
I have multiverse traverse simulator system

. . . I am copying this fiction for my preference, so you may find changes . English is my third so, there's grammar mistakes, sorry for that. And please not expect much. The cover is not mine, and If creator want's to remove it please let me know.

PEACE_975 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Wife Dependent I


Then again, how could he be such a person if he lived in an upright manner all his life.

It's unbelievable.

How could the simulator simulate him like this.

Where is the morality? Where is the bottom line? Where is the dignity? He's clearly still a minor.


[Today, you were still sleeping, but your sister had already woken up. She looked at your sleeping face with a gentle smile on her face. After she lowered her head and kissed you, she spoke to you who was sleeping soundly. ]

[She said that during this period of time, she was really very, very happy, and all of this was because of your existence, but... the happy time is always short. ]

[These days, she can feel that Rui's intentions is getting more and more murderous towards her, so it is estimated that Rui is almost at his limits. ]

[She told you a lot... until the end, she even couldn't help crying. She told you that last time you asked her if she regretted it, she answered no, but now she regrets it. ]

[She regret that she shouldn't have confessed to you back then, and she shouldn't be greedy for short-term happiness, because these days, she can see how much you care about her, and she can't imagine what you would do if something happened to her. ]

[And last time, she said that she was very happy now, even if she die, she will be satisfied. ]

[It's just that she knows that you can't stop rui now, no matter what you do, it's futile. ]

[While talking, Your sister's face suddenly paused, and she looked outside. She knew that it was Rui. ]

[Her eyes began to show fear, but she took a deep look at you, tears dripped down her cheeks, She got up and started to walk out. ]

[After leaving, Your sister never came back, she left her last tenderness to you. ]

[The next day, after you woke up, you didn't see your sister. You were a little surprised, and you had an ominous premonition in your heart. You frantically searched for Spider Mountain, but you didn't find your sister. ]

[You knelt on the ground in pain, understood everything, and your heart was filled with anger. You came to rui and asked him, where is your sister? ]

[Rui is very calm, he told you that your sister has disappeared under the sun, and when you heard Rui answer, you were furious and shot at him without hesitation. ]

[Rui was astonished, He never thought that you would attack him. When he killed his younger brother and sister before, you obviously didn't go too far. ]

[The movement of the two of you caught the attention of other family members, and they all ran over, full of astonishment at this scene. ]

[Easily blocking your attack, Rui regained his composure, and told you that if you stops now, he can forget about it. But the attack in your hand has not stopped. ]

[Looking at the way you treat death like home and keep attacking, He was getting more and more irritable. It's obviously just a futile attempt to attack him. He doesn't understand why you insist on it. It's almost as if you are looking for death. ]

[Finally, you are so injured that you are numb. Because of your own injury, you are also furious. While shooting, he scolded you angrily, why can't you share the fetters of your family with him, you obviously gave this fetters to your younger siblings, sisters and even your mother, why is there no him! ]

[You didn't speak, or you couldn't speak at all in the current situation, until you were dying, lying on the ground ready to meet your own death, and you saw your mother kneeling on the ground begging you to let you go, but in the fury Rui not only ignored it, but also directly cut off her mother's neck. ]

[Afterwards, with a look of astonishment, you also died under Rui hands. ]

[you are dead. ]

[This traversal simulation is over, settlement is in progress...].

[This traversal simulation is over, settlement is in progress...]


Axel watched the ending in the simulator, and also fell into silence.

he have to say, it's really miserable.

His sister was eventually killed.

Then when he learned the truth, he went directly to Rui, wanting to avenge his sister, but ended up being killed.

Maybe it's just like what his sister said, if he doesn't do anything, he can live in peace, right?

At least he can live until plot of the Mount Natagumo not started.

Even in this simulation, he who has regained his memory.

If he want to escape, he may be able to take advantage of the chaos and escape at that time by using the prophet's ability.

In the simulation, though, he didn't do that.

Because that's not his style at all.

"With my temperament, it's not surprising that I died in that situation. After all, I really can't beat the Rui right now. I just didn't expect that my mother would come forward to intercede in the end. It's really unexpected."

Rui rubbed his forehead, feeling a little complicated.

After all, in his impression, his mother was terrified of Rui.

Just like in the first simulation, when a few people escaped, his sister didn't suggest taking their mother with them.

"That little girl, don't think that just because I succeeded in pleading for my sister, and you just think that you can succeed too?"

That's right, little girl.

In Axel's view, the so-called mother is just a little girl pretending to be a mother.

As far as he knew, his mother's real age was the youngest in the spider family.

After seeing his mother's real face, he knew that she was not that old at all.

The reason why she is a mother may be because after her transformation, a certain part of her is the most plump, and has the most temperament, which is more in line with this identity.