
I Have My Own Dungeon To Leveling

Arthur, was stranded in this world at age 12 after learning the news of his parents falling into a coma after successfully defending the nation's borders. Learning later that an expensive magic potion is required to awaken his parents from a coma, Arthut becomes a hunter and wanders from portal to portal alongside a group of inexperienced hunters who despise him and treat him like useless garbage. After escaping piggyback from the beasts' claws during an F-rank dungeon expedition, Arthur falls unconscious due to his severe injuries. On the verge of dying due to excessive blood loss from him, he suddenly hears a monotonous voice in his head with what little consciousness he has left. [Do you wish to enter the dungeon?] Not knowing what's going on or what this voice is in his head, Arthur unconsciously agrees. After agreeing, his soul is sealed by the voice in his head and Arthur is transported to a mysterious dungeon where he fights powerful infinite beasts and in the process gains incredible strength.

borqueh · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - Torn by beasts

Within the F rank dungeon it is known to have a lush jungle-like world of Earth within it.

A 15-year-old boy with a haggard appearance and an anxious expression on his face can be seen running nimbly through nature avoiding anything that would interrupt his escape.

The boy's appearance was average; black hair, jet black eyes, black t-shirt and shorts. This simple-looking boy was Arthur.


Furious roars were heard throughout the jungle, specifically a few meters behind Arthur.

Hearing the angry beasts behind him, Arthur refused to stop for even a second to rest and forced his body to continue running.

As she escaped with all her might from him, she never looked away in front of him.

Watching from a distance his team of hunters who had caused this situation and fled cowardly leaving him behind, Arthur felt a strong anger in his body.

"James, you son of a bitch! I told you not to try to attack a baby Red Monkey! "Arthur thought angrily.

He did not say those words out loud because he did not want to waste his precious energy on meaningless words that would not be heard.

As the weakest and slowest of all, Arthur grew more and more distant from his hunting team.

Meanwhile, seeing how they got closer and closer to his delicious prey, the beasts that were chasing Arthur began to increase his speed.

The ground trembling slightly from the force of the beasts plus the countless number of interspersed footsteps sounded throughout the jungle area.

If Arthur didn't hurry, it would be the next meal for these bloodthirsty beasts.

It was no longer a matter of protecting his precious young from the hands of his enemies. Now they just wanted to satisfy their palate with human flesh. And what better than a weak and delicious human?

Averting his gaze behind his shoulder, Arthur saw a multitude of wild red monkeys chasing him as if his lives depended on it.

This scene only further reinforced his thought of not stopping, even though his stamina was slowly wearing thin in the process.

The sharp branches of the bushes cut into his skin creating new wounds and causing the spilled blood to be sent flying through the air.

Seeing these precious drops of blood, the maddened beasts closest to Arthur were the first to put their mouths on them. This motivated them to continue their persecution.

While escaping from the clutches of the beasts, Arthur watched in the distance as his team leapt toward the portal through which they entered the dungeon.

"Don't stop, Arthur! If you are a little late, you will no longer see tomorrow! "

Arthur tried to motivate himself with words of encouragement. Arthur nearly tripped on several occasions, but managed to stay on his feet at the last minute.

His determination flashed in his eyes to see his family again and see the warm smiles of his parents that Arthur remembered as a child.

Meter after meter the distance was rapidly closing. The beasts roared as they tried to catch up with Arthur.

The beasts had a hunch that if their prey entered that mysterious portal, they would never be able to see it again.

"I'm almost there! Just a little more!"

Arthur looked longingly at the portal a few feet from him. Thinking that he might already escape the clutches of the beasts, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, he claimed victory ahead of time.

Before he could get any closer to the portal, he saw out of the corner of his eye as a shadowy figure hidden in the bushes made his sudden appearance.

A red monkey just over a meter tall emerged from the bushes with its claws raised in the air with the intention of killing Arthur with a single attack.


Puzzled by this, Arthur didn't have time to react when he was knocked down by the red monkey as they both rolled six feet on the ground.

"Damn, get off me!"

Arthur with his heart beating a thousand, tried with all his might to separate the red jumpsuit that was on his chest.

"Arghhhh, it hurts! Let go of you fucking monkey! "

Arthur grunted in pain as he felt the strong claws of the red monkey clinging tightly to his skin.

Just when he was thinking of moving the mana from his body to his arms to have a little more strength, Arthur saw dozens of silhouettes surrounding him and the red jumpsuit on his chest.

Looking at these silhouettes that happened to be the beasts that were chasing him just moments ago, Arthur froze completely due to fear.

"N-no ..."

Before he could process the scene in front of him, the hungry beasts around him leapt at Arthur with extreme cruelty.


Arthur screamed as loud as he could when the pain from every part of his body being ripped apart by the beasts was transmitted to his brain.

He tried to escape from her hands, but because they were too powerful to the point that they could easily defeat an F-rank expert hunter, Arthur could only resist until the torture was over.

The beasts hungrier for human flesh from the group of red monkeys did not hesitate and went straight for Arthur's limbs.

Watching his body being eaten away, Arthur could only scream in pain until his voice was hoarse. And yet the pain didn't stop.

He lost consciousness many times over the course of a few seconds. He wished he was unconscious so he wouldn't feel any more pain. Unfortunately, he woke up for the same reason.

Pain. Hell of pain.

It was a traumatizing experience that would mark him for life if he ever managed to survive. But looking at his living body from him being eaten, it was unlikely.

As the red monkeys were enjoying their feast of human flesh, a mighty roar was heard throughout the jungle that made them shudder.

Stopping their meal, the red monkeys looked in the direction this loud roar had come from and ran towards it as if their lives depended on it.

Arthur watched this scene with the vision of him about to turn dark and empty.

In a trance state, Arthur stood up with his body covered in blood and his limbs missing flesh and muscle. It was even possible to notice part of his bones.

Consciousness about to fade, Arthur walked slowly towards the portal until he was sucked into it.