
Get a good lawyer

Brithney positioned Jack down "Thank you. If that ever happens" she whispered the last sentence.

"Of course it will happen" Ciara's mom adds "You're a good woman. You can't waste such good lineage"

"I'm flattered" Brithney responded

"And I'm fucking jealous right now" Katty let out and they giggled

"You will soon get married. So you have nothing to worry about" Ciara's mom continued

"Pfft" Katty rolled her eyes


"That was a good one. Well, as a single mom, I make sure my past doesn't affect my present or future. My mom showed me love abundantly no matter what she went through with my dad. She didn't let problems come between our relationship. And I want to congratulate her for her patience. If not for her, I won't be here." Ciara said

"Aww…that's so sweet" her mom commented offset.

"Where is your mom now?" Benny questioned

"She's in there watching from the TV with my son and friends. They are my family. They came to support me. I want to thank them as well"

"Could we get some applauds for Ciara's family" Benny request and the crown claps?

"Thank you so much." Ciara appreciated

"Now let's move to the next question"

"Do you feel it's ok for parents to keep secrets from their kids" Someone from the audience speaks

"That depends on age. For example, if children are younger than four, they do not care about certain things. But when they pass that age, they get matured in their reasoning and see things differently. In that stage, it is not suggested to keep any vital information from them. They could easily get obsessed with it, which is not good. And if they find out on their own, it's going to be way harder than you think."

"Most parents just-develop this habit of keeping secrets from their children. Mostly because they underestimate the future of those kids with an excuse of trying to protect them. They are tormented with their past and how they were treated by their parents. However, they turn to replay what their parents did in their present lives." Ciara explained


The interview went smoothly. Then was the time for her books to be signed so her audience went home with them. Her mom and son were by her side, while the girls chatted with some of the assemblies.

"Can I take a pic with you?" a young lady requested

"Sure" Ciara responded positioning herself to have a snapshot but turns pale seeing Jake on the screen standing behind her.

She became motionless which did not go unnoticed by her fan.

"You're ok?" the lady questioned

"Uh…yeah. Sorry" she apologized with a faint smile and they went on with a quick pic. All the while, her gaze was on Jake from the screen. Neither did he keep eyes off her.

When the lady withdrew, she turned around to face him. Her mom followed her gesture as well as the girls. They all expressed shock.

"What are you doing here?" Ciara challenged and some of her audiences glared at both of them.

"Her son looks just like him" someone whispered within the hall of unfiltered voices.

Ciara's mom heard and signaled for them to have their conversation somewhere private but Jake refused to bulge away.

"I'm here for my son" he responded loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Can we talk privately?" Ciara requested

"I don't think it's necessary" he replied bending over to caress Jack

Her mom wanted to react but Ciara stopped her "I got this"

"Who are you?" Jack questioned as a habit towards strangers.

Ciara's heart sank hearing that from her son. Knowing full well what will proceed Jake's mouth.

"I'm your daddy" he responded and she turned pale peeping uncomfortably at her surroundings and the watchful eyes.

"My daddy!?" Jack seemed excited. He always loved to have someone he could call that. In school, his mates never stop talking about their pops. So this was a huge breakthrough for him.

"Yes, buddy. And I promise I won't leave you no matter what" he replied taking Jack into his arm "Never" he added

"…" Ciara stood there hopelessly

"Everyone! The session is over. You can now take your leave, please" Her mom announced and they had their way out of the hall with a little bit of hesitation and so many questions in their mind.

"You have no right to come here and take my son away from me just like that!" Ciara said in grit. Anger rising within her.

Jake looked up at her releasing himself from his son's embrace. And rose with knitted fonts "Point of correction. Our son"

She gave him a sharp gaze with blood rushing through her veins abnormally.

"And talking about right, you should be preaching that to yourself. You kept your pregnancy from me. Didn't I have the right to know? I guess not. Because I was just some shit to you. And to my full knowledge, none of these should be happening if you steaked with me"

"I can't believe you just said that" Ciara responded

"Please leave us alone. And take Jack along" she said to her mom

"Come here cutie," Katty called taking Jack into her arms and leaving soon after with the girls and Ciara's mom who looked back for a sec before disappearing.

"I don't remember a single time I was peaceful being with you. So how in the fucking world did you expect me to speak to that kind of life?! Why exactly are you here? What do you want from Jack?"

He ruffles his hair "You need to understand I am his dad. And if you ever for once put yourself in my space, you would do the same"

Ciara chuckles "Now I see how determined you are in making my life miserable"

He shakes his head unbelievably "We had an agreement. I promised to let you see him. I guess that's fair for hiding his existence from me"

"I know you came back at me for that. So congrats on your success. But I must say, I prefer we deal with this in court. I'm not letting you have my son"

"You don't know what you're saying Ciara" he dips his hand in his pockets

"I know absolutely everything about what I say! I understand and acknowledge the fallouts. But as far as Jack is a concern, I will give my pride away and face justice for his rights"

"You mean-justice for my right? The rights you took from me"

"Stop saying that!"

"You need to accept your mistake, Ciara. If not, I'm sorry you're going to lose Jack forever!"

"That's never going to happen. Do you understand the gravity behind the step you're about to take? Risking to be in jail? You don't, do you?"

"I thought you knew I'm smarter than that. What if I ask if you do understand the intensity behind the decision you are taking? Being ready to lose your son for good."

she shakes her head frustrated "I know you're not here for Jack. Rather something-else. Because if you want to stay with him, you won't put his life at risk."

"I love my son. And I love his mom"

Ciara rolled her eyes and he continues "I want to protect both of you from my past. I'm cleaning up my mess Ciara. I can't possibly explain this to you. You just won't understand"

"Then make me understand!" Ciara's eyes started to stink with tears threatening to flow down her cheeks.

He made a step close about to cup her cheek. But she drew back looking down her feet.

He clenched his jaws and sighed "Hope you revisit your words"

"There's nothing to revisit. Just go"

"We'll meet in court then" he turned around to leave. But stopped on his way and Ciara felt he wanted to take back his statements.

"Get a good lawyer," he declared openly then left

She breathes out heavily staring at the spot he stood with her lower lips in between her fangs.

Soon after her girls matched in with Jack and his grandma "Thank Jesus he's gone!" Katty praised

"What happened?" her mom questioned

"I need a lawyer" she responded shortly and they all stare at each other "What an asshole!! He's ready to go to jail because of this!" Katty wailed

"He's planning something" she responded

"We don't have a choice do we?" she rubbed her face in frustration

"We'll get you a good lawyer. Don't worry everything is going to be fine" Brithney assured placing a hand over her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'm trying to believe that" she leaned against her touch looking at her son who was playing with the hem of his grandma's cloth.

To be continued…