
I have multiverse traverse simulator system

. . . I am copying this fiction for my preference, so you may find changes . English is my third so, there's grammar mistakes, sorry for that. And please not expect much. The cover is not mine, and If creator want's to remove it please let me know.

PEACE_975 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Wife dependent II


Apart from the elder sister, the spider family has the best relationship with her mother, right?

In the first simulation, his relationship with his mother was even better than that of his sister.

Speaking of which, he was able to survive in the first place because of his mother.

"It's really hard for her."

He sighed.

He could imagine how much courage it must have taken for his mother to plead Rui.

At this moment, Rui was extremely fortunate, fortunately it was just a simulation, and he had countless opportunities to change the fate of everyone.


[Ding, the settlement is successful, your evaluation for this traversal simulation is C, and you can choose one of the following rewards.

1. The blood of ghosts.

2. Blue Talent · Natural Favor.

3. The special ability of the spider demon.

4. White talent · people who eat melons. ]


"Huh? Natural Favor?"

When Axel saw this reward, he was stunned for a moment.

It never occurred to him.

This time, the reward actually brushed this out.

In other words, talents can be inherited into real world?

Axel was very surprised.

Looking at the evaluation of this simulation is C, to think that the last evaluation of D did not show talent.

He guessed that talents of different colors may require different levels of evaluation to inherit.

Without the slightest hesitation, Axel directly said.

"System, I choose the blue talent · Natural Favor."

On the surface, this talent does not seem to have any substantial benefits.

But Axel, who has simulated twice, is well aware of the power of this talent.

Now that it has been brushed out, it is natural to take him down.


[Ding, the selection is successful, and the reward has been issued. ]

[The simulator is cooling down. The cooling time for this time is two hours. ]

[You can choose to inherit a talent. The inherited talent will definitely appear in the next simulation. Do you want to inherit it? ]

[Note: No matter how many talents the host inherits in reality, the host in the simulation will not carry any talents for each simulation, please pay attention to the host. ]


"Huh? Doesn't carry any talents?"

"Then inherit! Continue to inherit the natural favor."

When Axel heard the words, he said without hesitation.

He felt a little regretful, but after thinking about it, it was normal.

After all, if your talent can be brought into the simulator.

It was okay at the beginning, but if it gets to the end, how much talent does he have, it can be said to be a bug.

So although Axel regretted it, it was not incomprehensible.


[Successfully inherited the Natural Favor. ]

[Ding, it has been detected that the natural favorability has been used three times in a row. After the next simulation, this talent will not be inherited. Please pay attention to the host. ]



Axel was taken aback for a moment.

Could a talent only be used three times in a row? There are quite a lot of rule.

"Okay, I see."

He was helpless, but he still waved his hand to express his understanding.

It seems that next time if he want to have a Natural Favor, he have to rely on luck to brush it up again.

But at that time, maybe there is a better talent than Natural Favor.

After answering all the questions of the his, he let the system cool down.

This time, Axel also began to think seriously about the demon world.

"The problems here are easy to talk about. If you can't simulate it once, then you can simulate it again. If you can't do it twice, you can do it three times. There will always be a day when you can solve it."

"However, compared to being Demon, maybe it's time to think about other things."

Axel thought to himself.

Just saying so, but the main thing.

In fact, Axel was thinking about what kind of attitude he should adopt when facing demon in the simulation in the future.

If he crossed 'Demon Slayer' and joined the demon killing team at the beginning and became a Demon Slayer, then he would naturally not think about it.

But he started off as an Demon, and in the simulation, he also simulated from the perspective of an Demon. It was inevitable, and of course he couldn't help but start thinking.

In the final analysis, the appearance of all the demons in Demon Slayer is basically directly or indirectly related to the Demon king muzan kibutsuji, right?

Whether you like it or not, accept it or not, once you become a Demon, you become a Demon.

Most of the people here may be ordinary people before they become Demons, and they don't even know the existence of demons, so if they become demon because of muzan , just like Nezuko in the original.

Are these people innocent?

Nature is innocent.

But even if you are innocent and become a demon, you will naturally stand on the opposite side of human beings.

Some people here may have resisted when they first became demon.

But how can it be so easy to resist the instinct of being a demon?

Even the Axel in the simulation, didn't he choose to compromise in the end?

Those special demons in the original

Nezuko, Tamayo, Yushiro... there are only three of them.

Needless to say, Nezuko, as the protagonist's younger sister, the reason why she can succeed is regardless of the protagonist's halo.

When does the whole series not describe the specialness of Nezuko as a demon?

It is not an exaggeration to say that even the king of Demons, Muzan Kibutsuji, is not so special as Nezuko.

The reason why Tamayo and Yushiro were able to succeed.

It also relies on Tamayo's super medical skills, which in a truth that ordinary people can't replicate at all.

In "Demon Slayer " series, It's story revolves around Tanjiro's perspective.

Even so, you can see that many demons are not bad in nature, but after being turned into demons by muzan, they slowly evolved into the appearance in the play.