his dad. I don't want to drag him into our mess. We were very irresponsible back then. We didn't plan our future rightly. Now, look at where it landed us.

I don't want to put complete blame on Jake because it was my duty to have seen this coming. My parents were there to support me. What did I lack? Nothing. Well, I can't change the past. But I can change the future of my if ever future kids and that of others.

I started writing a book about things like this. During my free time, I do jot out those flaws that lead parents nowadays to be irresponsible. It could be, from their background, past life, etc.

I also interviewed some moms who find it difficult to get over the past. And I discovered that most people suffer from what went on with their own parent's relationship. If a family is broken, the children suffer from it. When they grow old, they carry owns their parent's mistakes into their marriages.

So many parents ignore that but I bring them to consciousness with the books I write. I have sailed for some of them in the market so I'll be interviewed today about the ones I wrote.

After that, I will have to sign some books out for promotion. I have waited for this day for like ever. My parents and the girls will be there to support me.

I got Jack dressed up and handed him to my mom while I prepare myself. All through my arrangement, Jake didn't stop ringing my phone. And Of course, I didn't pick. I didn't want anything making me nervous more than I already was. And nothing he had to say would have made me any better.

I put my phone in silence and we took off for the interview. The girls came later when we had already gotten in. The interview had not begun so I took the opportunity to talk with the girls and it was worth it. They calm me down and made me laugh as usual.

Just when I had to start, Jake called again. This was getting intense and I sensed something wasn't right. I wanted to pick but Brithney captivated the phone.

"No. You can talk to him later. Now is not the right time" she offed my phone at once and I nodded taking in a breath before heading out to the audience.

The audience was above my expectations. It took me out of guard but also made me so happy. This was like a dream to know many people who read my books and are here for more.

I matched towards my seat waving at the crowd with a wide grin on my face. They looked just as joyous as I was.

"Welcome to flour Ciara," The presenter said

"Thank you Benny" I responded settling.

"Are you ready to tell these wonderful people about you?"

"I've never been so ready in my life."

"You got this?" he encouraged

I nodded "Yeah I got this"

"Great! So now ladies and gentlemen, present here with us is Ciara and she will answer all of your questions"

"I will begin with the bases and you folks will take over," he says again.

"Ciara, tell us what you feel. What can you say about this day?"

"There's nothing so gracious more than the joy of your voice being heard. So many people have been willing to get their story out there but gave up eventually. Probably because they feel inferior and feel they're not enough. But I want to say this. It was never easy, and it's never going to be easy for anyone with ambition. I am most happy today because this moment has been put aside for someone out there. Someone who is about giving up or has already given up. This day is not about me. It's about you. Yes, you. You know who you are…"


While Ciara talked to the audience, Apriva received a call from Joel. She stared at the phone hesitantly. Brithney who was by her side, nodded for her to answer. Yet, she canceled the call.

"I'm sorry I can't. I'm not ready"

Katty pathed her shoulder "Sometimes we don't need to be ready. If we wait to get ready, we'll miss what we were supposed to have"

"Did that just come from you to her?" Brithney asked staring at both of them. They smile at each other.

"No matter our fights, we'll always remain sisters." Katty voiced

Brithney applauds "Hope this last till the end of the day"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Katty questioned

"I didn't say anything," Brithney said looking at Apriva who has been silent.

"Do you miss him?" Brithney asked and she slowly nodded

"Then just call him" Katty uttered. She shook her head.

"Shit! You're so stubborn" Katty mentioned

"Well, she took over you" Brithney comments, and Apriva smiles

"There you go, princess. Smile. Today is a great day. Not just for Ciara. For every soul present here"

Jack leaves his grandma's side and runs towards Brithney "Aunty!" he called falling into her wide arm "Oh My boy! Look how big you are. I can barely lift you"

"Gush I hate it when I'm called that" Katty muttered under her breath.

They all laughed at her "Don't mind stupid Aunt. She is very ungrateful"

"Stop telling him that! I'm very generous and wonderful. I just prefer you call me by my name" Katty let out playing with Jacks' hair.

"He knows just how to disappear" Ciara's mom spoke coming towards them.

"Damn son…did you hear what grandma said?" Brithney asked still holding him in her arms

"I love hiding," Jack said

"Look at that. He's proud of his works" Katty compliments

"Why do you love hiding?"

"Because I don't want to get caught" he responds

"Wow! That is brilliant. But you don't have to hide from mom or grandma. They are there to protect you. You know that right?"

He nodded "So you don't do that next time. They could get really worried. Deal?"

"Deal" he replied grinning

"Good boy," Brithney said kissing the crown of his head.

"You are going to be a good mom," Ciara's mom said

To be continued…